Love On The Ice

HoMin: Feels, Fears, Funny, and Fluff
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(In the spirit of the holidays, we decided to write about Yunho and Changmin's first Christmas together as a couple =) it's pure fluff and romance. Hope you enjoy~~ ^~^ )

Yunho and Changmin have been together about 8 months now, and except for a few minor things here and there, everything has been amazing. It's Christmas Eve, and being that this is their first Christmas as a couple, Yunho hopes for a night filled with romance and happiness. They've just finished dinner and are about to head out for the night and experience some of the holiday festivities happening. He turns to Changmin, who's just walked out of the bathroom, and gives him a small smile. Yunho doesn't think he'll ever understand how Changmin can look so stunning all the time. "Ready to go?"

To say Changmin is excited for tonight is an understatement. It might be the inner child in him, but he loves the Christmas holiday. Being able to relax and just spend it with Yunho is a major bonus. His heart is about to burst, he just knows the night will be romantic, probably overly so since Yunho was- well, a romantic. So, he's elated about this evening. A big smile plastered on his face, he walks out from getting ready and spruced up and goes right over to his boyfriend, linking their hands. "I'm more than ready." He announces, smiling like he's going to burst his face right open.

Yunho smiles, noting his boyfriend's ecstatic expression. It will be a night to remember, for sure. He gives Changmin's hand a squeeze, leading them out and down to his car, headed towards the ice skating area downtown. He's looking forward to being in the open air, as well as teaching Changmin some fun tricks.

It had been Yunho's idea to go ice skating but, Changmin is legitimately very excited to try. He knows he's probably going to fall a few times, and they'll both laugh, but he'd always found something so romantic and intense about skating together. Seeing couples perform had always enchanted him. It was better than dancing and so much closer. Changmin was definitely looking forward to being that close and he definitely didn't care who saw them. It was Christmas, they deserved a break. He slides into the passenger seat and immediately turns the radio to Christmas music, looking over and smiling at Yunho in glee, not once letting go of his hand. "Are you excited baby?" He queries softly.

Yunho nods to the younger's question, smiling as he keeps his eyes on the road. "Very much. I love ice skating. Now you can learn to be cool like me." He turns to Changmin for a moment and winks. He really feels in the spirit of the season, especially with the one he loves here to celebrate with him. He sings along to the music softly, giving Changmin's hand a squeeze as he pulls onto a side street to search for parking.

"Oho~ setting the bar higher for me, I see." Laughing, Changmin gives Yunho a playful nudge, watching to make sure his boyfriend is being careful driving, since the streets are pretty busy this time of year. Even though he's not usually very jingle friendly with Christmas music, he sings anyways, feeling like letting go tonight.

Yunho smiles, finding a spot near the park and pulling in, turning the car off and turning to Changmin. "I love you.." He admits, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek sweetly. He can't help but to laugh softly..his heart just feels so light. "Shall we?" He gets out and helps Changmin as well, locking the car behind him. As they walk towards the park, the iced over pond can be seen, several people already skating around.

Changmin's eyes light up instantly, gazing around in awe at the beautiful scenery. The pond is glistening from the state of being iced-over, there are lights everywhere, strung up to create a nice ambiance, and the music playing beats a club any day. He turns to give and excited nod to Yunho, followed by a soft laugh. "You do know I'm going to fall right?" he grins. "It's inevitable."

Yunho shakes his head, still smiling as he leads Changmin over to the pond. "No, you won't." He assures. "Because I won't let you." He winks, going over to the stand and renting 2 pairs of skates. He pays and walks the pair of them over to a bench, sitting and waiting to help Changmin lace up. "It's not scary once you get used to it, I promise."

Changmin sends his boyfriend a look. "I'm not scared and I actually expected you'd say that..." the younger grins, shaking his head. "But, still don't be surprised if I knock you down too." He looks down, not entirely sure how to operate these things, but he's seen the movies and he suddenly blushes a bit, biting his lip and glancing over to Yunho. "Help me?" he asks softly.

Yunho chuckles, nodding. "Aigoo, come here..." He gets Changmin's foot in the skate and kneels in front of him to lace it up, following suit with the other foot. He places a kiss to the inside of the younger's clothed calf, just to be silly. "There, ready to skate!" He slips into his own, shuffling his feet to get himself out onto the ice just a bit, making sure he's steady before he holds his hands out, wanting Changmin to take them. "Just hold onto my hands, baby..we'll go nice and slow, alright?"

