Chapter 2

All of Me

As she opened her eyes she found herself lying on hot sand. The sky was the bluest she had ever seen and right then she felt at peace. She closed her eyes again as she breathed in the hot summer air. She was trying to store this day in her memory. She opened her eyes again as she sat up and saw the beautiful clear water. She stood up and walked towards the waves only dipping her feet in the warm water. She couldn’t swim but she felt drown to the waves so she just went waist deep. She trended in the water for a few minutes till she heard a name being called. She turned around to see where the person was but she was alone on the beach. The next thing she knew she was being swept out into the ocean. Leona frantically tried to stay afloat but she was sinking fast. The waves got bigger and she struggled hard to live. She thrashed and failed but to avail she started drowning. She couldn't catch her breath as each time she went under the water got into her lungs. She tried to scream but she couldn’t. And then she saw it just as she was coming up for air, the biggest boat there ever was. She screamed.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Leona woke up in her sweat as she clutched her heart. She tried to adjust her eyes to the darkness. Where was she? She thought.

As she looked around the room she realized she was in her own bed in her own apartment. There was no beach, no waves and no boat. Leona looked at her clock. 5 am. Of course she would wake up 30 minutes before she actually had to get up for her morning run. So she decided she would get up early and go clear her head.

2 hours later

“Good morning everyone,” said Leona as she walked into her work building Lavender Blue. She was the owner of her own event company. She did an array of different kinds of events; birthdays, retire parties, divorce parties but the one kind of event that she did the most in the sunny San Francisco area were weddings. She loved planning those too. She was actually in charge of her best friend’s wedding that was quickly approaching.

She and Ashley went way back; all the way back to the 10th grade. Leona was the new girl and Ashley made her feel welcome. She smiled at that thought.

“What or shall I say who are you smiling about?” Kalise smiled as she walked into her friend’s office and sat down

“I was thinking of when Ashley and I met,”

“Oh I thought you were thinking of a man,” Kalise wiggled her eyebrows as Leona rolled hers

“No I was just thinking about her wedding coming up and how everything is going to change. I don’t think I’m ready for that change,”

“I know how you feel. It’s scary, change I mean. But…it’s going to be ok. So have you thought more about what I asked you?”

Leona sighed and closed her eyes, “I love Ashley and I love this trip and I know we really should spend as much time together before she officially becomes Mrs. Garrett,”


“My phobia is taking over my life,”

“Have you talked to a doctor?”

“Yes and he has prescribed me medication but I don’t think it will help. I had a nightmare last night that scared the hell out of me. I’m still shaking. It felt so real,”

“I’m sorry. I don’t know how you feel,”

“I mean I guess I could do it. I would have to be very cautious,”

“And we would help you but I don’t want to be the cause of your panic attacks because I want a nice 7 day cruise of the beautiful beaches of the Caribbean,”

“Well when you put it like that…” she chuckled, “…who am I to ruin the trip. Go ahead and book the trip before they sell out. I’ll be fine. I’ll take my medication and drink lots of alcohol. Not at the same time of course and we’ll have a great time,”

“Are you sure?”

“I am,” she smiled at the younger girl


Don’t think of anything

Don’t even say a single word

Just laugh with me, yeah

I still can’t believe it

All these seem like a dream

Don’t try to disappear, yeah

Chanyeol for some reason couldn’t finish the lyrics at the moment. But he was content with what he had so far. He was writing a song for one Minseok’s artist and it was supposed to be a love song. Though he had minimal experience in the love department because he was an overachiever and refused to just settle with anyone.

Chanyeol envied people who could be with someone for a long time then break up and then find someone so suddenly and then be in love all over again.

“You’re allowed to fall in love more than once,” Sehun would always tell him, “I believe there isn’t just your one soul mate,”

Chanyeol chuckled. It made sense but he was a hopeless romantic and would hope after one look at her, he would know for sure that they were meant to be together forever. Do women even think that’s romantic anymore? Or they find him creepy.

“I don’t know,” he said to himself

“So you’re talking to yourself now,”

“No Baekhyun. I was…” Baekhyun gave him a look, “Yes I was,”

“How is the song coming?”

“It’s coming,”

“In other words you’re at a standstill because you don’t have any relationship experience. Why didn’t you go on that date with Layla?”

