Luhan, little deer

Please, smile
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Luhan's parents had been high school sweethearts and decided to get married when the younger of the two turned 20.

When they discovered they were expecting a child, both moved to the capital in search of a new life for their son.


The day their baby was borned everything was simple or at least as simple as it can be when you give birth.

Nurses worshiped, and the head nurse offered to personally deliver the baby along with her assistant, who at that time was an intern. When Luhan was born, with just 8 months he was very small and fragil.

He received a lot of attention from doctors and nurses while he was at the hospital during 2 weeks after his birth due to complications with his breathing. At that time, everyone in the hospital knew the little angel. The nurses grew to love him and begged his parents to bring him back for them to see him again.

'Is a very strong child,' a nurse said, delivering a healthy baby to his parents

'he got it from his baba' said the taller of them smiling at his partner

"he is very beautiful too, he got that from both of you' said the nurse and both smiled

'Thank you nurse Zhang' thanked the young boy bowing, and then grabbed the baby

'he'll be a happy kid for sure. Take care and love him a lot' she said this with a smile

'we will' replied the taller.



Luhan's childhood was full of love, care and happy moments. His parents loved him and gave him whatever he wanted, other than them he did not have anyone else but he didn't care.


At school, Luhan was lonely, he didn't like being with other kids who always laughed at how small he was and how delicate features he had that made him look even more beautiful than a girl

 'Hannie what happens?' asked his baba the back of the 7 years old boy

'They make fun of me because I'm small and I can't run or play with them' he said tearfully 'they say I look like a girl even though I'm a boy and n one ever will marry something so weird' he kept saying between sobs rubbing his eyes with his small hands 'baba!' cried 'I don't want to be a weird' the man just hugged him and kissed his forehead, comforting his son.

'Lu' he started 'it is okay to be different. You're small and different from them, that scares them. Difference is something that scares them, they don't know you so they reject you because they're afraid of you. But that's ok, because one day you'll find someone who doesn't mind that you're different' the young man was still talking and tracing circles on his son's back to calm him 'you'll find someone who will lovesyou for who you are as I did with your father '



After turning 10, Luhan's parents took him out for a walk, ate ice cream and even went to the amusement park the little boy had wanted to go.

Then at home the three sat at the table in their comfortable kitchen with a large steaming pizza in the middle of the table

'Well, will you tell me what happens?' Luhan said taking a piece of pizza

'What do you mean Hannie?' asked his baba, looking at him

'I have been spoiled more than usual lately' replied the boy before taking a bite of his pizza 'something happens, it is obvious'

his father  laughed and said, 'And accodrding to you, what happens?'

'well' Luhan started saying after he swallowed and gived his approval to the steaming dough with cheese he was eating 'I have three theories, you'll get divorce, although I very much doubt  because you love each other to much. I also thought that you are expecting another child' he said looking at his baba choked on a piece of pizza and began to cough

'And what it is the other?' asked the father to Luhan, soothig his husband's back 

'Well ... The third is that, perhaps I will die soon' both of his parents kept silent and them bursted out laughing

'Luhan' his father began

'honey' his baba said still laughing 'nobody will die, and we will not divorced' h finished saying holding the hand of his husband

'So will I have a brother?'

"We hope to give you one soon 'his

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Chapter 12: This story has a great plot..
Kimdeaqua #2
Chapter 11: Looking forward for more........ can't wait...
TatibearJay #3
Chapter 11: I've got a question. Is Xiumin the bottom/girl in Xiuchen because it would so awesome if he was. Just imagine a pregnant Xiumin with Jongdae as his sweet husband! *sighs* The Good Times.........
Chapter 11: Aigoo, they got seperated by Joonmyeon? *mentally facepalms*
I like :)
Update soon~
_chanchan #5
Chapter 9: Chapter 9: aww Kai became a better person :D!! Can't wait for the next update!!
Chapter 9: Please update soon!!!
Chapter 8: Please update soon author~~
Kimdeaqua #8
Chapter 7: Feels good to be the first reader..... hahahaha plz update.....