Chapter 9

Behind the Cameras

Chapter 9

    Mingyu is already losing his patience with all the members question. It's always the same: "How could you be straight?", "Weren't you inlove with Wonwoo?", "Who is this Im Nayoung?", and this really takes the cake, "How can you not tell us you were in a relationship? I thought you were too innocent!" All these and more is what he'd been hearing for the past hour or so, and even the most patient person would be ticked off if he's been questioned with the same things over and over again just phrased differently, and Mingyu is not a patient person-at all.


    "Shut up guys! Yes, I was in a relationship before, yes I'm in freaking love with Wonwoo hyung, and you guys should have known who Im Nayoung is, she's a trainee too! I'm biual okay? I love both guys and girls, but right now I freaking hate you all and want to murder you for freaking out like this!" Mingyu screamed.


    All the members atred at the tallest with wide eyes, even Soonyoung's eyes seemed round after what Mingyu did. He's the loudest one in their group, but they never heard him scream due to frustration as hedid now.


    "What? Do you have anymore questions to ask? None?" Mingyu huffed.


    "Hyung, we're sorry. But you got to admit, we never saw you as the type to get a crush on a girl, much less have a girlfriend the way you've been attached to Wonwoo hyung," Chan, the maknae, said.


    "That's  because Wonwoo hyung is the type of person that does a lot of skinship with people he's comfortable with. Look at him and Seungcheol hyung before, they were so close together that they efven shower at the same time for nearly a year, but did you thought that they were gay for each other? NO! Why is it me then?" Mingyu asked.


    When  none  of the members asnwered him he sighed in frustration,looked around the room, then left it while slamming the door on his way out. He just can't take all the confused glances thrown in his way, and the fact that he knows that alot of their members are dying to ask more questions made him want to leave the room even more.


    It  was  not like Mingyu hated the members, it's just that they were repeatedly asking the same things, and that just frustrates him. He never thought that being Biual could cause a large stir in their group, and today's main event shouldn't have been about him anyway-it was supposed to be a party bout Wonwoo hyung being release from the hospital!


    Again he just sighed and decided to just look for Wonwoo hyung who disappeared earlier. He thought of all the places that the older must have gone to, and the only place he could think of that he would have gone to is the rooftop, so he went  directly there.


    Before he could even go up, he encountered Soonyoung hyung, crying his heart out.


    "Hyung, what are you doing here? And why are you crying?" he asked the older.


    "Oh, Mingyu-ah,  did you just escape from the inquisition?" Soonyoung hyung asked him.


    "Never mind about me, hyung. Why were you crying? Do I need to beat up somebody?" he asked the older.


    "Aww, Mingyu-ah is worried about me. Don't worry about hyung, Mingyu-ah.  Worry more about yourself. Where are you going anyway?" 


    "The rooftop, I think Wonwoo hyung escaped there. Do you want to go with me?"


    "The rooftop? Don't go there now, Mingyu-ah, or you'll just break your heart," Soonyoung hyung said.


    "Huh? You're talking nonesense again hyung. Are you sure you are alright?" Mingyu asked the older. He's not behaving as he usually does, and that worries the younger.


    "I'm really alright, Mingyu-ah. Just remember, don't go to the rooftop if you don't want your heart broken," Soonyoung hyung said, then left him.


    That confused Mingyu more, watching the older's retreating back while thinking about his cryptic message. All he wanted was to look for Wonwoo hyung so that he could talk to someone sane, why would his heart get broken if he just wanted that?


    Not heeding Soonyoung hyung's words, he went up to the rooftop. And what greeted him was something that he wants to erase from his memory. He should haave listened to Soonyoung hyung, he shouldn't have cllimb to the rooftop.


Seventeen. Seventeen. Seventeen. Seventeen. Seventeen. Seventeen. Seventeen.



    They say drinking doesn't solve any of your problems, but Mingyu doesn't care about that right now. What he knows is that he wants to drink right now to numb the pain, and since it's working, he's not planning on stopping anytime soon. It's a good thing that he's already legal this year, or else it would be on tomorrow's headline how drunk he is right now.


    "Ahjumma, hic, one more bottle, hic, of soju here, hic, please,"  Mingyu yelled.


    "Young man, you've already drank 4 bottles of soju, maybe you should stop," the ahjumma said.


    "I'm, hic, still fine ahjumma. One more, hic, bottle please," Mingyu said.


    He saw the ahjumma roll her eyes, but nonetheless went and got him one more bottle. He thank the ahjumma with a beautiful smile, which the lady returned.


    He turned his attention back to his alcohol and poured some to his cup some more soju. He was about to drink it and it was snatched from his hands. He let out a soft curse and look up to see who would darfe and snatched his drink and what greeted him shocked him.


    "Im, hic, Nayoung... What are you, hic, doing here?" he asked the girl that used to be his world.


    "Kim Mingyu, I should be the one asking you that. What are you doing here? And with no one to drink with?"


    "I'm here to drown, hic, my sorrows away. What else is new? How about you? Why, hic, are you alone?" 


    "I'm not alone, Kim Mingyu. I'm with someone else. Do you remember her?" Im Nayoung said then pointed out to another girl besides her.


    "Well I'll be, hic, d***. What a day this turned out to be, to meet you both here, hic, of all days," Mingyu said when  he had a look on Nayoung's friend.


    "What is that supposed to mean, ha, Kim Mingyu?" the newcomer said.


    "It's nothing, hic, personal, Kim Naeun noona. Today is just a day, hic, of nostalgia I guess," Kim Mingyu said.


    "What do you mean by that? And enough drinking for you, you don't have any of your members to walk you back to your dorm if you passed out here," Im Nayoung said, then took away his soju.


