The Lunch Bunch

Excuse Me, Please Get Out of My Head

The next couple periods passed without much happening. Her second period had been orchestra, and the teacher, another young guy named Mr. Lau had just explained the auditions for the different levels of orchestras and how all of them were equal but just different skill levels blah blah blah (so not equal, basically).


She had been sitting bored in Orchestra when she noticed a girl with piercing black eyes was staring at her from across the room. Everytime she would look up she would see her eyes on her. The weird thing was that while the girl was staring Jisoo down, she never had a single thought about Jisoo or even orchestra. She was constantly just thinking about homework or her plans for later. It was like a lot like the lady in the office, who was thinking of one thing while talking about another. Lots of weird things in this school.


            Her third period had been physics, where a man who looked older than her grandpa tried to tell them how much they were going to learn that year but ended up ending class early because he was having trouble staying awake.


    Ok 4th period and lunch is next, Jisoo said to herself as she walked through the hall to room 221. She looked down at her schedule. Ugh AP language arts, GREAT she thought to herself, internally grumbling.


    “JISOOO! HEY HEY HEY!” a loud voice shouted from behind her. Taehyung bounded up next to her. “How’s your first day going? Mine is going great, I managed to get through three periods without making any of the teachers hate me!”


    “Oh, uh hey Taehyung. Wowie nice job,” Jisoo couldn’t be annoyed by him he was too adorable. “I mean my day’s been fine, this school is huge though, it’s a little confusing.”


    “Oh well that’s good, don’t worry about the size, you’ll get used to it,” Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.


    Jisoo rolled her eyes and opened to reply when a girl and a boy ran up behind him.


    “Taehyung, you should really slow down some of us cannot run that fast.” she threw a pointed look at the boy behind her, who was panting hard.


    “Me?? *pant* No way *pant* I could run a marathon *pant* right now *pant* let’s go I'm ready. *pant* Besides, this one here *pant* shouldn’t leave behind *pant* his best friend and *pant* the love of his---”


    Taehyung lunged forward and covered the boy’s mouth “OOH KAYY, Jisoo, this idiot here is Chen, and that girl over there is Dahyun. Guys this is Jisoo, she just transferred, she’s in our grade!”


    The boy, Chen, wrestled himself out of Taehyung’s grip and faced Jisoo, grinning.


“Hello, I am Chen, the coolest living person on Earth, nice to meet you. Just so you know I am superior to Taehyung.” Chen said bowing. He had a glint in his eye and stick-out ears that reminded her of an elf.


    Yeah that was cool, nice job you did well. Does she buy it? She has to, I’m clearly superior to Taehyung.


    Uh, hi that's cool, um, nice to meet you?” Jisoo said, stifling a laugh.


    The girl, Dahyun, stepped forward, whacking Chen on the head.  She had a cute heart-shaped face with long brown hair with streaks of pastel orange.


“Stop spouting nonsense, we all know I am superior to both of you, you guys need to chill.” she turned toward Dahyun and smiled widely. “Hi, I’m Dahyun, official babysitter of these two idiots. I hope you haven’t had a hard time finding all your classes, what’s your next one?”


    She really seems cool, I really hope she doesn’t turn out to be like the last girl Taehyung made friends with though, that was a disaster. Ooh maybe I can introduce her to Jieun. She’d better show up soon and get Chen under control. I haven’t seen her all day, I wonder why? Oh well she’s probably following Chanyeol around. It’s fine I can just see her at lunch


    Jisoo paused for a second unknowingly losing herself in Dahyun's thoughts. When she realized what she was doing, she felt extremely guilty. She really didn’t mean to do it and it really wasn’t her fault, but she felt horrible whenever she got lost in someone else’s thoughts. Even though usually all she  would hear would be trivial things, it was still an invasion on someone else’s privacy. Usually her ability didn’t bother her, she’d had it since she was born after all, but when she got lost in another person’s mind, it made her feel disgusting inside.


    “Uh Jisoo?” Dahyun, Taehyung, and Chen were looking at her worriedly.


    “Oh,” Jisoo said, snapping out of her self hate, “uh yeah I have AP Lang with Ms. Hwang in room 221”


    Dahyun squealed. “Really? Yay! That’s what what we have too. We have to hurry if we’re going to make it though, we only have one minute to get to class.”


    Jisoo’s eyes widened and she stuffed her schedule into her backpack. “Well time's awasting people, let’s GO GO GO!”


