Chapter One (First Days)

St. Mary (Currently working on other stories, will be back soon)
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Green fields blurred into one smudged image as the black Mercedes Benz E that had picked me up from the airport sped through the countryside. I had no idea where I was going and the chauffeur, an old white man with sunken black eyes, refused to answer any of my questions. As we travelled along, further and further away from the city of London, I felt a growing sense of anxiety creep over me. I was in the middles of nowhere, where no one could hear my screams, where I couldn’t escape from. I was convinced that I was being taken away to a torture school. The building was probably going to be a rusty, abandoned warehouse, surrounded by derelict land. The only sounds heard would be my screams. Is this what Taemin went through?

The car slowed as it entered a little village, the brown wooden cottages reminding me of the English Village back home… Oh wait. This is an English village. Admittedly, I could be a little dense sometimes. Just a little.

“Mr. Kim Kai is here.” His deep and quavering voice announced into an intercom, the large black iron gates opening immediately to let us through. The iron gates, with St. Mary inscribed along the top, parted with a creak as if the old and rusty metal was protesting my entering. (See, I wasn’t the only one.) The car drove into an open cobbled courtyard with a marble fountain of a black knight and white knight, the former riding a steed with dragon wings and the latter a unicorn, situated in the centre.

The driver came round and opened my door, he’d already taken my luggage out the boot. I thanked him receiving a grunt as a reply before the man got back in the car and drove off. .

“Welcome to St. Mary.”

I turned around, startled. On the stone steps of the main building stood a tall pale woman. Her long straight black hair was parted down the middle and fell to about mid-back. Only part of her milky white thigh could be seen between the hem of her black silk dress, which hugged her figure, and thigh high boots. Whoever she was, she was beautiful.

“Welcome to St. Mary.” She repeated through her blood red lips. “I know you’ll be happy here.” She smiled but it offered me no comfort at all. That’s what they all say.

“Follow me to my office.” She said and started up the steps.

“What about my cases?”

“They’ll find their way.” She replied without breaking stride so I abandoned my suitcases and followed her. “My name is Ms. Song, I’m the headteacher at this school.”

Headteacher?! She looks way too young to be a teacher let alone the one running the place.

A pleasure sigh left me as we entered the building. Unlike what I’d expected from England, it was actually quite hot right now, and the inside of the building was so cool, instantly calming down my heated skin. She led me up a grand staircase (one of those posh ones that split in two) and to the left, down a hallway, a left, a right, two more rights (I swear this school was a maze). It felt like we’d been walking for a good five minutes before she finally stopped.

“Is something wrong, Ms. Song?” I asked.

“No, not at all. Step in to my quarters.” She opened the door. The wall of her ‘quarters’ were lined with glass bookcases, with the amount of books she had she could start a library. There was a large wooden desk with elaborate carvings of vines and trees, with mountains of books and paper stacked a top it. The wall behind the desk was a giant ivory window. I bet you could see the whole school through it.

Ms. Song took a seat on her red velvet lined chair and gestured towards the seat in front of her. I sat down. Smiling, she welcomed me again, “Welcome to St. Mary, Jongin.”

“How do you know my real name?” For a while now I had been going by Kim Kai. May be my parents had enrolled me using my birth name.

She dismissed me with a wave of her hand. “Your questions can be answered later. Here is everything you’ll need for your lessons and a key to your dorm room.” she handed me a map, a load of books, a pamphlet and… a cauldron? A cauldron? What use do I have for this?

“Where do you think we are, Hogwarts?” I said. Is this a joke?

Her light chuckle filled the room. “All will be revealed in due time. You can go now.” She instructed, pointing at the door.

“Thank you.” I bowed politely, then I stood up slowly and walked through the door. She had seemed so normal at first but she’s actually weird. I guess no matter how beautiful someone is; they may be a true creep beneath the surface.

“Everyone’s weird here, you’ll get used to it.”

I screamed. A very deep and manly scream. (Anyone who happened to be around at the time may argue otherwise but they’re liars. Don’t listen to them!) “Who-” my voice cracked. Embarrassed, I cleared my throat and deepened my voice, “who said that?” I re-asked but who was I kidding, the damage was already done.

“Turn around genius.” A deep voice mocked.

They boy that revealed himself from the shadows did not match the voice at all. First of all, he was short. Like really, really short. He only reached my shoulders. His snow white skin and small pink lips only enhanced his innocent image and starkly contrasted his jet black hair. The only thing about him that screamed danger was his sharp glare that pierced through the shadows and made me shiver slightly.

“How did you do that?”

“Do what?” he husked back.

“Come out of the shadows like that.”

“I’m Do Kyungsoo.” He introduced, his gloved hand proffered to me. Even though he completely ignored my question, I still stepped forwards to shake it. Now that I was closer, I could see that his eyes were a striking liquid red, like a pool of blood.

“I like your contacts.” I complimented. They were really cool.

He burst out laughing. His laugh was surprisingly melodious but with enough malice to send a chill down my spine.

“The first thing you need to know to survive this school is don’t make assumptions.”

“So those aren’t contacts?”

His red eyes rolled as he sighed in apparent annoyance. Well, I’m sorry if you’re offended but red eyes are not something that’s seen often. Jeez. I noticed the corners of his small lips quirk upwards, as if he was suppressing a smile.

“The map is of the school and the village, the pamphlet’s about the school, the books are for history and the cauldron’s for potions or food tech, depending on what you are.” He listed in quick succession but my ears were sharp and caught on to his every word.

“So this is Hogwarts.” I stated which made him laugh even harder than he had before. He threw his head back, showcasing his pale neck and drawing my attention to the diamond encrusted necklace skull dangling from it.

That’s a cool necklace.

“Thank you,” he smiled fondly as he touched it with his fingers, “it’s my lunch.”


A devilish grin stretched his lips at my confused face. “see you later.” He whispered as he disappeared back into the shadows.

“Wait.” I called out, running after him but the boy wasn’t there. He’d gone like a puff o

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Chapter 5: aawww, wondering when you'll be update the next one >.<
Mi-syel #2
Chapter 4: Noooooo, I wanna know what happens next :'(
muivy8 #3
Please update soon
Btsrules125 #4
Chapter 4: Keep writing. Please update soon
noodlehead #5
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Loving the story, keep writing Author-nim!
Btsrules125 #6
Chapter 2: Love the story already♥
This was a nice start to what looks like a good story, keep the good work