SMS: A Night Out....Kind Of.

HoMin: Feels, Fears, Funny, and Fluff
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Deciding to spend some quality time with his friends, which he hasn't gotten to do in ages, Changmin takes a rare night to hang out with Kyu line, drinking and getting involved in whatever shenanigans they see fit. The problem is, due to busy schedules, it's also been a long time since Changmin got to spend real quality time with Yunho, and as the night wears on, he finds himself missing his other half. Getting a bit bored, he decides to text and see what the older man is up to.

[SMS->Yunʕ•ᴥ•ʔ] So.... whatcha been up to....? >.>

(SMS-> Changdola <3) Keke hey hot stuff. Not much, sitting here watching a drama. You drunk yet? :P

[SMS->Yunʕ•ᴥ•ʔ] Who me? Psh. Never. Not -enough- that is. Whatcha watchin? >.>

(SMS>Changdola <3) Uh huh. Whatever you say :P. You must be bored keke. Getting caught up on yours, actually. I'm a terrible fiance, I'm afraid I'd gotten behind :(

[SMS-Yunʕ•ᴥ•ʔ] Errrm, only a bit. Kyu has developed the habit of 'retelling' a story so. aigoo. Also, in your defense~ the lack of comedy does make it a bit hard to follow keke. I forgive you. Maybe. A little. <3

(SMS>Changdola <3) keke somehow I'm not surprised. Hey, I don't need comedy. I get to watch this hot guy swing a sword around and write , thats enough to get my attention. ;) :*

[SMS-Yunʕ•ᴥ•ʔ] Ohoho~ well there's a bonus because that guy also turns into a badass rebel so~ but you have to survive a lot of episodes for that keke. Only joking. Hey, at least I got the ultimate epitome of perfection; food . Ugh. Shoot me though. I love my friends, I do, but right now I'm not feeling it.... If I have to pretend to laugh at Minho one more time...

(SMS>Changdola <3) I also get to bang said badass hottie on a regular basis, so extra bonus :3. You and your food. No shooting keke. Sorry baby. Anything I can do to help?

[SMS->Yunʕ•ᴥ•ʔ] ....It's a damn shame I couldn't keep the garb.... keke. Anything you can do? I'm sure you can think of a lot of things to fill in that blank but~ atm with me being here, I'm not sure there is. SIGH. I blame the busy schedules lately but I already miss you, wtf.

(SMS> Changdola <3) Don't go giving me ideas now :P. Well, I'd offer to come out, but I'm not cool enough to be in kyu line keke. Glad to know you miss me tho. Have kisses:

[SMS-Yunʕ•ᴥ•ʔ] You always have ideas. Your ideas don't stop. I'm fairly convinced you're the person who uses the "dead time" when sleeping to think of -more- ideas. :P kekekeke. Also that was mean. and you deserve a pout:

(SMS> Changdola <3) it's kinda true. But you like my ideas keke. What? It wasnt mean, I'm just sending you kisses, what's mean about that :P

[SMS-Yunʕ•ᴥ•ʔ] Kinda, he says. keke. And yes, it is too mean. I'm over here missing you, how dare you send your face? :P

(SMS> Changdola <3) keke so sorry. I could have sent something else :P

[SMS-Yunʕ•ᴥ•ʔ] Yah. It would be my luck Kyu would look over, or Minho, do you -really- want to face S

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Chapter 6: I miss your stories.
Anashim #2
Chapter 6: Whoaaa.. Need yunho's diary too :D
Bedour #3
Chapter 5: loooove ur fics(♥▼♥)~
awesome as always thank u so much m(_ _)m
& Merry Chrismas guys ♥chu~♥chu~♥
taranalove #4
Chapter 5: merry Christmas guys!
thanks for updating....
love it
taranalove #5
This is so nice... im really happy to read this..
Please update soon
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