{Jan. 11, 2016} Day 11

365 days of journaling [PERSONAL; NOT A FIC]

{ List 10 things your body does that is amazing }

Shoot this is hard

1. I can body roll.

2. Pelvic s?? (Like HyunA's Change LOLOL)

3. A, um, cartwheel?

4. All my fingers are double jointed.

5. I eat so much, but don't grow a single cm.

6. I can do cheer jumps! (pike and straddle)

7. Strong enough to pull and shoot 30 lb bows continuously for hours?

8. I really don't know wth. Oooo i can type more than 120 words per minute.

9. I can watch tv for hours without getting tired.

10. Same with reading ff


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