Chapter 1


She could not resist the temptation to stare at him.

She simply just could not.

He looked so good in his white T-shirt, leather jacket and converse shoes. A simple fashion, yet it showed off his masculine charm.


He could not resist the temptation to stare at her.

He simply just could not

She looked so good in her sleeveless black shirt, black jeans and high heels. A simple fashion, yet it showed off her iness and slender figure.


At this moment, their eyes met. Sparks flew quickly like at ROCKET and they both shyly smiled at each other.


After the Running Man shoot ended, all the guests were at the waiting room in the studio, chatting merrily with each other, exchanging contact information. Everyone except two person.

Hanbin, had went to the toilet and was about to return to join the others in the waiting room when he bumped into someone.

“Sorry” he said as he looked up into the eyes of that person, giving the person an apologetic smile.

That is when he realized he had bumped into the person that he couldn’t take his eyes off the whole day. It was the same person that made his face blush, his words stutter and his heart pumping extremely fast.

“Seolhyun-ssi, really sorry. Are you alright?” Hanbin asked in his most concern voice.

“I am fine! It was fault for bumping into you!” she said while giving her most angelic smile.

Hanbin was about to protest when Seolhyun said “You did well today, your dance was AMAZING! I really enjoyed it.”

At her comment, Hanbin couldn’t stop grinning. To him, it felt like it was some form of recognition in which Seolhyun had noticed him.

“You danced well today too. The stage was so hot and Y.  No wonder you are the hot icon of 2015.” as he responded while giving her a flirtatious smirk.

 She gave him an angelic smile in which Hanbin thought it was the most beautiful in the world. They continued chatting, praising each other, laughing and talking about music. Hanbin had never felt so comfortable before. He felt so at ease, delighted that he was talking to someone that had the same fire and passion as him even though it was barely someone he knew and met today. At this moment, he bravely said this.

“Seolhyun-ssi, may I have your phone number?”


Two weeks has passed since the Running Man shooting, and Hanbin was impatiently looking at his phone, waiting for the message that he anticipated every single day. s looked at him, laughing loudly at him at his silly but anxious look as he tapped his foot at the wooden dance floor, waiting for the message.

Ever since they exchanged numbers, they have been sending texts to each other daily whenever their schedule permits them to do so. If they have a five minutes break, they text, instead of resting in the car, they text. They simply could not break the conversation as one party would always continue the conversation so that it would never end.

“Hyung, you look like a fool that is helplessly waiting for your crush to reply you” Chanwoo laughed while looking at his foolish older brother.

Hanbin shot an annoying glance at him and that when he phone beeped, indicating that a new message has arrived. Beaming into huge grin, he quickly unlocked his phone and read the message

*their conversation format is based on instant message*

S: Sorry for the late reply, I was busy rehearsing. Had a 5 minute break and immediately rushed to the dressing room to retrieve my phone and reply you.

Hanbin gave a worrying expression before typing.

H: You silly girl! You should take this time to rest and not rush to the dressing room to reply me. You do know the fact that I understand you are a busy lady and I can wait for your late replies.

He chuckled slightly at the last sentence, knowing it was all a lie. He had never felt so impatient before especially over a message.

S: How could you doubt my sincerity? I practically rushed to the dressing room in my heels to answer you. You just broke my heart L considering I only had five minutes.

Upon receiving the message, he felt slightly guilty.

H: I’m sorry. I should’t have said that. I was a bad boy. Tell me how I should compensate to you. I am willing to do anything.

S: HAHA! You’re adorable, I was actually kidding. However, since you decided to compensate me, I shall punish you by treating me lunch kekeke.

S: Also, I shall punish you by making sure you reply me within 30 seconds immediately during your break time. You would rush to the dressing room right?

S: Anyway, my break time is up. Got to go! Talk to you later!

H: No problem, I will treat you to lunch.

H: And yes, no matter how tired I am, no matter how my legs are aching. I would rush to the dressing room for you.

As Hanbin typed the last message and closed the messaging application, it dawned on him. He was falling hard for her. 

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Chapter 4: Omo, this make my heart flutters and I'm smiling like an idiot right now =D
boregasm #2
Chapter 4: I really adore your fanfic, Authornim! Please do some Seolhyun x Monsta X's members next time!♡
malidanitami #3
I want more. I want more !! Hihihiii... Could you make another story of them but not as an idol but maybe as an ordinary people or about marriage life? Hihihi ^.v
Kim_hyorin11 #4
Chapter 3: Ooh please make another fanfic about Hanbin and Seolhyun juseyo authornim!!! I started shipping them as soon as I saw them on running man though I wish there would have been more interactions :( but please please please make another fanfic about these two
rion_01 #5
Chapter 3: Nice story! I watched the episode and kinda hoped for interactions between Seolhyun and the other idol guys. It didn't happen and I understand why. They're still idols and there are also fans watching. That's why I'm glad that I came across your fic. It's fun imagining them and all the possibilities that can happen after the shooting. I've never thought of this couple but they do kinda look good together. ^^ Great job on this fic and thanks for sharing. Keep it up!
FyfieyIce #6
Chapter 3: Woah~ I like your story.. Anyway I also ship Hanbin and Seolhyun after seen the Running Man. Hahahaha.. I also ship Jihyo with Hanbin but Gary much better for Jihyo. Anyway that was my opinion. Thanks for writing this story authornim ^_^
bd4537 #7
150 views! Even though the numbers may seem little, but its a huge achievement for considering its my first fanfic! Thank you very much and do look out for future works!