Sequel Part Two

Just Talk to me Already

Mark’s Pov.


    I can't wait until the dance. I know it’s in two months from now, but it’s better to prepare early. I don’t want a single thing to go wrong, speaking of going wrong, Jackson still hadn’t asked me out to the dance. I made it very clear that I did not just assume that we’re going together, and that he had to ask me in some special way. Hey, all those other girls expect their boyfriends to ask them out in big, over the top ways, so why can’t I?


Now all I have to do is wait for Jackson to tell his parents and then ask me out. I don’t know he has to tell his parents, I mean I’m not going to tell mine, but this is important to Jackson, so I guess I can deal with it. From what he's told me about his parents is that his mother is a cruel, heartless person who will stop at nothing to get what she wants. While his father is a spineless coward who listens to whatever Jackson's mother says. I know I may seem like I don’t appreciate Jackson to much, but if you think that then you couldn’t be anymore wrong.


Jackson's the one who's been helping me to come out of my shell. He's the best boyfriend I could ask for. Besides that he saved me from my original prom plans. Which were to stay home and wear the grubbiest sweats I could find and an oversized sweatshirt, and watch netflix on my bed while pigging out on junk food all night. But now instead of that, I actually get to go to prom, I can’t wait for Jackson to ask me to go with him!!


“Hey, Mark. are you even listening to me?” my (annoying) friend Jinyoung said. “Oh sorry, I guess I just got a little lost in thought” I responded to my nosey friend. “Right, were you thinking about lover boy and when he’ll ask you out to prom” said nosey friend asked. “Yup, you got me. You just got really boring, so I couldn’t focus on what you were saying.” I said already at the end of my patience with my mother.


“Hey!! I’m not boring!!” Jinyoung said while I just gave him an are you kidding me look before he continued. “Now pay attention, this is serious. I still don’t know what gender would be better to date. I mean guys are great because I’m a guy too, so they’d be easier to understand. But at the same time I can relate to girls a lot too. I mean if a sad movie is playing I will cry, don’t think I won’t” Jinyoung ranted out.


The first time we had this conversation it was interesting and I wanted to help my (mother) friend out. But after the fiftieth time, it got really old. It could of been more interesting if he had more points to it. But no, what you just heard him say, that's it. That's all he ever argues, so it's not my fault I zone out whenever he starts talking. He also can’t blame me for thinking of Jackson, speaking of Jackson, there he is. I then start waving until he sees me and starts walking over.


Youngji’s Pov.


    This can not be happening to me. I’ve known for a while now that I had to accompany one of my dad's business partner's sons to his prom. But it doesn't stop there, but then again, when does it ever. But as I was saying, It doesn’t stop there. Recently the boy, I think his name's Jackson, his mother came to visit me, so we could discuss some detail, it was there that she told me that Jackson had already asked someone else out, but she told him that he had to go with me instead.


I don’t know why she told him that, I would be happy to back down. But no, because that's not how these situations work. No, what's going to happen is that Jackson and his mystery lady are madly in love. But surprise surprise a problem happens and they can’t be together, because the wicked witch just won’t let them. Most probably because of one of two options, number one: The girl that Jackson wants is poor, and Jackson's mother wants him to marry a rich girl. Or two: Jackson's mother met this mystery girl and doesn’t like her so she forbids them to be together.


But anyway the wicked witch won’t let them be together. The wicked witch then decides to find someone that she does like to be with her son. The person that she chooses then becomes one of the main bad guys in the story, and the least favorite character because she or he is keeping the two lovebirds from being able to be with each other.


Then some plot will happen in the middle, but in the end they chase away the person the evil witch picked, and then get rid of the wicked witch too. So by this I already know that the second I’m introduced to the main characters I'm going to be hated by them. The worst part is it doesn’t matter what I do I’ll be hated. If I’m nice to Jackson, then his mystery lady will think I’m trying to steal him from her, and if I’m mean to him, they’ll see me as a jerk. There really is no winning in my situation.