“I was busy,”

“You were not busy. Look I want my Chanyeol to have a happy long life. I want you married with kids,”

“You sound like my mom,”

“Definitely not trying to be but how will you find her if you never leave your apartment?”

“I go out and do things. I have to finish my Masters though,”

“You can do both,”

“Why are you hounding me? It’s not like you’re in a committed relationship. How many girls are you seeing at once?”

“I have to keep my options open. I need back up just in case one doesn’t work out,”

“Back up,” his eyes were shocked

“It’s not just men doing this. Women do it too. Rejection so if it doesn’t work out you have someone else to fall in line,”

“What if you start liking two women at the same time?”

“Somewhere along the way, someone will mess up. Look I know that sounds major harsh but it’s the reality of things. And if I meet the one, I’ll cut ties with all the others and be with her. So much no such luck with that. In the meantime I’m enjoying myself. You should really go on that date,”

“I can’t. If I were interested I would,”

“Wait are you still hoping you’ll take one look at her and know she’s the only one for you?” Baekhyun laughed

“I know it’s totally old fashion…”

“It’s not. It’s sweet. I wish there were more guys like you,”

“You can,”

“Oh no I can’t. I have needs,” he smiled, “Well I’ll leave you to your music. Are we still on for tonight?”

“Yes we are. I may be a little late though,”

“See ya,”


Chanyeol looked at his sheet music and sighed. Even though it was hard he was not giving up on his song or finding the one. “She’s out there, somewhere,” he got up to get ready for tonight.


Later that evening Leona was getting ready for her annual girl’s night out. Every Wednesday the girls got together to laugh and enjoy some drinks. “What should I wear?” she had finally decided on her dark skinny jeans, with a flowy mustard yellow top and black blazer. As she was putting finishing touches on her makeup she got a text from an unknown number. As soon as she looked at her phone she knew who it was.

Carter: Hey

Leona: Hey

Leona put on her heels as she made her way outside.

Carter: How are you?

Leona: Fine and you?

Not that she really cared but she wanted to be polite.

Carter: I’m good. What are you doing?

Leona: Girls night out

Carter: Really? What are you doing later?

Of course because this is all Carter wanted from her. This is what their short relationship turned into. Booty calls whenever HE felt like it.

Leona: Not you! Goodbye Carter and lose my number.

Once Leona got to the bar she was still somewhat livid that Carter texted her only because he was . What’s wrong with guys these days? He actually started out like a nice guy. She even told him before they even started this that she was heartbroken before and she was fragile but he told her he would never hurt her and that they should give each other a chance. Boy did she feel stupid. She even went against one of her rules: Never date a younger man. Carter was 27 but he was gorgeous. Maybe that was her problem. He lured her in with his beauty.

Once Leona got to the bar she sat down at their normal spot and eyed the bartender. He knew exactly what she wanted to drink. He smiled at her as he fixed her drink and sent it over with the waitress.

“Thanks Kara,”

“No problem Leo,” Leona took a huge swing of her drink

“Whoa slow down tiger,” said Raven as she sat at the table with Leona, “The night has just begun. Why are you so fired up?”

“Carter texted me because he wanted me to please him later. I told him to never message me again,” she downed the rest of her rum and coke within minutes, “I should have never went on a date with him,”

“You live and you learn. And as our late R&B singer Aaliyah used to sing. If at first you don’t succeed, dust yourself and try again,” Raven held up her pointer finger as she sang the lyrics making Leona smile

“I understand but I don’t think I will change my rules ever again,”

“Oh gosh not the rules again. This is why you’re probably still single,” said Ashley as she joined the girls

“I like your outfit,” said Leona as she eyed her friend, “But back to what I was saying. There is nothing wrong with my rules,”

“Tell me what they are again,” said Kalise

“What took you so long?” Raven asked her sister as she eyed her suspiciously

“Well damn I couldn’t find parking Mom,” she emphasized the word Mom, “I forgot all about the list,”

“Oh please don’t make me hear this list again,” whined Ashley as she smiled at Leona

“Well he doesn’t have to make a lot of money as long as he has a job, no kids, and good teeth. He just has to be taller than me, college educated and not crazy or biual,” The three girls hollered out laughing. “What? I think it’s a good list?” she smiled as she finished her second drink of the evening

“But what is the number one rule? You missed one,” said Ashley as she smacked her lips and her eyebrows went up as she took a prissy sip of her drink

