Chapter 2

Behind the Cameras

Chapter 2


        “Please tell me practice is over hyung. Please!” A whiny Hansol said.


        Everyone was dead tired, with sweating dripping all over their bodies and eyes almost drooping. They have been pushed too hard by Soonyoung but not once did they complain, except now.


        “I know you want perfection, hyung, but we still need to rest. We’ve been practicing for 8 hours straight, 

with no breaks,” Hansol said while breathing hard.


        “Just one more run-through and we’re done Hansol-ah. You can do it, hmm?” the performance leader said.


        Hansol huffed and blows his bangs away from his face, but nonetheless went back to his position. Everyone else did the same except for Wonwoo, who is still sitting and can’t seem to stand up.


        “Yah! Jeon Wonwoo! Get up!?” Soonyoung yelled.


        “I-I-I can’t,” Wonwoo whimpered.


        “You’ve been the cause of delay once today already, Wonwoo. Stop being a freaking drama queen and get up!” Soonyoung yelled.


        Again, Wonwoo didn’t and what’s worse is he seems to be ignoring the performance leader.


        Soonyoung had had enough of Wonwoo’s wimpiness and went to the sloth’s place. He dragged him up and looked at him in the eye. “This is your last warning, Jeon Wonwoo. Just do it one more time so we’ll be done for the day and you can go back to moping about.”


        Wonwoo’s just nodded at whatever Soonyoung was saying but in truth he didn’t understand a thing he said. Soonyoung looked at Wonwoo’s eyes and seemed to be satisfied with Wonwoo’s answer he then went back to his place.


         They then went back to practicing but Wonwoo is just standing there and doing nothing. He’s causing the other members to trip and yell until Soonyoung had enough of it and stopped the music.


        “What the freaking hell is wrong with you Jeon Wonwoo?” He yelled and grabbed the collars of his shirt.


        Wonwoo was just staring blankly at him and it really pissed Soonyoung off so he punched Wonwoo’s face. And just like that, he was out like a light.


        “Hyung!” The younger members rushed towards Wonwoo while the older members restrained Soonyoung. It was not the first time that Soonyoung punched someone but it is the first time that he punched his best friend.


        “Cool your head, Soonyoung,” Their leader said while restraining the performance leader.


        “He is driving me crazy, hyung. Why the hell is he so out of it?” Soonyoung whispered angrily.


        “Hyung! Wonwoo hyung is burning up!” a panicked Myungho cried while feeling up Wonwoo’s forehead.


        All the remaining members not by Wonwoo’s side looked at the younger members crowding the unconscious member. Wonwoo was so pale and unresponsive as most of the members crowding him was shaking him.


        Almost all of the members were frozen as they don’t know what to do-the older members stood there staring at Wonwoo, the younger ones were frantically shaking him and calling out his name. Finally, someone decided to take some action.


        Mingyu stood up and lift up his hyung. He doesn’t know what to do but one thing’s for sure, shaking him and calling out his name won’t do any good. Mingyu’s on his way out of the door when finally, most of the members sprung into action.


        “Where are you taking him, Kim Mingyu?” Junghan said while falling into step with him.


        “The hospital, where else hyung? Staring at him won’t do any good,” the younger replied.


        “I know,” Junghan sighed. “Here, let me help you with carrying him.”


        Mingyu shook his head. “I’m okay hyung, Wonwoo hyung is not that heavy, just open the door and call a taxi,” the younger replied.



        Mingyu, Seungcheol, Junghan, and Jisoo was on their way to the hospital while the other members stayed at their dorm to wait for news about Wonwoo’s condition.


        Hansol is enclosed in Minghao’s arms and Seungkwan was in Chan’s. Jihoon, Seokmin and Soonyoung is in deep discussion on what they should tell their manager when he hears the news that Wonwoo is in the hospital possibly because of Soonyoung.


        “Minghao, do you think Wonwoo hyung will be okay?” Hansol asked Minghao.


        “He’ll be okay, Hansol. Just believe in hyung,” Minghao said while ruffling Hansol’s hair.


        “But he was burning up, like he’s so cold and all. And then Soonyoung hyung punched him! And he won’t wake up no matter how much we shook him. How can he still be okay Minghao? And he doesn’t have Jun hyung right now since he’s in China…”


        “Hansol… Shut up for a minute. You’re talking too fast for me to follow,” Minghao gently said.


        Hansol just huffed and pouted. He doesn’t want to repeat what he said, it makes it more real the more he said it. Minghao seemed to understand the meaning of Hansol’s silence and just hugged him harder. He knows how close Hansol is to Wonwoo, and the fact that he’s trapped in the dorm while his favorite hyung is in the hospital is grating on his nerves.



