Chapter 6 Part 2

Behind the Cameras


        All the members were waiting anxiously for the Seungcheol, Mingyu, and Junhui’s return. But the most anxious member would probably go to Minghao’s boyfriend, Hansol. Minghao looked at his boyfriend pacing around the practice room. They finally gave up trying to practice minutes after Mingyu and their leader went out to the hospital. There were just too many members not present in their practice for them to continue doing it.


        Hansol is muttering to himself while pacing, and although Minghao loves the thoughtful look on his boyfriend’s face, he’s getting dizzy from all the pacing that Hansol is making.


        “Hansol-ah, sit here beside me?” Minghao asked.


        Hansol looked at him the promptly sat right next to him. He continued to murmur how worried he was about what was happening, that Minghao can’t help himself and hugged the younger.


        “Stop worrying Hansol-ah. I’m sure there’s nothing wrong with Wonwoo hyung,” Minghao said, trying to placate the younger.


        “I’m still worried. They’ve been gone for so long now, and Seungcheol hyung hadn’t called us to say anything. What if something wrong happened to Wonwoo hyung? What if he can’t wake up? What if he does and can’t remember anything? Oh my God! What if he has amnesia? What-“


        Minghao cut off whatever Hansol was about to say next.


        “Shh… You’re worrying about something that hasn’t happened yet or may not happen. Quit thinking about all the negative thoughts and just focus on the positive ones. I’m sure Wonwoo hyung is awake now, that’s why Seungcheol hyung and Mingyu was in a rush to go to the hospital,” Minghao said.


        “But still, I can’t help but worry. Junhui hyung also went to the hospital, but we hadn’t heard from him either,” Hansol tried to reason out again.


        “Awww, don’t pout Hansol-ah. Maybe Junhui hyung missed Wonwoo hyung so much that he’s staring at him right now. You know how inseparable the two of them before, and the mere fact that he lasted a week without seeing Wonwoo hyung probably made him miss him much more. So stop worrying. I’m sure they’ll soon be back with good news.”


        Minghao felt Hansol hugged him harder. He tried to soothe the younger by his hair. He could still feel that the younger is still worried but he is trying so hard to believe in his words that Minghao felt proud of him.


        Minghao was about to say something more when the practice room door opened and Junhui appeared followed by Seungcheol hyung and Mingyu. They all wore a grim expression, and Minghao felt doubts creeping in.


        He saw Junhui hyung going to the farthest corner of the practice room and sat there, away from all the members. Seungcheol hyung looked sadly at Junhui hyung but then focused on the members.


        “Okay guys, come here, we need to have a meeting,” Seungcheol hyung said.


        Minghao stood up and helped his boyfriend too. The look on his boyfriend’s face is slowly breaking Minghao’s heart. He looked so dishearten by the expressions on their three members, that Minghao could see the pessimistic thought of his earlier may be coming true.


        Minghao squeezed Hansol’s hands and whispered to his ears.


        “I’m sure it’ll be fine.”


        He could see that his boyfriend doesn’t quite believe his words, but tried to paste a happy smile on his lips. He squeezed his hands harder, and felt the younger squeeze back.


        They walked together to the circle that the members are forming in front of Seungcheol hyung. They were all there except Junhui hyung who was still at the farthest corner. Seungcheol hyung signaled Junhui hyung to come, but Junhui hyung didn’t. He just continued to stare off at a distance and Seungcheol hyung just let it go, which was quite unusual as the leader often scolds the members if they were not obeying him. Maybe his boyfriend’s intuition is right, that something bad had happened to Wonwoo hyung.


        “So okay, are we all here?” the leader asked. He waited until everyone counted off, nodding at the number and blatantly ignoring Junhui’s absence, then he continued.


        “So earlier, while I was talking to Mingyu, I received a call from the hospital. Apparently, Wonwoo woke up,” Minghao squeezed his boyfriend’s hands and Hansol smiled at him. Seungcheol waited for the other members’ shout of joy to settle down before continuing.


        “Hush guys, let me continue. So as you know, Mingyu and I immediately went to the hospital after I received the call. When we got there, the doctor brief us as that, yes, Wonwoo is already awake and is doing some tests. If all the tests came out well, he’ll probably be home tomorrow.” At this we all cheered again. Wonwoo hyung is coming home!


        “As I said, hush. Please. So after Mingyu and I talked to the doctor, we were allowed to see him. We went to his room and saw that he was okay, everything seemed normal. He was joking around and all that jazz. But after the joking around he said something strange. And that’s when we found out that he has a retrograde amnesia, and the last thing that he remembered is preparing for our mixed unit battle at Project 17.”


