Chapter 4

All of Me

Leona had to nurse her damn hangover because today would be a busy day at work. The phones were ringing off the hook and everything was in full swing. It was only 10am in the morning.

“Why did I drink so much?”

“I don’t know myself,”

“Ashley, what can I do for you?” her best friend appeared at her office door

“I’m changing my flowers…again,” she smiled

“What else is new? Come into my office. Tell me your wish?”

“Well since you asked. My wish is that you give Chanyeol a chance,”

“I thought we were talking about your wedding?”

“We are. If you give him a chance he can be at my wedding…as your date,”

“Oh stop,” she took a large gulp of her water “He’s a nice guy. Real nice and you’re going to let him slip through your hands because of his age,”

“He is way younger than my age limit. You know my history with younger men; disastrous. Remember Carter?”

“Carter was a tool and Chanyeol can be different. Listen you have to let go, let flow,”

“What is that?” she massaged her temple

“I’ve been talking to my therapist about my stress level and she told me I cannot control everything, obviously. Sometimes you have to let go of the reins and let the chips fall where they may. Like my wedding for example, America hypes it up as the single most important day of your life, well besides graduating high school and maybe having a baby. We take this one special day and stress about it for a whole year. We may be able to plan for it but nothing is carved in stone. So many things can happen but who is the day for? Me and Leo and nothing else matters. I have to let go, let flow. Even though you have had many, many bad dates with guys younger than you, you will never know if Chanyeol is the one for you if you don’t let go and let flow. What’s the worst that can happen? Really?”

“You’re not going to shut up till I agree with you, are you?”

“Let go, let flow,” she smiled “He auditions today for your wedding,”

“Oh perfect,” she clasped her hands together, “And apologize for your behavior last night when you see him. Tell me how it goes,” she said as she left Leona’s office


Chanyeol was a bit nervous to see Leona again so soon. He thought they were hitting it off last night until the mention of his age came up. She didn’t explain her cold demeanor after but he could tell it wasn’t good. He felt a bit crushed but today he had to put his feelings aside and audition for Ashley’s wedding. He called his band members: Kyungsoo, Jimin, Jungkook and Chen to be ready by 1 to go to the venue to set up their equipment. He made up in his mind that they would have the best audition that Leona wouldn’t have a choice but to choose them to play for the wedding.

His phone rang. It was Baekhyun.

Chanyeol: Hey man. I’m about to leave.

Baekhyun: So I know why Leona you.

Chanyeol: Snooping again and how did you get this information.

Baekhyun: Raven knew and called Minseok and Minseok called me and told me. Do you want to know or not.

Chanyeol: Sure why not?

Baekhyun: She doesn’t date younger men and you being 25 is not ideal for her. Man forget her. There are plenty of hot eligible women out here in San Fran that you can go on dates with.

Chanyeol: You give up too soon. I’m not giving up. There is something about her and I think because initially we hit it off she has a soft spot for me.

Baekhyun: Well when your mind is made up I know I won’t be able to convince you to change it. Good luck. You’re going to need it.

Chanyeol chuckled as he hung up the phone and stared at it. 2 hours before his future was to be decided. Yeah he was being a bit dramatic about this whole ordeal but in his head if he doesn’t nail this audition his chances of seeing Leona again were pretty much slim to none. And if he nailed the audition he would be seeing a lot of her; which is exactly what he wanted.


Leona’s headache had finally subsided as she got into her car to drive to the venue. She thought a lot about Ashley had told her this morning. Even though she had her no dating younger man rule and tried to live by it this time she just couldn’t get Chanyeol out of her head. She did have fun last night and he was a nice guy and Minseok liked the guy. I mean if they work together, he couldn’t be that bad. But then Leona thought about all those terrible dates/relationships she had been in…

“Why don’t you let go, let flow,” she heard Ashley say

“It’s not that simple,” she said to herself as she got out of her car to walk to the front door if the venue

“It is Leona. Say it with me, “Let go, let flow,”

“Let go, let flow,” she had her eyes closed as she said these words

“What does that mean?”

Leona spun around startled as she saw Chanyeol smiling at her. She smiled back feeling bad about giving him the cold shoulder last night. Every time she saw this man her heart stopped and she found herself taking in his gorgeous facial features, lean body and great taste in clothes.

“For someone who has two roommates, works and goes to school full time, you sure can dress,” she went to open the door out of habit of doing it herself but Chanyeol pulled it first. She smiled as she walked in

“Trust me these pieces I have accumulated over the years. I understand the concept of laundry and I own an iron,” he laughed as she laughed with him

Her laugh was music to his ears. She was absolutely stunning as she tucked her hair behind her ear.

“Listen Chanyeol I owe you an apology,”

“For what?”

“For how I treated you last night. My behavior was juvenile and for that I’m sorry,”

“I still don’t see why you have to apologize. I understand from my sources that you were caught off guard. I understand women have their preferences. I get it…”

“Your sources?” she raised her eyebrow and smiled

“Um…” he talks way too much for his own good

“Stop,” she placed her hand on his arm which she shouldn’t have done. Great! Not only is he hot, smart and likeable but he works out too. Leona open your freaking eyes and give this guy a chance, “It’s ok. I have my sources too,” she cocked her head to the side and smiled

“And what have your sources told you?” Chanyeol was intrigued as he crossed his arms and listened with a smile

“That you are a nice guy and I should give you a chance,”

“I hope you do. Come on I want you to meet the band,”

Leona was pleasantly surprised at how young some of the guys look but she was optimistic that they were going to be legit.