I just can’t seem to even win this game, and I’m tired of playing. My father is constantly setting me up on dates with random men. Now this wouldn’t be as much of a problem if it wasn’t for one thing, I’m a homoual. I don’t like to use words like gay, lesbian, or straight. Because I think it’s stupid that people feel the need to use slang words to describe us, I mean I’m still human after all. But that's not the only problem, I have a huge crush on this girl in my school. If I had to describe her in one word it would be perfect.


The best part is that recently I found out that she was biual. If only If only I could go and be with who I want to be with, and not who my father wants me to be with. Then maybe we could be together. I recently started hearing rumors that she liked me, but I can’t be too sure. Sadly I can’t look into it, I have to survive this Jackson prom problem first.


I wish my life could be more simple. Like the other girls in my school, who get to worry about stuff like,does this dress make me look fat? or did he look at me? and my all time favorite Is my makeup on point, Those lucky girls and their simple problems. I get to deal with being the most hated character in the story (I may or may not read way too many fairy tales) But anything can happen, maybe I’ll end up getting my fairytale ending too. Yeah right Youngji, just keep dreaming.


Jackson’s Pov.


    Why did I go to school today? If I didn't then I could’ve had another day to figure out how to tell Mark that I can’t go to prom with him. I wish that it was as easy as just telling my mother I’d go with the girl, and then go to the dance with Mark instead.


But sadly, knowing my mother I know that she’ll think ahead. She’ll probably bribe the girl to make sure that we go to the dance together. My mother is a truly, cruel woman, and sadly no matter how much I try to fight her, she will win in the end. She’ll never let me go to the dance with Mark now.


Speaking of Mark, there he is waving me over, I guess it’s now or never. I walk over to the table that he and Jinyoung are sitting at, and go to sit next to Mark.


“Hey Jackson” Mark says cheerfully (probably thankful I saved him from Jinyoung’s endless ranting) before he continues. “So, have you talked to your parents yet?” Mark asked clearly trying to tell me that he’s wondering when I’ll ask him to prom. I rub the back of my neck nervously before saying “Actually, about that, I can’t take you to the dance” The slap that follows echos throughout the whole cafeteria.


The End Of Part Two

Okay, so I finished another part in the story. But I do have some questions for you guys. 1: who in Kara is Youngji shipped with? If nobody knows then that's fine, I can either use any of the girls or just make one up. 2: Do you guys want anymore characters. Like is there anyone in Got7 or Kara that you would like to see in the story. Finally 3: Is there any other couples that you want in this story. Again it does need to be with people from Kara and Got7, but it also doesn't have to be with the characters currently in my story. I can't promise that I'll add the couples, but I'll try to add the characters. Any other comments on the story are fine too. This story isn't just for me. Thank you!! :) 
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ilovesnsd2 #1
Chapter 8: The wicked witch of the West is truly evil! What kind of mother would kick her own son because his gay???
Anyway, thus is my first boyxboy story I've EVER read, but it was so cute and awesome I loved it!!!! Markson till the very end!
JulyChans #2
Chapter 8: This is so cute, very good story, i loved the end, Jackson's mother was completely crazy, thanks for sharing :3
Zico01 #3
Chapter 7: 대박~~ !!!! This was amazing
Nachtice #4
Chapter 8: Good ending! Markson fixes everything!
KTsuki-chan #5
Chapter 8: Aww that was a cute ending~~ well a bit harsh for Jackson at the beginning, but everything is fine now huh?? Congrats for finishing the story, and hope your health will get better :)
Chapter 8: Woah, that escalated quickly, but the most important thing in here is the happy ending! I hope Jackson's mother will learn a good lesson someday though, and I didn't expect the news about Mark's parents ;+;
Thanks for this lovely story girl! Sad that it ended so soon, but I get the reasons, so it's all fine~ :*
MarkSon! ♡
Chapter 7: Oh boy, what the is that witch doing there?! Just lemme kick her arse to the moon first >,<
KTsuki-chan #8
Chapter 7: Fighting Jackson, I belive you can go though it (maybe not without damage but....) waiting for the next chapter~~
Nachtice #9
Chapter 7: Oh poor Jackson, but you wouldn't've been able to keep the facade up for ever. Stay strong!
prettygirl20 #10
Chapter 7: lol I don't know why but I was laughing my off with this chapter XD. I find this so funny. Probably only me thou! #WeirdMe