        At that we were speechless. Hansol suddenly hugged me and buried his face on my chest to hide his face while crying. Some of the members are looking as if they don’t believe Seungcheol hyung’s statement, but one look at his and Mingyu’s serious face we know that they are not fooling us.


        At the word amnesia, I noticed that Junhui hyung stood up from where he is sitting and went out of the room. Seungcheol sighed at the sight but didn’t say anything to us about it.


        “So yeah, that’s about it. Wonwoo will probably be still coming home tomorrow, I guess. The doctors can’t find anything unusual in his tests. They said that the head trauma that he received while running a temperature then ending up in a coma probably triggered the amnesia, and it’s just a guessing game if he’ll ever recover his memories.”


        “Hyung, what about our comeback? What will we do? Wonwoo hyung haven’t finished his parts yet in some of our songs, and to start over with all the choreography, will he be able to do it?” Chan asked.


        Minghao nodded at the statement. That made sense. Even though he’s worried about Wonwoo hyung, their comeback is pretty important too.


        “I don’t know about that yet, Chan. The management is still talking about it. I’m hoping that Wonwoo could still pull off something from his brain for his remaining parts, and that his body would remember the dances quickly, but your guess is as good as mine. I’m just hoping that he’ll still be able to come home tomorrow and remember things quickly.”


        They all stared at each other. No one has the guts to really say what’s on their mind: ‘What will happen if Wonwoo hyung won’t remember anything?’


        When the meeting was adjourned by Seungcheol hyung, all the members went off at different places in the practice room, probably talking about what happened to Wonwoo hyung. Hansol still hasn’t stopped crying, and Minghao doesn’t know what to do anymore. He’s not used to comforting people, so Minghao is at a lost. Thankfully, Seungcheol hyung approached them at that time.


        “Minghao, could we talk?” the leader said.


        Minghao looked at Hansol’s tearful eyes. He was tempted to go and talk to Seungcheol hyung because he knows he’s useless with comforting people, but Hansol is more important to him.


        “Hyung, maybe later?” Minghao said.


        “It’s important. I’m sure Hansol won’t mind, right Hansol-ah?”


        ‘Yeah, hic, sure. Go, hic and talk to, hic, Seungcheol hyung Minghao-ah, hic. I’ll be, hic, fine,” Hansol stuttered out.


        Minghao is still undecided on what to do but the leader decided for him. He pulled on Minghao’s wrist and led him outside the practice room.


        “Minghao-ah, I have a favor to ask you,” the leader said.


        “Ummm, sure?” Minghao said.


        “Would you mind talking to Junhui?”


        “I’ll do anything but that, Seungcheol hyung, you know that,” Minghao said.


        Contrary to what everyone believes, Minghao and Junhui never got along although they are the only Chinese members. They just got on like oil and water. Minghao suspected that it’s because he replaced Mingming that’s why Junhui hyung is so cold to him.


        “Please Minghao, ever since Junhui visited Wonwoo, he’s been inconsolable. He’s been talking in Chinese with us as if he can’t be bothered to speak in Korean, and you’re the only one who can make sense of what he is saying,” Seungcheol desperately said.


        “Hyung, Junhui hyung scares me. And he always speaks in Cantonese to me, so I can’t understand him half of the time too. Can’t Mingyu talk to him? He is closer to Junhui hyung,” Minghao said.


        “he already tried, it seems like Junhui is angry at Mingyu right now so you are our only hope to getting through him. Please Minghao-ah,” Seungcheol said while clutching on to both of Minghao’s hands.


        Minghao felt sorry to their leader. He always wants everything to be in order, and genuinely cares for each and every member. Maybe that’s why he ended up going to Junhui’s room and knocking on it.


        “Junhui hyung, I’m going to enter,” Minghao said.


        When Minghao entered the room, he saw Junhui clutching his bedsheet and crying soundlessly.


        “Junhui hyung, talk to me please. Seungcheol hyung is worried about you.”


        “Shut up Minghao. Go away!” Junhui yelled then threw a pillow towards him.


        Minghao dodge the pillow and went closer to Junhui.


        “Hyung, we’re all worried, just come out and-“


        Minghao was not able to finish what he was going to say because he was slapped really hard by Junhui.


        To say Minghao was shocked was an understatement. Even though he’s terrified of Junhui hyung most of the time, he never dared to lift a finger on all the members. He always stayed silent at the background with Wonwoo hyung, never minding what was happening around them.


        “I told you to stay away! It’s not my fault you won’t listen!” Junhui hyung said.


        Minghao won’t take his abuse, he just went out and went to search for the whereabouts of Seungcheol hyung while holding the cheek that Junhui hyung slapped.


        He found Seungcheol hyung talking with Junghan hyung in the kitchen with Hansol and Chan. They looked like they were talking about something serious when Hansol noticed him.