    "You became no fun, hic, Nayoung. What, hic, happened to my ex-girlfriend that was a daredevil?    What did you do to her?"


    "She became mature, Mingyu, unlike you who is still so childish. Anyway, what happened? You could tell us anything, you know. We won't tell anyone," Im Nayoung said while Kim Naeun nodded her head.


    Mingyu turned to Naeun and said, "Noona, why did you break up with Wonwoo hyung?"


    Naeun and Nayoung shared a confused look and the latter just shrugged at the former's questioning glance. "I don't know, god, it's a long time since then. I guess we just fell out of love?"


    "Really? hic, what about you Nayoung, why did you broke up with me?" Mingyu asked his ex.


    "What is there to talk about, Mingyu. I'm not the person you love, so why should I stay in a relationship with someone who can't love me more than they love someone else?" Nayoung said.


    "Who said I didn't love you? I loved you so much, Nayoung, that I was depressed for weeks after you left me... Weeks!" Mingyu yelled.


    A lot of people turned to them and the girls apologized for his outburst and Mingyu just sat there watching them.


    "Mingyu, you're too drunk right now-" Nayoung wasn't able to finish whatever she was about to say because Mingyu interrupted her.


    "I'm not drunk!"


    "Yes. You. Are. And to answer your question, what you felt more me is nothing like you feel for the other person. You've been hiding those feelings inside of you for too long that you believed that there's nothing there now. But believe me, I tried everything to make our relationship work before,' Nayoung said while patting Mingyu's back. "It just won't work no matter how much effort I've put into the relationship because I'm not the one you truly love."


    Mingyu tried to keep his eyes open, but it is simply impossible as he consumed so much alcohol without eating anything since last night made Mingyu's stomach turn.


    "Yah, Kim Mingyu! Stay with us!" Nayoung yelled.


    "I think, hic, I'm gonna barf," Mingyu barely said the last word when he spew the last remnants of the food in his stomach. After throwing up, Mingyu felt a bit better.


    "Yah! Kim Mingyu! Look at what you did on my new dress!" Im Nayoung yelled.


    Mingyu looked at his ex-girlfriend and saw some of the things that he threw up ended up on her dress. Instead of laughing, he threw up again when he saw it, making the two girls with him groaned out loud at having to clean up after the big baby.


    After the second round of throwing up, Mingyu asked the two girls if they wanted to change clothes at his dorm, which is much closer than theirs, so that he could properly say sorry for throwing up on them. The two girls girls hesitated for a bit but when Mingyu pulled out the big guns wherein he pouted and made puppy dog eyes, the two girls finally agreed.


    When they arrived at the boys' dorms, they looked around carefully to see if there are any reporters around, and when they saw there were none, they immediately went to the elevator to go up to Mingyu's floor. Thankfully, not many people are up and about and they finally entered his room. he left the two girls some of his clothes to change into, and left them to their business while he went back to the practice room to see if any change had been made in the few hours that he'd been missing.


    As soon as he entered the room, chaos greeted him. The members were bickering back and forth with each other about nonesensical things, he could see Jihoon hyung chasing Seokmin with his guitar while Jisoo hyung was filming the whole thing while laughing, and a whole lot more, but what caught his attention was Wonwoo hyung and Juhui hyung, sitting at the corner of the practice room, practically glued together.


    Mingyu couldn't help himself, he stormed off to where the couple was and pulled Wonwoo hyung to his feet.


    "Mingyu what-"


    Wonwoo hyung was not able to finish whatever he was going to say because Mingyu pressed his lips to the older. Mingyu could fell the older struggling against him, but he pushed on and forced his lips once more to the older. Mingyu would have had continued kissing Wonwoo hyung if not for a fact that he needed a much needed air.


    Mingyu let Wonwoo hyung pushed him back but he didn't relinquished the hold he has on the older. He looked at the shocked and angry looks of the members, but his stare was on Junhui hyung.


    "Back off everyone! Wonwoo hyung is mine!" Mingyu yelled before blackness took a hold of his consciousness.




SURPRISE! It didn't took me a week to update! So what's your impresion on Im Nayoung and Kim Naeun? By the way, Im Nayoung is really a pledis girl, if i'm not mistaken, she's the one with Mingyu at the perf for Midsummer's Night Sweetness by San-e and Raina... And Kim Nayoung's name came from two of my korean friends that I totally ship...:)) How was Mingyu's pov? Who do you want the next pov to be? Any thoughts on the chapter? Just leave it down below...:)

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Londonerfan #1
Chapter 14: Please let Wonwoo get together with Junhui.
Exoticfangirl2011 #2
Chapter 14: UGHH NOW ITS A TRIANGLE. i can't handle this story *cries* I'm like crying in fustration I hate all these characters that keep being with Wonwoo. *^* i don't like this naeun girl or Jun right now. Like stopppp. I thought it would be a meanie fic but everything is turning upside down. It seems like Wonwoo still likes that girl so that girl might like him back and if that happens I don't want this anymore.
Wonwoopa #3
Chapter 14: I hope he'll get with mingyu tho
littlebun91 #4
Chapter 14: junhuii please...
Londonerfan #5
Chapter 13: I like meanie but I hope this isn't a meanie fanfic.
Exoticfangirl2011 #6
Chapter 13: Yeah mingyu go get yo man!!! Tell Jun to gtfo!!! Thanks for Im nayoung for putting sense into mingyu
Wonwoopa #7

susivalenzuela #8
Chapter 13: Meanie!!!!! <3
Exoticfangirl2011 #9
Chapter 11: Soooooo soonyoung ship junwon? That's not good. I thought this was meanie? I'm confused. Help.