Part One

Teen Top's Non-Christmas Holiday New Year Special 2015


"It isn't Christmas anymore, stupid," Niel said with his eyes glued to the screen. He clicked furiously on his keyboard. A few seconds later he heard Chunji yell in defeat from his room.

"But isn't it New Year's night in the west? We should celebrate!" Ricky whined. The hyungs never did fun things with him, instead they played LoL all night.

"Celebrate? You already spent Christmas clubbing how much celebrating do you want Changhyun?" Ljoe stopped copying the actors on the TV to say.

Ricky turned to his dongsaeng for help but like always, Changjo was siding with the other members. He ignored Ricky and stared at the TV.

"Cap hyung! It's New Year's,  let's go do something!"

"Shut up, he's sleeping!" Chunji said, closing his laptop.

"Hey, we were still playing!" Niel shouted. Chunji stuck his tongue out at Niel and joined Changjo and Ljoe, who were sitting on the couch.

He grabbed the remote to change the channel and said, "I don't know, maybe piggy is right. All we've been doing is practicing for the comeback lately."

"That's because we should!" Ljoe raised his voice, "We have to make it awesome, for Angels!"

Niel threw a pillow in Ljoe's face and sat next to Ricky on the floor.

"Dummies, it's not like our managers would let us go out anyway," Niel said.

The only sound in the room was the TV, as they all silently agreed. Ricky sighed and rolled onto his stomach to watch TV like the others.

DING DONG! The doorbell.

"Who could that be at this hour?" Changjo said.

'Food!' Ricky thought and ran to the door. But he paused with his hand on the doorknob, he didn't order anything.

"What do I do? I don't know who it is," he said.

"Aish just ignore it," Niel groaned as he grabbed the remote from Chunji to change the channel again,

"Open it, open it!"  Changjo said, running behind Ricky.

"There could be cameras," Ljoe said in a concerned tone but stood behind Changjo anyway.

"Yeah right, it's probably a fan." Chunji curiously followed the others to the door.

"Maybe they brought food." Ricky's mouth watered despite Changjo smacking the back of his head.

Niel, annoyed, pushed past the others and swiped Ricky's hand off the doorknob, "It's probably just Manager Hyung."

He opened the door.


"What the heck? There's no one there," Changjo said. He squeezed past the other members inti the hallway and looked around.

"Maybe it was a fan," Ricky said.

"They'd leave without seeing us?" Chunji said.

"Maybe they didn't leave! Maybe they have cameras!" As soon as Ljoe said this he got a smack from Chunji. Annoyed, he smacked Chunji back.

"Cut it out! Maybe there's a present or something," Niel said and began looking around like Changjo. The rest followed and looked around too.

After a while Ljoe sighed, "There's nothing here-"

"I found it!" Down the hallway, Ricky pulled an envelope off the elevator doors. He quickly opened it and the others crowded around him.

"It's a game!" Changjo yelled excitedly and took the envelope.

"Read it out loud!" Chunji said.

Silently without the members noticing, Cap walked half asleep out of the dorm to lean against the wall. His eyes were still closed.

Teens on Top, your holiday is running out.
You plan to spend it laying about?
There's no time to waste,
Though the night it still young.
So let's start rocking
And have some fun.
Where you work without rest for your dear fans
And make your exciting comeback plans
There is a surprise (and a snack) waiting just for you.

"The end doesn't even rhyme!" Niel said.

"They said snack! Shouldn't we go and see if it's really there?" Ricky begged s.

"What if it's a crazy sesaeng," Chunji said.

"It's probably the company playing a trick on us," Niel said.

"You guys..." Ricky said sadly. His head dropped low, finally a chance to do something fun together and the members are being like this…

Niel sighed and put an arm around Ricky, "Ah forget it. Even if it is the managers, we haven't gone out in a while. They're probably waiting for us at the company. Let's do it!"

"I agree," Changjo stood beside Ricky with a serious look on his face, failing to hide his excitement.

Ricky couldn't stop smiling. He looked at Chunji who laughed and then stood beside Changjo. They all turned to Ljoe.

"I should probably go back home…" Ljoe said quietly.

"Ah, hyung!"

"Come on when is the next time we'll get to do something fun?"

Ljoe didn't look at s and stood silently. What if they got in trouble with the company or a scandal or accident happens? They don't even know who sent them this letter. Anyway, it's close to the comeback! Shouldn't they be focusing and working hard?

"Aish. Let's forget him and go," Chunji said,  "If you change your mind Ljoe-gun, just meet us at the company."

The four of them began walking into the elevator on their way downstairs. Ljoe's jaw tensed and his fists curled into balls. It was after the elevator doors closed when finally he groaned and started walking quickly to the stairs to catch up with the others.

Silently Cap opened his eyes and walked slowly, like a sleepy snail, behind Ljoe.

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luckeystarz #1
Chapter 3: so cuteee.. love to read more of ur story author-nim.. :)
swaggeyy98 #2
Chapter 3: Awww this is sooo touching ;;;
Kitcatt #3
Chapter 3: dayummmmm keep up the good work author-nim!
Chapter 3: This was sooooo moving! ;;-;; i hope they have this kind of days sometime in their life too! And also that they do a friendship tamed mv hahahaha that would be Amazing wouldn't it?
LightsUpInTheSky #5
Chapter 3: SO CUTE!!! Good job Michelle!!!