Talk Shows and Rumours

A Coincidence (SHINee FanFic)

Today you were going to be a guest on your first official talk show. You refused to count your short appearance on Weekly Idol as the first. Since they had dragged you along to their most recent show, you decided to bring them to this one, despite their schedules. Luckily for you, it wasn't too difficult to convince them, unlike how stubborn you were. Your manager had to come along too, so he didn't mind letting them off for a few hours.

When you all arrived at the set, the producer of the show ran over, and was very excited to meet you. It felt so nice being welcomed and recognised as an artist. His excitement only increased, as he noticed SHINee chatting behind you, and he basically exploded, showering them with compliments and praise. He must have been a big fan. After some negotiating, they agreed to perform at the and of the show, after you.

You went and took your seat on the sofa, and the host took her seat the armchair opposite you, angled slightly towards the camera.She flashed a smile at you and stuck out her hand, which you shook politely. You were about to introduce yourself, but she shushed you, and told you to save it for when the camera was rolling. You nodded, unsure of what to do.

You fiddled with your thumbs, hands shaking, while looking down at your bright red chunky boots. Yes, they had stuck you in another outfit and had put a layer of make-up on your face, but at least this time it didn't completely change your facial appearance. They obviously toned it down for talk shows.

With no real warning, the camera man started counting down from five. You had been zoning out from all the conversations in Korean that you couldn't quite understand for a while, but these numbers struck you with anxiety. You looked up and could see Taemin mouthing 'fighting!' which lifted your spirits. Key tossed you a mint, which earned him a glare from the camera man for disturbing the shot. You ate it gratefully anyway, smiling weakly at them both. Your host smiled intensely at the camera, waiting for the countdown to finish. And then it began.

"Hello and good morning! My name is MinMi, and we are joined here today with this lovely young lady!" She beamed, shifting to face you. You guessed that this was your cue to introduce yourself.

"Annyeonghaseyo! I'm (y/n)!" You grinned, waving at the camera.

"Now, (y/n), you have made quite the first impression with your debut! Congratulations! What was it like recording your first song and music video?"

Knots formed in your stomach, as you desperately wanted to say the right things to please the audience.

"It was amazing, and so much fun too! I was very lucky to get so much help with the song, especially from Jonghyun," You said humbly, not forgetting to mention his efforts.

"You must be close with him then?" MinMi suggested.

"Yes, he's my friend," You told her, unable to believe that you could actually call him that now.

"And what about the other members of SHINee? What about a certain Minho, the handsome co-star of your music video?" She probed raising her eyebrows and smirking at the camera. You could see where this might be going...

"Yes, I'm friends with all of them. We managed to complete the filming of the music video rather quickly thanks to Minho's acting skills," You said, as you saw him chuckling at the back of the room.

"Was it all really just acting though?" She asked. You frowned at her, which caused her to continue questioning you.

"Well, I'm dying to know, and I'm sure the viewers at home are too, which member of SHINee are you dating, if any? There absolutely has to be something going on with you and one of them! We've seen pictures of you and Taemin in America, we've seen pictures of you and Jonghyun at the park, we've seen pictures of you and Key in a café, we've seen you and Onew on Weekly Idol, and we've seen you and Minho in your music video. Plus, some of us lucky few have even seen the video which fans are calling the slipping of SHINee's rep... Or is it Kai? You two seem pretty close too, judging from those selfies you took together that he put on Instagram," She rambled on and on, listing all your various encounters with the media over time. She was getting a bit too in depth for your liking..

You must have looked like an idiot sat there, dumbstruck, eyes wide, using filler words so you had enough time to produce a level-headed response to all this. You were sure that Jonghyun would not be coming back here ever again after that video was brought up so lightly in conversation. How did she know all this anyway?! Now you'll be paranoid about stalkers and media, always looking over your shoulder whenever you're out with anyone. This was going downhill fast, you prayed that an advertisement break would come.

You glanced to your manager subtlety, who nodded at you to tell the truth. He was red with anger, and you knew that he would make sure that this company doesn't exist tomorrow. You could tell just by his facial expressions. You took a deep breath before starting again. You weren't going to be fooled by MinMi's perfect smile any more.

"Firstly, you have taken quite a lot of pictures out of context, and secondly, I am seeing someone who is in SHINee - Onew," You said calmly, but why were you nervous thinking it? You stared at her the entire time, causing her to laugh nervously.

"Well, there you have it! Looks like our theories were right! Congratulations once again on your debut, and we wish you the best of luck in the future," She continued smiling, but you saw right through it. It was like she would never stop smiling.

"Thank you," You said, deciding to give her a big, sarcastic smile back, which shocked her slightly.

Finally it was time for the advertisement break, and you were not staying for any longer. Before anyone could say anything to you, you walked away to talk to the five guys.

As you suspected, Jonghyun had already left, saying that he refuses to perform for people who put them down. Key handed you the whole pack of mints.

"I hope this makes up for that one packet I finished off," He grinned. You were surprised that he even remembered.

"Thank you, and it does make up for that!" You sighed, taking two mints at a time.

Onew came over and hugged you.

"You still came across well, you know... considering all that," He comforted.

"Yeah! What was she going on about?! She doesn't know anything," Taemin grumbled, looking outraged.

They all just shook their heads in shock, still confuses as to how she knew all of that, and how she had the guts to say it... Minho was sat in the corner, his brow furrowed and tapping his foot.

"We should just go home and leave it be. Manager hyung will sort everything out. He won't let any of us get bad publicity," Minho said, getting up and gesturing to leave.

You all strolled outside, without a care in the world that this show wasn't going to have their two awesome performances. for them!

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Chapter 6: Coming back and reading this about a year later... I still really like this story, I just wanted to give a little constructive criticism, if that's alright. Your writing style in these first few chapters (this is as far as I've re-read so far, so I'm only commenting on the story up to this point) seems a little fast-paced, though the story line runs smoothly. For a beginning writer, this isn't that much of a problem, though, and I sometimes struggle with pacing as well. I just wanted to suggest that in future stories, you read through and think about what things you can add to the story that make it run at a more believable speed. Please understand that I'm just trying to be helpful, and I hope you don't take this the wrong way. I do really enjoy this story, and I'm looking forward to reading the rest of it!

Chapter 3: Oh wow, this is soo good! I'm hyperventilating with excitement... Breathe Jordan...

But seriously, this is really good!
herejusttoread #3
Chapter 20: Was excited when I saw your update. Such a good story. Fighting !!!
herejusttoread #4
Chapter 19: Wahh the story is so good. Keep it up. Can't wait for the next one .