Part Four

Just Talk to me Already

Jackson’s Pov.


    “That boy” I mumble under my breath. He really needs to just slow down and listen, instead of slapping me and stuff. But I supose I’m partly to blame, I should of thought out my plan more before just coming over. (I wonder if that's why I’m always getting into so much trouble)


I thought that if I came over he would see Youngji and somehow realize that the reason I couldn’t be with him was because my wicked (step) mother set me up to go with some other girl. But then realized she was cool and there was nothing to worry about, and that I loved him with all my heart. It’s a wonder I’m not in jail right now.


But Youngji saying something snapped me out of my thoughts. “Sorry, what was that?” I asked her. “I said, so that's Mark huh” Youngji repeated. “Yeah that's right” I replied. Youngji gave me a sad look before saying “He didn’t look too good, like he had been crying for a while.” she then let out a little gasp before saying “Wait!! you said that he didn’t know why you couldn’t take him to the dance, and then you show up to his house with a girl. That poor boy” she finished.


“Yup I agree, but you should still say why, just so I can, you know, make sure that you're on the same page as me.” I said, having absolutely no idea why Mark would be so upset by this. Youngji gave me the are you kidding me right now look before saying “You told him you couldn’t go to the dance with him. Which would make him think that you don’t want him anymore. You then show up to his house with a beautiful girl *Cough if I say so myself Cough* excuse me. Making him think that you came to his house to tell him the reason that you can’t take him to the dance is because you want to go with a girl” Youngji finished saying.


“But that doesn’t make any sense. I told him that I was gay” I said, this girl really knows nothing. “But your popular. So he might think that you only said all that stuff to fool him, so you could later make fun of him.” Youngji said, looking like she might explode soon, I wonder why.“But why would I want to fool him I love him” I said, this girl clearly wasn’t on the same as me. Youngji took a deep breath, the kind you take when you don’t want to strangle someone, before saying “But he wouldn’t know that he thought the whole time you were trying to fool him!!”


“Okay okay, you’ve made your point. You can stop yelling now” I said. But truthfully I only said that so she’d stop yelling. It’s not her fault she had no idea what she was saying, she didn’t know Mark like I did.“Okay, so what now?” Youngji asked me. “I’m just going to ring the doorbell again, hopefully it’ll be Jinyoung. Because he’ll let he in, just watch” I said before ringing the doorbell again.


Jinyoung’s Pov.


    I’m going to kill that boy, I can’t keep sticking up for him if he keeps doing stuff like this. Show up here with a girl, really!? How dare he hurt Markie’s heart, Mark didn’t deserve that, he deserved someone who will spare his poor heart the pain of being broken again.


At this point the only reason I’m sticking up for Jackson is because Mark still loves him. I promised a long time ago to Mark that I would only make the people he doesn’t like anymore “disappear” but nobody that he still likes. Saddly Mark is still head over heels in love with that boy.


It’s one of my few regrets, making that promise, it hurts me so much when I see Mark crying over people. I just want to hurt them like they hurt him, but I can’t, because Mark wouldn’t be able to forgive me, and I can’t live knowing that Mark hates me. I just wish Mark would choose someone who will love him with all their heart; and never hurt him. I wish he would choose someone like that, someone like-


Just then though the doorbell rings. Seeing the condition Mark’s in; I don’t think he can do it. So reluctantly I get up and go to answer the door.


But the second I do I nearly slammed the door shut (curse me for having common sense) when I saw who it was. “What are you doing here Jackson” I said sounding very pissed off. “Jinyoung, I need you to listen to me, please” Jackson said. I was surprised, Jackson Wang just said please; this must be serious.


“Okay, but make it fast, I’m busy helping Mark get over you” I said. That may not be true, but might as well find out if Jackson really loves him. Jackson looked relieved that I would give him a chance; but terrified that I said Mark was trying to get over him. “Don’t worry, it shouldn’t take too long” Jackson said.


True to his word, Jackson didn’t take very long. He explained how it wasn’t him who didn’t want to go with Mark, but his mother. Apparently his mother set him up with the girl, Youngji, without his consent, forcing him to say no to Mark. His mother was also evil or something, and he knew if he tried to go disobey her in any way, she would find out and he would be screwed.


