Triple chocolate bonanza

Excuse Me, Please Get Out of My Head

    Krystal Jung was a relatively observative person. So when she walked into her sister’s office after school and saw the woman’s face, she knew something was up. Secretary Jung’s face was as solemn and normal as ever, but Krystal knew something was different.


    “What’s up Jessica?” she asked calmly, raising an eyebrow slightly.


The secretary took one look at her sister’s expression and sighed. “You already know, so why are you asking me?”


“Do I already know?” Krystal asked, cocking her head to the side.


“Yes you do. The readers? Meeting? You were there?” Jessica raised her eyebrows expectantly.


“Oh yeah, that. You were right, they definitely have a connection. It was kinda awkward actually because they both stood up and stared at each other for like a whole three minutes before reality set in and they realize that everyone was wondering what the hell was going on.”


Jessica chuckled. “Yeah, that seems about right. It will probably only get worse though, the staring thing.”


Krystal nodded. “Oh, and also, there's one more thing, I think she is on to me. Like I’m pretty sure she knows somethings up, she’s just not doing anything about it at the moment.”


“Eh, it's fine,” Jessica shrugged. “If she finds out, it doesn't really matter as long she doesn't reveal our anything to anyone.”


\(•○•)/ \(•○•)/ \(•○•)/ \(•○•)/ \(•○•)/


Kyungsoo drummed his fingers on the flimsy plastic of the little boba tea cafe Jisoo had told him to meet her at. He had had the same seventh period and kept trying to ask her if she wanted to walk to the cafe together, but if she heard him (which she did, the question was definitely among her thoughts in her head) she refused to answer and ran off as soon as class ended.


The quiet guy working at the counter kept glancing at him, occasionally asking him if he needed anything else. The cafe was pretty empty. If there were customers, they got their bubble tea and left instead of sitting around.


He sipped his honeydew milk tea and thought back to lunch. She had been so angry to see him, but she had also been relieved. Kyungsoo felt bad for avoiding her all week, but in all honesty he had been scared. Scared that he was wrong, scared that she wasn’t what he thought she was. Scared to hope. There had also been that little moment of weakness where he may or may not have asked her to kiss him…


Kyungsoo heard her thoughts before he saw her walk through the door. “Hey Lay,” Jisoo said, “the usual please!”


Lay winked, “One honeydew milk tea coming right up.”


Kyungsoo looked down at his own drink and smiled. He cleared his throat.


Are you gonna keep standing there or are you gonna come sit down?


Jisoo walked over to the table and sat down. “You know, you could just talk out loud, I still have ears.”


Kyungsoo shrugged and smiled.


It’s more fun like this.


Jisoo narrowed her eyes at Kyungsoo. “Riiiiiight. So, you drink honeydew milk tea too?”


Kyungsoo looked at her incredulously, and held in a laugh.


I’m literally communicating with you through your mind, and the first thing you say to me is ‘you drink honeydew milk tea?’?


Jisoo shrugged. “It’s imperative that I know whether you really like it or you just picked up that i liked it as you were staring so very hard into every inch of my mind.”


Kyungsoo looked upset for a moment, and then he threw his head back and laughed. Jisoo decided she really liked when he smiled.


    “Yes, Jisoo, I actually like the honeydew, no, Jisoo, I am ling thoughts out of your head. The reason I was staring at you so much was mostly just because I was in shock.”


“I see. Well I mean I guess you haven't met many readers either have you?”


Kyungsoo shook his head no. “God, you have know idea how weird this is, I know everything you're going to say before you say it.”


“Really? I have no idea how weird this is?” Jisoo retorted.


Kyungsoo smirked. “Touche. So why have I never noticed you before?”


“I just moved here, my parents jobs got transferred.” Jisoo responded, twiddling her thumbs. “You’re a junior too right?”


Kyungsoo smiled and nodded. “Yeah I’m a junior. But ok, if you just moved here, how did you find this cafe so fast? It’s not exactly popular, and you seem to be a regular here.”


“My best friend Baekhyun found it for me. I like to establish a location that I can consistently get bubble tea, ok? I need my fix” Jisoo huffed indignantly.


“You sound like a drug addict. But I mean, whatever floats your boat right?” Kyungsoo said, holding in a laugh.


“Oh, you’re one to talk, you seem to forget that I can read your mind. A little obsessed with ice-cream, are we?” Jisoo retorted, crossing her arms.


Kyungsoo paled, “Ok, maybe I like ice cream a little more than I should. I mean, who can resist a triple chocolate bonanza dipped in sprinkles?”


Jisoo stared at him for a moment and said, “What the actual hell” before she burst out laughing.


“Hey! It’s not funny, ok, it’s a way of life. The way of the bonanza.” Kyungsoo was smiling by now and was on a roll “It’s the religion of brain-freeze-ism, I pray to the god of waffle cones and sometimes his weak little brother cake cone. I--”


“OK, ok, I get it you’re a crazy person obsessed with ice cream, got it, duly noted.” Jisoo said, still laughing. They stayed at the cafe for a couple more hours, talking about the most pointless and the most important things about themselves, every once in a while, slipping into comfortable silence, not noticing anyone coming in or out of the cafe. They did not notice when a certain girl with long black hair and piercing eyes slipped into the cafe silently and ordered a winter melon green tea. The girl sat down at the table farthest from the mind readers’ and just watched their interactions. When she had finished her drink, she quietly thanked the man behind the counter and slipped out into the darkening evening.  


\(•○•)/ \(•○•)/ \(•○•)/ \(•○•)/ \(•○•)/


HII so this took a little longer than usual but oh well.

kyungsoo's addicted to ice cream lol idek what i wrote ok

I was having some writer’s block because i couldn’t figure out where I was going with this but then at like 12 am it just hit me like BAM and I was all good.

I’ve been listening to EXODUS again and dang like asdjhfajkd the feels have returned.


but yeahhhhhh

question: First kpop music vid you ever saw? mine was snsd I got a boy i was so obsessed with sooyoung omg

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Chapter 7: Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...hehe
Chapter 6: Update please????
Chapter 4: Please update I rwaly like this sotryyyyyyyy
Luckygirlexo #4
Chapter 3: Ooooooooooo this is interesting!!!! I'm anticipating for Chanyeol's entrance !!!! Update soon
ruijii #5
Chapter 2: This sounds really cute and interesting, i look forward to more :)