Chapter 4

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I stood outside Jimin's gate, digging my feet into the soil as I waited for his arrival. I looked over at Taehyung's house, unknowingly feeling nervous. I should not be feeling nervous at all, he is my boyfriend after all. I caught a brown fluff at the corner of my eye and turned my head to face it.

"Hey..." Jimin greeted first, looking like he didn't get any sleep. I returned back his greeting while giving him a slight smile. I honestly didn't feel like talking to him about Taehyung, it felt bad talking about him without asking Taehyung about his side of the story. "So... You know he is the chief of a gang right?" He started off while walking forward towards school.

I nodded, not wanting to show him my nervousness and uneasiness. "You... Know what is gang is doing?" He looked at me for a while before turning back to the front. "Nope..." Was that a good idea? Would he tell me? "Then it's fine" He said, quickening his pace.

"What is it Jimin?" I shouted as I did not want to walk too fast. He continued walking forward even after hearing me, ignoring my question. "JIMIN!" I shouted in frustration, tears were filling my eyes which happens every time I'm frustrated. "Don't force me Mirae, I don't think I should tell you!" He shouted back, walking even faster than before.

"JIMIN PLEASE I NEED TO KNOW!" I shouted back, feeling stares from passerbys. Tears were already sliding down my cheeks but I didn't care, I just needed to know about Taehyung. Why won't anyone tell me? "DON'T TEST MY PATIENCE MIRAE!" He looked back at me and gave me a death stare before turning to walk to school, more like stomping.

It was hard to control my feelings, it's like they can't trust me. Why can't they just tell me? I'm old enough for this! I vented my frustration, kicking the grass and stomping on the flowers. More tears flowed down as I kept ranting on my own which is what I always do to Jimin. But the thing is, now he is part of my rant.

I bet I looked like a mess, standing outside the school gates, I didn't dare enter. I took out my phone, turning on the front camera. I looked horrible, like I broke up with my boyfriend. Boy... Boyfriend... Maybe that would happen huh...

The time was ticking, lesser students were seen running to school, I'm going to be so late. I really wasn't in the mood to meet anyone after what happened, heaving a deep breath and pondering over my choice again. I decided to just skip school. But now, where do I go? I needed a break from everything but I have no where to take refuge in. Arcade? Could I? Not caring much, I walked in the direction of the nearest mall.

"I'm sorry you cannot enter" The lad

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Nananashi #1
Chapter 4: I thought she was 17 from ur foreword
taemoong #2
Chapter 3: Wow ! Your story is awesome ! I'm looking forward to the Next chapters ! I Hope you'll update it soon ♡
sseungra #3
Chapter 3: I just started reading and it seems interesting! Looking forward to the next chapters!
High4_flower #4
When's the next chapter I can't wait to read it
_UriNameJungKook_ #5
Chapter 2: I love this story! I can't wait to read the other chapters!
Nananashi #6
Chapter 2: Sooo how old is jungkook here???? Also taehyung
Nananashi #7
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: why do I feel like tae is gonna get arrested then jungkookie comes in the scene and then bam the next is reverse harem XD anyway, hope you update the next chapter! ^^ looking forward for this! :D