But then Youngji turned out to be cool and even a homoual, and very willing to help Mark and Jackson out. So now they're here and want to explain to Mark the situation, and that Mark would be able to go the dance with Jackson after all. I also lied when I said Jackson didn’t take very long.


But Jackson's explanation made sense, so I had to let him and Youngji in. For Mark, I kept telling myself as I let them in.


Mark’s Pov.


    Why does love hurt so much, why can’t it just be easy like those couples on t.v. But no, instead I feel like I’m in one of those cliche dramas. The only difference is that Jackson isn’t going to come running through the door saying (or yelling) that he loves me to the end of the world and back.


It was at that moment Jackson come running into the room and yelled at me “Mark I’m so sorry, I love you to the end of the world and back, so please; please let me explain everything.” I was very confused, so I did the only logical thing in my head. I walked right up to him and slapped him right across the face (I don’t have the best logic. If you couldn’t already tell.)


“Jackson I told you not to rush” Jinyoung yelled at him. I was surprised, Jinyoung was helping him. Maybe he really was sorry. But then the girl who Jackson was with walked in. I felt anger boil up in me, did Jackson come all this way to tell me it was over. But then the girl walked up to me and hugged me while whispering in my ear “I’m sorry, please just, let us explain.” The way she said it sounded like she was really, truly sorry. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to listen to their explanation.


(A/N: I’m too lazy to write the explanation out, but it’s basicly the same thing he told Jinyoung)


After Jackson’s long and painful explanation; I felt like such an idiot. All of this could’ve been avoided if I had only let him explain why he couldn’t take me to prom. “Jackson I, am so sorry” I said slowly before continuing “If you want to break up, then I’d totally understand”Jackson just let out a chuckle before pulling me into a hug and saying “I didn’t just go through all of that; just to break up with you, and if you heard me before. I clearly stated that I loved you very much” I smiled and hugged Jackson back. I was so happy that this mess was over.


“Mark there is one thing that I need to ask you” Jackson said “What is it?” I asked thinking about what he wants to ask me. “I know that this isn’t how you wanted to be asked but, Mark Tuan, will you do me the honor of allowing me to accompany you to prom.” Jackson asks.

I felt like the happiest person on earth. I didn’t even care that Jinyoung and Youngji were watching us. ‘Yes yes, a million times YES!!!!!” I yelled out while hugging Jackson even harder. To think that my day started out so horrible.


~The Day Before Prom~

I’m so excited for tomorrow, I still can’t get over all that has happened. Who knew so much could happen in a single day. But because of what happened I have a new appreciation for Jackson as my boyfriend, Jinyoung as my best friend, and Youngji; who after the whole incident I got to know a lot better. Turns out she’s really cool, I even found out about her crush. I owe her a lot, I just hope that one day I’ll be able to pay her back even a fraction of what she's done for me.

Jackson’s Pov.


    Tomorrow’s the prom, and I am freaking out. Not in the way that most boys are, worried about how they can impress their dates enough to be able to take them home, and if they manage to do that how it will go. No, my problems just if I can fool my mother. Are plan is pretty solid (I hope at least) Youngji's going to show up at my house, and were going to pretend that we're into each other and take some pictures, (because my moms into that stuff.)


After that me and Youngji will get into the car and drive to Jinyoung's house, where Mark will be waiting. Then me, Youngji, and Mark will go to the prom. Youngji will be there so we can take some pictures with each other to make sure my mother believes that I went to prom with Youngji (I’ll never truly understand her and her pictures) also because we owe her so much, this is the least we can do.


Even with our plan I’m still worried, I know I shouldn’t be, considering the plan wasn’t my idea but Youngji’s, who is apparently a genius. But my mother had a reputation for stumping genius. While Youngji is confident her plan will work, I just can’t help but doubt. Only time can tell, I’ll just have to wait for now.


~Prom Day~


The doorbell rang interrupting the silence that filled the house. “SHE’S HERE!!” my mother screamed out (and people wonder why I’m so loud) “JACKSON, GET DOWN HERE, IT’S YOUNGJI!!” my mother yelled as I was walking to the door. “I know mom I can see her from here” I said and she turned around in surprise. “Oh, well then let’s some pictures of you too.” Just like that, we spent thirty minutes just trying to get some good pictures.


