I am sorry, Krystal

f(x) 4 Walls - When I'm Alone
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Am’s pov


The next day, while in the class, student subscriber pointed at me and Krystal commented, “You girls watched a sad movie together yesterday? That is why both of you have puffy red shot eyes. You two must be crying a lot! ”

I turned over to see my princess and asked in concern ,”Are you ok?”, but she just stared ahead ignoring me.

I will work hard to get your forgiveness.

Before lunch break, I invited her but was treated like invisible. During lunch break, I sat next to her at the canteen table, she mentioned to Sulli that she was full and left the canteen. I left a note to ask her to meet me at school roof top after school but as expected, she totally ignored it and went home.

You don’t even want to give me a chance to explain?

The next day, I left a bouquet of roses and lunch box pack with her favourite beef slice rice in her locker but later I found the bouquet of roses was in the class room waste bin.

So she did take the beef slice rice! *smile

Then Sulli came over to return the empty lunch box, “Hyung, your food is way too nice and it is a pity to throw it away, so I ate it instead.”

She threw my hardwork, that I put in cooking the beef, away…

My face sulked by it own.

I waited for her after class but she totally ignored me and boarded her car instead.

The only time that she “talk” to me was when we were rehearsing for the play but my role does not have chance for me to talk much!


The only time that she “look” at me was also when we were rehearsing for the play but when she looked at me, it is like looking through me as if I don’t exist and maybe at the pillow that I am sleeping on!

What else can I do? *pout

Days became weeks, she had been ignoring me for 2 weeks.

I need to do something. I gotton the address from Luna and decided to pay her a visit at her two storey. She was living in on her own and went to stay at parents place at times.


When I reached her place, it was brightly lit up.

I am in luck! She is home! *smile broadly

I marched up the walk way rehearsing the lines that I had prepared. When I was at the door step, I heard noises inside and I pressed the door bell nervously.

The door bell spoils?

There was no sound of the door bell so I knocked loudly at the door hoping to gain her attention as the sky looked dark and it seemed going to rain.

You guys

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Ruka_Kazare #1
Chapter 3: My gosh author-ssi... thanks for the role ya.
neo2this #2
I love how u put the picts....song...and minions!!!! Good job...
neo2this #3
Chapter 35: Iam dying ....kryber selca for me... U r too much dear author
neo2this #4
Chapter 24: Sweeter than syrup..aweee ...
neo2this #5
Chapter 22: iam holding my breath and chocking (iam not shy whenever it comes to kryber lol)...
neo2this #6
Chapter 18: lol..i cant believe i just read this now...too funny..and how do u know iam getting old dear author?? :D
neo2this #7
Chapter 3: hahaha just start reading ..iam a teacher ?? nice one...thanks dear for put me in the story..
Chapter 35: Good Story.
Hana341 #9
I like it, it was a very nice stroy
Ci_shan #10
Chapter 35: Thanks for mention my name..lolz