The entire time Changmin's trying not to grin like an idiot. He probably could have figured it out himself but he really wanted Yunho to do the princely romantic thing, and he's not sorry in the slightest. Cheeks turning pink at the soft kiss, he nods, humming his agreement. Now the fun part. Standing up, albeit a little shakily, Changmin moves over and immediately latches onto Yunho's hands, feeling like suddenly there's nothing under his feet. "Oh~kay. Okay. I'll be fine... I'm totally fine.." he laughs.

Changmin is entirely too cute when he's flustered. Yunho takes a firm grip on the younger's hands, skating backward a little further. "OK, baby. Now just shuffle your feet a little. One in front of the other. I'll guide you around the ring, OK? Very slowly." He steadies himself, eyes glued to the younger, making sure he's OK.

Changmin nods, emphatically, determined to not mess up and be a clumsy blubbering younger version of himself. Being weightless like this however is a bit unsettling. He clings tightly to his boyfriend's hands and glances down at his feet to try and mimic what he's being told. "Just...shuffle, okay. Right." he nods again, for show. Pouting a little, he glances back up at Yunho. "Was it intimidating for you at first?"

"One foot in front of the other, that's it. Like you're gliding..." Yunho instructs, leading Changmin slowly around the edge of the ring, not wanting to disturb the more experienced skaters. "Oh yea, very much so." He chuckles. "After I fell a few times though, I got over it. I won't let you fall, though." He winks. Changmin seems to relax a bit, moving his feet, and Yunho nods encouragingly.

Finding himself slowly more and more able to not stare at his feet while trying, Changmin does relax. He smiles softly at the encouragement, happy that he has such a patient boyfriend, truly. Hearing that even Yunho fell before gives him a bit of inspiration and he starts to move his feet with a little more courage. "Ah~ I can't imagine that actually. Pretty sure, though I know better, you never fall doing anything in my mind." he smiled cheekily lol

Yunho chuckles. "Oh please. You know I've tried to kill myself at least 100 times. Not on purpose." He winks. "But I'm indestructible, so it's OK." His fingers creep up to Changmin's forearms, holding him that way. "Though I'm glad that I'm perfect in your mind." He smiles, helping guide Changmin as they approach the bend. "Careful now. Lengthen your strides a little, relax a bit more.."

Changmin laughs at that, his eyes twinkling. He had his own ideas about you, especially in the past, and the reality truly never shattered that admiration. "Indestructible huh?" he echoes. "That sounds about right." he looks around, noticing that they're getting to a trickier part and feels his muscles tense up in anticipation. He listens though, trying to force himself back to relaxing and trusting Yunho to help. His boyfriend's grip makes things easier and he starts to use his legs a little more, sliding with a bit more enthusiasm on the ice. A smile crosses his face. "This...really feels like flying..." he breathes, locking eyes with Yunho softly.

Yunho notices that Changmin is getting more relaxed, and he smiles. "See? I told you it was fun. When you get a bit braver I can let go of one hand and we'll go side by side." He skates backwards, taking Changmin with him, going just a little bit faster. "Remember watching me on Kiss and Cry? You'll be doing that stuff in no time." He winks, chuckling.

Changmin outright blinks. He doesn't think he's ready for a single hand to be let go, not at all, and his eyes widen as he looks over at Yunho. "Ah... I guess I'll trust your word. Of course I remember. You were kickass at it..." He coughs a bit. He doesn't notice the change in speed until just now and he wrinkles his nose at his boyfriend. "Yah~ you're trying to make me run before I walk." He pouts.

Yunho laughs at the younger's expression. "I said when you get braver, doesn't have to be right this moment, aigoo." He shakes his head. "You're OK. Id feel if you weren't. Confidence, baby. It's just like dancing. Only a lot more slippery." He laughs softly, leading them around another bend. "If nothing else, just trust me. I won't let you fall. Never ever."

Heart racing at the soothing words, Changmin smiles a little more confidently, nodding cutely. "Ah~" he nudges his boyfriend slightly. "Don't you think I know that by now...?" He adds in, adoration shining in his eyes.

Yunho nods. "Well, I would hope so." He leads them around one full time, and Changmin seems to gradually get more comfortable. He tries a second pass around, gaining just a bit more speed, still letting the younger use him as leverage if needed. "See, you're a natural. I blame it on the long legs." He winks.

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Chapter 6: I miss your stories.
Anashim #2
Chapter 6: Whoaaa.. Need yunho's diary too :D
Bedour #3
Chapter 5: loooove ur fics(♥▼♥)~
awesome as always thank u so much m(_ _)m
& Merry Chrismas guys ♥chu~♥chu~♥
taranalove #4
Chapter 5: merry Christmas guys!
thanks for updating....
love it
taranalove #5
This is so nice... im really happy to read this..
Please update soon
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