“Hi I’m Leona Dallas. I’m planning this shin dig and I’m the best friend of the bride,”

“Nice to meet you Noona,” said Jimin, “I’m Jimin Park, drummer and singer and a very good dancer but you’re not looking for that,”

“I’m sure if you get the gig you’ll be able to dance at the wedding. I won’t make you guys play the entire night. If you don’t mind me asking Jimin but how old are you?”


“So young. Do you like being in the band with Chanyeol?”

“Yes Hyung is cool,” he winked at Chanyeol who shook his head at the younger male

“I’m Jeon Jungkook, vocalist. I’m younger. 18 but I’m practically out of high school. I’m an honors student. I had enough credits to graduate last year but I wanted to enjoy the last year with all the friends I grew up with. So now I’m just taking some AP classes,”

“Wow adorable and smart. So how do you know Chanyeol?”

“It’s mostly because of Kyungsoo and Jimin Hyung. I and Jimin are practically brothers and Kyungsoo Hyung dates my older sister. Kyungsoo Hyung has some wicked vocals Noona. He’s cool,”

Kyungsoo smiled at Leona. Chanyeol was right. She was beautiful. He really wanted them to get together. This was the first girl he heard Chanyeol gush over so much even though they only met last night. Either way Chanyeol deserves happiness after what happened to him last year.

“I’m Kyungsoo, 24, vocalist and guitarist. Nice to meet you,”

“You too,” she turned to Chen

“I’m Chen, 23, vocalist. I play the piano when Chanyeol decides to sing. I hope you like us,” he smiled sweetly at her.

Leona turned to all the men in the room and smiled at them. She had a gut feeling they were going to be the only band she would let audition. The vibe they gave was nothing but confidence and it also helped that she developed a soft spot for Chanyeol.

“Do you mind if I record you guys for Ashley and Leo. They wanted to come but they had other obligations and since I know their taste; they trust my judgement,”

“Sure,” said Chanyeol

The guys got into position to get ready and play the kind of music they normally played. To say Leona was impressed was an understatement. She dabbled in the band when she was in high school so she knew a thing or two about music. One could definitely tell these guys loved for their passion and love of music. It looked so easy and they sounded was so good. Leona loved their sound. It was a cool old school jazzy/ R&B feel and when Kyungsoo and Jungkook opened their mouths to sing Leona was totally mesmerized. Their harmonies were phenomenal but when Jimin suddenly jumped in singing a octave higher finishing the song, it made Leona jump with a smile on her face and a hand over her heart as she got aroused by their rendition of “Forever my Lady”

Chanyeol noticed her gaze getting sultry and it too turned him on. He liked to see her so into the way they were performing. He always loved to see the surprise look on people’s faces when they realize that 5 Asian men have soul and the voices to match. 20 minutes later and they played snippets of the kind of music Ashley and Leo liked. Leona didn’t need to hear anymore. She was totally convinced they were the ones. Before they packed up Jimin spoke up,

“Are we everything you want?”

Leona smiled bright “And more. I mean I already had faith in you guys but what I heard was absolutely amazing. You got the job,”

“Really?” Jungkook smiled big as he went to hug Leona, lifted her and spun her around. She didn’t mind because he reminded her of her younger cousin

“Down boy,” laughed Chen as he tapped Jungkook’s shoulder so he could put Leona down.

Chanyeol was quiet during this exchange. He was observing Leona. He was truly lucky to now be in her orbit. She appeared to have changed her mind about him and he felt he now had a chance with her.

“So I must ask,” they all turned to Chanyeol as he sat down behind the piano, “What’s their song?”

“John Legend’s All of Me,”

Chanyeol flexed his fingers and hovered them over the keys before he took a quick but long look at Leona. He smiled slightly at her before he started singing.


Leona was incredibly touched by his rendition of the famous song. He didn’t try to copy John Legend but made it his own and he touched her heart by doing so. He exuberated with appeal as his concentrated face played the notes with ease. It didn’t help that he looked good doing it. As she felt every word he sang Leona couldn’t help but fantasize about him and what he could and was doing to her soul and what was happening under her skirt. Leona was intrigued about Chanyeol even though she had only met him last night. No man had ever done that to her. She was definitely going to break her golden rule.

“Leona, Leona,” he called her name

“Hyung you hypnotized her. Who knew you had that affect,” said Jungkook

“I’m sorry,” Leona got out of her trance and smiled at Chanyeol. What Leona said next shocked her and everyone in the room, “Would you like to have dinner with me tonight,”

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Kaychihxx #1
Chapter 3: Her story is literally Jesus and Mariana''s story in the forsters hehe
740 streak #2
Chapter 4: Just ran across this story tonight, and I am really enjoying it so far. Great plot, and the secondary characters are very likable. I think I was as shocked as everyone else when Leona asked Chanyeol out. I'll be looking forward to seeing where things go from here.
Lunarrp #3
Update soooon please
BlasianLover #4
Chapter 3: Please Update. this story
ssza9876 #5
Chapter 3: This sounds very interesting.
Chapter 3: Good update. Poor Chan Chan. 25 is not a bad age.
Chapter 2: Okay. I like. I am already intrigued.
ssza9876 #8
Chapter 2: This sounds really good.
Sounds interesting; im excited!!!