{Jan. 16, 2016} Day 16

365 days of journaling [PERSONAL; NOT A FIC]

{ How does social media affect you? }

Oh my God where do I even start.

Social media is sosososososooooooooo bad for me.

I mean, yes, it does help me connect with friends that I don't see often, with friends that live far from me, with friends that share a common interest with me. But here's why it's bad for me.

  1. Procrastination. I'd rather scroll through insta, snap, tumblr, facebook, etc than do whatever I have to do.
  2. Addiction. I can't go a day without checking one of these. (I mostly blame snap streaks tbh)
  3. Most improtantly: need for likes. I am such a freaking like- its ridiculous. I need the feeling of people liking my pictures, my posts. Everything. It's such a strong desire.
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