Hanging Out

Chasing Rainbows
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It’s already 9pm when I reached my apartment. Looking for my keys, I was oblivious at his presence.




I feel like I’ve been split open and stuffed with sunshine upon noticing his silhouette in front of my house with his body leaning on my door. What is he doing here? But it didn’t matter what his intention was, the fact that his presence stained a smile upon my lips.


“Ji?” He called me out as soon as he heard my keys clanging against each other. And there he was smiling away when our eyes met.


There was something about the way he smiled; the way butterflies seemed to escape from the pit of my stomach. But I just grinned back at him and let the happiness soak right into my bones while this last. I wanted the feeling to still be there when he leaves me soon.


“What are you doing here, Joon?” I asked.


“Can’t I visit my best friend? And you were uncontactable for the whole day. What happened?” He gave her an odd look.


“Nothing happened. Just had a day out by myself.” I smiled, a gesture meant to reassure and give confidence for him to trust my words.




“Come in. Sorry you had to wait outside.”


“Nah, it’s okay. I wasn’t there long to die in the cold.” He joked.


“Yah! I’m being serious here.” I nudged his sides before he started to chuckle.


“Anyways, I got the job. It starts the day after tomorrow.”


“Really? At Wang’s Corporation?” says Caesar, mystified.


“Why are you so shocked by this? You underestimated my abilities, Kim Namjoon!” I growled, squinting my eyes at him.


“Aw why aren’t you being sensitive.” He smirked.




“So this means I can actually send you to work every morning and wait for you when your work ends right?” The way his lips lifted upward. The way his one dimple crinkles.


And being the obvious lad I am, I blushed beet red and stammered out,” Jungkook… Jungkook told me the both of you signed up for classes during the break. I wouldn’t… want to … you know… burden you.”  Why is he doing this to me? Why is he acting as if we’re dating? And I never understood why he is even attending classes, I mean he topped his classes and receives scholarships.


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dagriduo #1
looking forward to another story like this
dagriduo #2
wow this story is good :)
cloudsFLY09 #3
such a beautiful story. i read it when the rain was pouring hard.. and i want to cry T.T . btw this is the first namjoon's fic i ever read because im so in love with him recently kkk. im looking forwards another namjoon story of yours authornim.. fighting!!!
rap-monnie #4
I truly enjoyed this whole series
Chapter 47: Thanks for telling us that there is new story to read! I love your writing!
Dear01 #6
Chapter 46: Oh man.. miss youuu author-nim. Good luck for school T.T <3<3
Chapter 46: Perfect & I like this
__A__U__ #8
Chapter 11: Oh wow cool you're from Singapore too! I love your story^^
Chapter 45: Nooooo, Kookie, you hurt her so bad! Namjoon, you are dense as well so don't talk about someone else.

Yes, mystic messenger was addictive for me too.
Chapter 44: Oh yes, my feels :) Happiness for kookie???