“Oh yea, he can’t be younger than me,”

“And that’s where I think you’ll miss out on some really good quality guys,” said Kalise, “You can’t simply judge a man by how old he is. I know a lot a mature 20 somethings,”

“It’s easy for you to say that because you’re only 25. There is a huge difference between 25 and 30, if we are comparing men to women. Guys that age have not matured enough to thoroughly handle a committed relationship. They still want to sow their wild oats and I don’t know any man at the age of 25 that is truly ready to get married and start a family,”

“She does make a good point,” said Raven

“You’re blessed to have found Minseok. He is a good man,” said Leona

“He is that,” Raven smiled as she quickly turned her head to find her boyfriend standing in the entrance with his boys, “Well this is a first,” she hopped off her stool and strolled towards her man, “Baby,” when she lifted her arms to hug him, her dress rode up exposing more legs; giving the males around them an eye full

“Honey your dress,” Minseok pulled her arms down, “Just around the waist,” he kissed her forehead

“I’m sorry,” she smiled as she looked at his friends, “I don’t think I’ve met your friends yet,”

“So this is your girlfriend?” asked Baekhyun as he extended his hand to shake hers, “Byun Baekhyun, lawyer, 25 and semi single,” he smiled at her

“Oh boy. Hello Baekhyun. I’ll make sure I keep my little sister away from you. I’m Raven,”

“I’m Kim Jun Myeon,” Raven looked at the well-dressed young man, with groomed brown hair with a slight pout to his lips. She smiled warmly at him. He appeared very inviting.

“Nice to meet you,”

“This is my younger brother Sehun,” Raven somewhat gasped at the very tall slim man who had a twinkle in his eye as he looked down at her

“I can see the family resemblance. Nice to meet you Sehun,”

“Nice to meet you too. Wow Hyung has great taste. You are beautiful. No doubt your sister is just as beautiful,” she laughed

“How old are you Sehun. Are you just reaching 21?” she joked

“You are close, but no I’m 23 and Hyung is 28,”

“You guys look great for your age,”

“As do you Noona,”

“Come meet my friends. Minseok they would love to see you since we were just talking about you,”

“Ok sure,” Minseok suddenly stopped at looked at Baekhyun, “Where is Chanyeol?”

“He said he was coming,” Baekhyun said

“Ladies guess who is here,”

“Oh gosh Minseok, this is ladies night. Meaning you can’t be here,” said Kalise with a smile as she got up to hug him. He got nervous cause he didn’t want her dress to rise up too.

Kalise noticed his expression, “I don’t have cooties,” she looked down at her outfit

“What are you wearing?”


“Oh I thought it was a dress. I didn’t want it riding up when you hug me,”

Kalise smiled big at him, “Oh gosh you are going to be a wonderful brother in law. Raven don’t lose this one,” she said pointing at her sister

“I don’t plan on it. Right babe,” she slapped his as he laughed

“You’re Raven’s sister?” asked Sehun

“Yes and you are?”

“Kim Sehun,”

“Nice to meet you. This is Ashley and Leona. And who are the handsome men next to you?”

“My brother Jun Myeon and Baekhyun,”

“Baekhyun is semi single,” Raven piped in as she eyed Baekhyun, “I told you, and you aren’t dating my Kalise,”

“Of course. So are we sharing the space or what?” he looked at the ladies

“I guess we can make this an exception, just this once,” said Ashley

As the boys settled in Chanyeol came walking through the bar.

“I made it,” they all looked up and Leona’s heart stopped

Chanyeol made eye contact with Leona and time stood still.

“Hello,” he said

“Hi,” she said

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Kaychihxx #1
Chapter 3: Her story is literally Jesus and Mariana''s story in the forsters hehe
740 streak #2
Chapter 4: Just ran across this story tonight, and I am really enjoying it so far. Great plot, and the secondary characters are very likable. I think I was as shocked as everyone else when Leona asked Chanyeol out. I'll be looking forward to seeing where things go from here.
Lunarrp #3
Update soooon please
BlasianLover #4
Chapter 3: Please Update. this story
ssza9876 #5
Chapter 3: This sounds very interesting.
Chapter 3: Good update. Poor Chan Chan. 25 is not a bad age.
Chapter 2: Okay. I like. I am already intrigued.
ssza9876 #8
Chapter 2: This sounds really good.
Sounds interesting; im excited!!!