“Mom, can we go now” I said desperately wanting to be with Mark. “Okay, okay, fine. Remember to take lot’s pictures for me!” My mom said, I just simply replied with “Will do mother” Before me and Youngji left. We had just shut the cat door before she said “See what did I tell you. The plan worked perfectly.”


“Okay, you were right. But you can’t blame me for worrying, this is my mother were talking about.” I said. “Alright, I’ll give that to you, but next time don’t doubt me so much” Youngji said full of confidence from her plan working. But what she doesn’t know is that I heard her talking to herself about how she was worried that her plan wouldn’t work. But I'll let her have this, because I owe her so much already.


Me and Youngji talked comfortably together until we arrived at Jinyoung’s house where Mark was waiting. I walked up to the house and rang the doorbell, I don’t know why, but I was feeling really nervous. But all of that disappeared when I saw Mark, he looked amazing, all dressed up in his suit and tie. “Wow, you look great. I didn’t know you owned clothes like that” I asked still in a daze from seeing Mark, and just the thought that he’s mine.


Mark just let out a little laugh before saying “Well I don’t, their Jinyoung's. But you look really good too” while looking me up and down and his lips. “Well we should going” I said feeling a little bit giddy from Marks complement. “Well then let's go” Mark said before we walked to the car. The car was filled with our chatter the whole way to the school.


When we arrived me and Youngji took a few pictures before we separated, for now. “Can I get you a drink?” I asked Mark, he only smiled and nodded his as a yes. But we had only made it to the refreshment table when I heard a voice calling us “Hey Jackson, looks like the plan worked” I turned to see Jaebum walking towards us with his arm around Youngjae.


“It turns out Youngji was cool, so we didn’t need your plan after all” I said. “So your telling me I didn’t need to risk my life by helping you.” Jaebum said with fake anger. “Yeah but you know you would do it again and again if it meant staying with your lover” I said knowing he couldn’t say anything against that. “You win, Jackson” Jaebum said. After that the four of us were just chilling by the refreshment table talking about the most random stuff until we heard a loud scream.


“JACKSON WANG, MAY I ASK YOU WHAT YOU ARE DOING HERE DISOBEYING ME.” I turned around in horror when I saw just who was there, my mother.

End of part Four

I finally finished part four, and just to let you know the next part is the last part. I hope this turned out okay, I've been sick and really tired, so I apologize for all the mistakes in here, or just the over all chapter. But I would really appreciate if you could comment on how I did, I'm trying really hard to become a good author. But anyway thank you so much for reading my story:) I'll try to get the final part up as soon as I can.


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ilovesnsd2 #1
Chapter 8: The wicked witch of the West is truly evil! What kind of mother would kick her own son because his gay???
Anyway, thus is my first boyxboy story I've EVER read, but it was so cute and awesome I loved it!!!! Markson till the very end!
JulyChans #2
Chapter 8: This is so cute, very good story, i loved the end, Jackson's mother was completely crazy, thanks for sharing :3
Zico01 #3
Chapter 7: 대박~~ !!!! This was amazing
Nachtice #4
Chapter 8: Good ending! Markson fixes everything!
KTsuki-chan #5
Chapter 8: Aww that was a cute ending~~ well a bit harsh for Jackson at the beginning, but everything is fine now huh?? Congrats for finishing the story, and hope your health will get better :)
Chapter 8: Woah, that escalated quickly, but the most important thing in here is the happy ending! I hope Jackson's mother will learn a good lesson someday though, and I didn't expect the news about Mark's parents ;+;
Thanks for this lovely story girl! Sad that it ended so soon, but I get the reasons, so it's all fine~ :*
MarkSon! ♡
Chapter 7: Oh boy, what the is that witch doing there?! Just lemme kick her arse to the moon first >,<
KTsuki-chan #8
Chapter 7: Fighting Jackson, I belive you can go though it (maybe not without damage but....) waiting for the next chapter~~
Nachtice #9
Chapter 7: Oh poor Jackson, but you wouldn't've been able to keep the facade up for ever. Stay strong!
prettygirl20 #10
Chapter 7: lol I don't know why but I was laughing my off with this chapter XD. I find this so funny. Probably only me thou! #WeirdMe