        “Oh my God! What happened to you Minghao-ah?” Hansol yelled then run to him. Hansol made soothing noises while his cheek.


        “It’s nothing, Hansol-ah. I guess I just pushed Junhui hyung too hard,” Minghao replied.


        A very loud shocked tone was heard behind him. When he turned around he saw Seungcheol hyung coming to him, crying.


        “Did he do that, Minghao?” Minghao nodded at Seungcheol hyung’s statement. He cried harder and said: “Hyung is sorry, Minghao. I shouldn’t have let you talk to him. I didn’t know he would hurt you.”


        “It’s okay hyung, it doesn’t hurt much, stop crying.”


        “Why did he do that, Minghao?” Junghan hyung asked him.


        “I guess I didn’t listen to him when he told me to get out of the room,” Minghao shrugged then said thank you to Hansol who went and got him a pack of ice for his cheek.


        “That’s it?” Junghan asked him angrily.


        “Ummm… Yeah?”


        At that Junghan stormed off yelling obscenities at Junhui hyung. Seungcheol hyung followed Junghan hyung and Chan took off too. Minghao looked at his boyfriend, and they seemed to think alike as they followed the other three members.


        They found Junghan hyung at Junhui’s room and they just arrived to see Junghan hyung slapping Junhui hyung’s face, the same exact side where Junhui hyung slapped Minghao.


        Now it’s not a rare sight for Junghan hyung to jokingly slapped members as he is the ‘father’ of the group, contrary to what the fans believe, but he never slapped him that hard-and never out of anger.


        “Is that hard enough for you, huh, Wen Junhui? Why would you slap Minghao when he is just worried about you?”


        Junhui just looked at Junghan hyung and didn’t say anything, which angered Junghan hyung more.


        “Answer me Wen Junhui!” Junghan hyung yelled then grabbed Junhui hyung’s collar. “What would you feel if I did that to Wonwoo? Would you feel great?”


        AT Wonwoo hyung’s name Junhui hyung’s eyes flashed and got out of Junghan hyung’s clutches. He tried to punch Junghan hyung but he was too quick for Junhui hyung. Junghan hyung twisted Junhui hyung’s right arm and hold him there.


        “Snapped out of this Junhui! Wonwoo will be coming home tomorrow and I’m sure he wouldn’t like it if he saw you like this,”


        “Even if he’ll come back tomorrow, he’s not my boyfriend! He’s not my Wonwoo!” Junhui hyung yelled.


        This time, it was Seungcheol hyung who slapped him, as Junghan hyung was still holding onto Junhui.


        “Quit acting like that Junhui! He is still the Jeon Wonwoo that we know although he doesn’t remember much. Does having amnesia changes that? Of course not! So get a grip on your feelings and stay sane! We’ll get through this together!”


        Seungcheol hyung’s speech didn’t seemed to have an effect on Junhui hyung as he just stared blankly at him.


        “You’re just wasting time on him, Seungcheol, let’s go,” Junghan hyung said and led Seungcheol hyung out of the room.


        Hansol and Minghao looked at the crestfallen look on Junhui hyung, and decided to follow the older members out of Junhui hyung’s room. The last thing that Minghao saw when he looked back at Junhui hyung’s room was Junhui hyung staring blankly at a picture frame containing his and Wonwoo hyung’s photo.




this is so late, I know. But in my defense, I was hospitalized for three days because I had the flu and I just got home earlier today... I'm sorry if there's so much filler happening in the story, next chapter, will be more exciting, I promise... Wonwoo finally comes home!!!!:))))


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Londonerfan #1
Chapter 14: Please let Wonwoo get together with Junhui.
Exoticfangirl2011 #2
Chapter 14: UGHH NOW ITS A TRIANGLE. i can't handle this story *cries* I'm like crying in fustration I hate all these characters that keep being with Wonwoo. *^* i don't like this naeun girl or Jun right now. Like stopppp. I thought it would be a meanie fic but everything is turning upside down. It seems like Wonwoo still likes that girl so that girl might like him back and if that happens I don't want this anymore.
Wonwoopa #3
Chapter 14: I hope he'll get with mingyu tho
littlebun91 #4
Chapter 14: junhuii please...
Londonerfan #5
Chapter 13: I like meanie but I hope this isn't a meanie fanfic.
Exoticfangirl2011 #6
Chapter 13: Yeah mingyu go get yo man!!! Tell Jun to gtfo!!! Thanks for Im nayoung for putting sense into mingyu
Wonwoopa #7

susivalenzuela #8
Chapter 13: Meanie!!!!! <3
Exoticfangirl2011 #9
Chapter 11: Soooooo soonyoung ship junwon? That's not good. I thought this was meanie? I'm confused. Help.