    Dahyun laughed and they began running with Chen and Taehyung trailing closely behind them.


\(•○•)/ \(•○•)/ \(•○•)/ \(•○•)/ \(•○•)/


    The four of them made it to Ms. Hwang’s class just before the bell rang, and Taehyung dragged Jisoo to the back of the classroom with them.


    “Sit here,” he whispered, gesturing to the desk next to his, before quickly sitting down as Ms. Hwang walked to the front of the class.


    Soon half the class had passed and the bell rang for lunch.


           “Be sure to be back in class on time!” Ms. Hwang addressed half-heartedly, knowing that no one was listening.


           Jisoo shuffled awkwardly around her seat, fishing her lunch out of her bag. Where was she going to sit at lunch? Hm, maybe she could sit in the library. Or she could just eat in the stairwell, no one would find her there. Or maybe--


           “Jisoo!” Taehyung called from across the room. “C’mon, aren't you sitting with us at lunch?” Chen and Dahyun were waiting expectantly, wanting to hurry and eat.


            “Oh, uh, yeah definitely!” Jisoo grabbe

d her lunch and phone and followed the three of them to the cafeteria. They passed the cafeteria and headed outside, where there were dozens of picnic table. Dahyun scanned the flock of students, looking for someone.


Jisoo was not prepared for the onslaught of thoughts, and her head began to hurt from the loudness.


how was your break?


dang, these picnic tables are filling up fast.


it's great to be back at school


  I can't believe Mr. Ahn gave us an essay assignment on the first day ugh


where is Dahyun? I can't save this table for long…


Jisoo looked around lazily trying to pinpoint the thought. A moment later however, Dahyun was weaving through the tables, leading them to a picnic table near the football field. There were two girls already sitting at the table. One, Jisoo realized, was the girl from orchestra, the one with weird thoughts and the scary eyes. The other girl she had never met, but she registered the voice in her head as the one looking for Dahyun. Sure enough, when the girl saw them, she waved her hand and motioned them over. They reached the table and sat down. When Jisoo hesitated, Taehyung pulled her down to sit next to him.


\(•○•)/ \(•○•)/ \(•○•)/ \(•○•)/ \(•○•)/


“Dahyunnie!!! Jesus it's about time you guys showed up. Me and Krystal have been sitting here forever!” she elbowed Krystal for confirmation, and Krystal nodded, unfazed.


“Well is only because Ms. Hwang’s class is on the other side of the school” Dahyun grumbled.


Taehyung grinned at the two girls. “Hey guys, Krystal, you're looking as beautiful as ever.”


Krystal rolled her eyes, but there was a small smile on her face. Taehyung turned towards Jisoo.

“Let me introduce you to everyone, Jisoo  this is Lee Jieun and Jung Soojung, but don't ever call her that she might kill you.”


“I go by Krystal,” she said, nodding at Jisoo. She didn't smile, but Jisoo couldn't see any sign of unfriendliness. Her mind however, was still just as confusing as it was two periods ago, she was thinking about anything but the current moment, nothing about lunch or the people sitting around her.


Jisoo smiled warily, “It's nice to meet you too.”


“I'm Jieun as Taehyung most gracefully mentioned. Did you just transfer here?” She asked with wide eyes.


“Yeah, I just moved from Busan, my dad’s job got transferred. I’ve only been here for a week, honestly.”


    “Oh really?” Jieun replied, “Maybe we could all show you around town sometime? There’s this amazing little cafe that you need to know about if you’re going to live here.”


        she seems cool enough, plus krystal seems to like her which is the first in a while, this is exciting

Jisoo frowned, puzzled by Jieun’s thoughts. From all the thoughts she was hearing in her head at that moment however, she could distinctly hear anguished whining.




Jisoo could tell from his thoughts that he clearly was in love with Jieun, but she couldn’t exactly tell whether or not they were together or not.


Everyone was quiet for a minute taken aback. Then, Taehyung and Dahyun burst out laughing, so hard that they could barely keep from falling out of their seats. Jieun suddenly looked stony cold. She took a deep breath and looked at Chen.


“I definitely told you not to call me that twerp. And next time you want me to notice you, try not to look like you never wash your hair.”


Chen pouted for a moment, then let out a slight laugh. “You know I’m joking IU, I know you only have the hots for that Chanyeol guy,” Chen said, wiggling his eyebrows.


