Chapter 28 - Learn to let go

Love is nearer than you think.

The next 2 days Yuri did not attend school, instead she accompanied the still unconscious Jessica…


---Meanwhile in Soshi High---


---Taeyeon’s POV---


Yuri was absent for the past 2 days… it was obvious that she was taking care of


Jessica but.. boy… covering up for her is really tough work… especially from that


Hyunna girl she is just irritating.. I.R.R.I.T.A.T.I.N.G… At least the teachers didn’t


Give me much trouble.


--During Lunch time—

“Hey! Taeyeon! Do you know when Yuri is coming back?” Hyunna asked


“Oh My GOSH! Hyunna! For the millionth time, I have no idea!” I was just frustrated hearing her voice


“Oh… do you.. erm perhaps know where she is?” she ask again


Stay calm Taeyeon… stay calm… you can do it I mentally said to myself


“You know what Hyunna? If you really care about her, you probably should


let her go.” I finally lost it


“What do you mean?” She asked innocently


Oh My Gosh… I can’t stand her…


“Well probably you should go to the hospital…” I said as I handed her the address


“W-w-wait? Yuri is in the hospital?”


“Go see for yourself, it’s the truth” I snorted


“And the truth hurts!” I yelled as she was walking away


She turned back curious at what I just said but I just walk off


She is the pure definition of  irritating… I can’t stand her!!! I thought as I headed towards my next class.


---Normal POV---


Hyunna was heading towards the address Taeyeon gave her, she was thinking about what Taeyeon had said


“Let her go”


“The truth hurts”


“No one should know that I liked Yuri.. how did she even find out?” Hyunna mumbled as she made her way up the stairs


As she peeked through the window, she saw a sleeping Yuri holding an unconscious Jessica’s hand. She must have understand what Taeyeon was trying to tell her and left…


“It is lucky that I did not fell deep into love if not I will be hurt pretty badly…” Hyunna thought as she left



Ever since that day, Hyunna became less irritating and treats Yuri like a normal friend.


Taeyeon was somewhat relieved that she didn’t have to put up with that irritating side of Hyunna again


---Yuri’s POV---


Yuri didn’t know Hyunna came and left moments ago…


I stared at the unconscious Sica… It was all my fault


I burry my head again...


Wake up please Sica… I thought


I was blaming myself for all the unfortunate things that happen.


I didn’t leave Sica’s side for a moment…


---Jessica’s POV---


I slowly open my eyes… What happen?


Flashbacks of Yuri leaving popped into my mind, tears started to flow


“Oh! Ms Jung, you are awake?” A nurse came rushing in


I could not lift my body, I was too weak and exhausted…


Again? Sigh… Why does God always want me to live… it’s the 2nd time already.. I sigh…


“How did I get here?” I asked while lying down unable to lift my head


“Oh! You were drowning until this kind lady here save you” She pointed beside me


I lifted the bed just a bit and saw Yuri lying beside me, tears flow down my cheeks again


“She has been staying here for the past 2 days, refusing to move or eat” The nurse explained


“Yuri….” I mumbled as the nurse left


I grabbed her hand… I don’t want to lose her


“Sica.. I’m sorry” Yuri mumbled in her sleep


I look down and saw tears flowing down her eyes


“Don’t leave me” She continued


I brushed away her tears, unknowingly I started to cry


---Yuri’s POV---


I felt a pair of soft hands brushing on my cheeks


I looked up and saw the crying Jessica


I stared at her for alwhile, tears were flowing




I hugged her tightly, I do not want to lose her again…


“Sica…I’m sorry” I cried




“I acted too rash….Can you ever forgive me….”


Jessica hugged me back, I felt her tears dripping down onto my back


“How can I not forgive you… You mean everything to me”


We just stood in that position for lets say a very long time…


Neither of us do not wish to let go…



Waha! Annyeong! The YulSic couple is back! :D In case people forgotten xD Hyunna was the new student in Soshi High that keeps bothering Yuri xD Don't worry you won't hear anymore from her again. And sadly this story is coming to an end in just a few more chapters :( But please do look foward to the sequel :)) Thanks for supporting me! :))

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it’s been so long since i last read this story
_A1233 #2
Author-nim, please enable your offline mode. Please. Thank youuu.
Chapter 35: RllyNgga... Hmm
grc_grace #4
Chapter 35: I read this in one day, and I enjoyed :)
Will continue the sequel, kekekeekeke :D
Chapter 35: I read this all in one go, now I will read the squeal, because I need answers
mascott #6
Chapter 35: Oh my gosh!
SNSDforever22 #7
Chapter 35: Omo!! Nice story author-sshii!! But how is jessica related to tiff??!!
Chapter 35: Thanks for this fic! Will be reading the sequel! *runs to sequel*
siwonlex #9
Chapter 35: Love the story :-)
siwonlex #10
Chapter 34: So cheesy ~~~~~