        “Seungkwan hyung, Wonwoo hyung will be just fine. He’s sturdier than us, he’ll pull through,” Chan said while comforting the crying Seungkwan.


        "But-but-but, he was so pale when Mingyu lifted him. And he didn’t move at all,” Seungkwan whimpered.


        Chan can’t say anything to comfort the older because the same thoughts are filling him. Wonwoo is hyung is the favorite hyung of the maknae line, seeming so strong and cold yet has a heart of gold. He is always talking to them and making sure that they’re okay, even sharing some food with them behind cameras. When they’re shooting he always teases them by not giving them food, but when there are no more cameras around them he always gives them his food, even if there’s nothing left for him.


        And when he started dating Junhui, he seemed more open, especially with affection. He hugs the maknae line more, shares skinship with them that he never did much before.


        Chan is feeling the guilt of making Wonwoo practiced. If he didn’t force Soonyoung earlier to make Wonwoo hyung practice, he probably won’t be in the hospital today.


        “Seungkwan hyung, he’ll be okay. Just believe in him, he’ll pull through,” Chan said comforting the older, but more especially, comforting himself from the guilt that he feels.



        “Soonyoung, why the hell did you feel the need to punch him?” Jihoon whispered angrily, trying not to alert the younger members of the anger that he feels towards the performance leader right now.


        “Yes Soonyoung hyung. You could have talked to Wonwoo hyung properly instead of just punching him. What if he suffers from brain damage because of what you did?” Seokmin said.


        Soonyoung is feeling the stress right now and paced back and forth. He was worried about Wonwoo’s condition and that maybe he contributed to further worsen his state.


        “Soonyoung, stop pacing. You’re giving me a headache,” Jihoon said while putting his hands on Soonyoung’s shoulders. His heart goes out to the performance leader’s heartbroken face. He knows how much Soonyoung love Wonwoo, and would never literally hurt him if he could, but the stress of their comeback in a few months and the burden of his love for their other member is really outing a toll on Soonyoung.


        Seokmin scoffed at the older members. Everyone knows how much Soonyoung loves Wonwoo, except maybe for Wonwoo, but that doesn’t excuse how badly Soonyoung had treated Wonwoo earlier. It just made the situation worse because how can you hurt someone you love?


        “Soonyoung hyung, you better not come near Wonwoo hyung after he goes back from the hospital, or you’ll have to answer to me,” Seokmin said then abandoned the two older members in favor of going to comfort the younger members at the other side of the room.


        “Don’t listen to him, Soonyoung, he’s just jealous of you,” Jihoon tried to comfort Soonyoung.


        “But he’s right though. How can I approach him when I know I’m the reason he’s in the hospital?” the crest fallen performance leader said.


        Jihoon was about to say some comforting words again, but Soonyoung decided to go and leave the room. He just sighed and looked at the other members in the room. He wished his own lover was with him right now so he could take comfort in his arms.




What's this? I uploaded in the same week? WOOOOOOH!!! hahaha, that's because this is a sorry chapter for such a short chapter last time, although this one's short too... Thank you guys for all the new subscribers! I'm sorry I'm not able to thank you one by one as my internet connection is super slow, and really, I don't have the time, with me being sick 90% the time, and being bombarded by quizzes and oral recitations every class, but one's I get use to my schedule and my internet connection is a little better I'll thank all of you guys for supporting this story. Anyway, leave your thoughts down below? Thank you!:)

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Londonerfan #1
Chapter 14: Please let Wonwoo get together with Junhui.
Exoticfangirl2011 #2
Chapter 14: UGHH NOW ITS A TRIANGLE. i can't handle this story *cries* I'm like crying in fustration I hate all these characters that keep being with Wonwoo. *^* i don't like this naeun girl or Jun right now. Like stopppp. I thought it would be a meanie fic but everything is turning upside down. It seems like Wonwoo still likes that girl so that girl might like him back and if that happens I don't want this anymore.
Wonwoopa #3
Chapter 14: I hope he'll get with mingyu tho
littlebun91 #4
Chapter 14: junhuii please...
Londonerfan #5
Chapter 13: I like meanie but I hope this isn't a meanie fanfic.
Exoticfangirl2011 #6
Chapter 13: Yeah mingyu go get yo man!!! Tell Jun to gtfo!!! Thanks for Im nayoung for putting sense into mingyu
Wonwoopa #7

susivalenzuela #8
Chapter 13: Meanie!!!!! <3
Exoticfangirl2011 #9
Chapter 11: Soooooo soonyoung ship junwon? That's not good. I thought this was meanie? I'm confused. Help.