Why did I ever think it might be different? She would never like me. I’ll wait. But I might kill Chanyeol in the process…


Jisoo’s frown deepened. The name Chanyeol sounded kind of familiar. What is even going on here? She nudged Taehyung.


“Who’s Chanyeol?” She whispered loudly.


“He’s this tall guy a grade above us, who is supposedly the hottest guy in the school, clearly I disagree. Jieun has liked him since the beginning of last year, but has never gotten farther than short exchanges with him.” Taehyung loudly whispered back, grinning at Jieun.


Jieun blushed and turned toward Dahyun, refusing to make eye contact with them.


“And why does Chen call Jieun IU and pretend he doesn’t like her when he does?” She asked, genuinely curious.


Taehyung looked at her, surprised. “Most people don’t realize that he really likes her, he mostly just flirts. I know because he tells me basically everyday. He’s so in love, but he won’t make a move because he doesn't want to ‘interfere’ with her future with chanyeol. He needs to keep some kind of tie with her though, so he has become the person who annoys her most, by calling her IU which he’s been doing since the beginning of highschool.”


“Wow,” Jisoo said, “that’s pretty messed up yo, I mean, poor Chen.”

“Yeah, but I mean, there’s nothing we can do.” Taehyung said. “Me and Dahyun have been trying to get Chen to admit his feelings for years and he won’t budge. He’s just a huge coward.”


“What about you?” Jisoo asked, narrowing his eyes.


“What about me?” Taehyung asked, looking suspiciously across the table at Dahyun, who was still talking animatedly with Jieun. Krystal and Chen were seeming having a staring contest, with Chen making stupid faces to get Krystal to blink, and Krystal not flinching, having the same, unreadable expression on her face.


“I know I barely know you guys, but it’s pretty obvious that you are head over heels for Dahyun. Are you sure Chen is the only coward?” Jisoo said cooly, cocking her head to one side.


“I-I don’t know wha-what you’re talking a-about,” Taehyung said stuffing his sandwich into his mouth.


How does she know? Dang she’s perceptive. Dang it. I am a coward aren’t I? Dang it Dang it Dang it


Jisoo laughed and flicked a piece of lettuce from her salad at him. “It’s ok Taehyung, I’m only joking. Take it easy it’s only the first week of school. Now, can you please explain what the hell Chen is doing right now?”


They both looked at chen, who had tears streaming down his face while he held his eyes open determined not to lose to Krystal, who was still sitting across from him arms crossed, a small smile on her face.


Taehyung threw a grape at Chen. “Yah! Stop trying, you’re never going to win against Krystal the battle is futile.”


    Jisoo laughed and looked up at the sky. I think this will be fun. Now all I have to do is figure out who the kid with the massive eyes is…


\(•○•)/ \(•○•)/ \(•○•)/ \(•○•)/ \(•○•)/

HIIII v sorry guys WHY IS THIS ITALIC IM GOING TO MURDER THIS EDITOR idk yo this isnt working ive had to try to upload this like 5 times aghhhhh

anyways IM VERY SORRY FOR THE DELAY I AM HORRIBLE I SAID IT WOULD BE UP THE NEXT DAY BUT here we are aha its just we went back to school and projects and asdhalkdfakfd

but anyways OH LOOK ITS WORKING NOW whatever I'm kinda unsatisfied with the ending of this chap but i mean what can u do

also do not fret there is def going to be more kyungsoo in the next chapter i just had to set some stuff up hehe

also this whole Tzu Yu thing is really making me upset shes literally my age and i cant imagine what shes going through right now like having that much stress put on you for something that isnt even her fault is just kind of horrible aaaaaa get it together jyp

ok question for this chapie even though no one answers them AHAHA HAHA HA HAHA HA HA hA Ha aha ha ha ha... ha. ahem. question. right. for this chapter, What is your favorite EXO era/album? like not according to members being present or anything but like in terms of musical quality. Mine are either XOXO or Exodus.

\(•○•)/ \(•○•)/ \(•○•)/ \(•○•)/ \(•○•)/

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Chapter 7: Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...hehe
Chapter 6: Update please????
Chapter 4: Please update I rwaly like this sotryyyyyyyy
Luckygirlexo #4
Chapter 3: Ooooooooooo this is interesting!!!! I'm anticipating for Chanyeol's entrance !!!! Update soon
ruijii #5
Chapter 2: This sounds really cute and interesting, i look forward to more :)