Chapter 3 - Lush

Hot Chocolate
Luscious - Having a pleasingly sweet rich taste
Jongin woke up to the feeling of plump lips against his own. The sweet taste of everything sweet and nice. He can feel a body pressed up against his and arms wrapping  themselves around his neck. 
The kiss lasted for a couple of minutes; just lips moving against lips, slowly and lovingly. The innocent kiss stopped when Jongin parted himself from his lover, and looked up with eyes that were slightly hooded, and lips now agape as he stared at Kyungsoo. 
Kyungsoo's expression was pure bliss for Jongin; Kyungsoo had his eyelids closed, lips slightly parted as hot breaths of air came out, a tint of pink dusting his cheeks. He wounded his arms around Kyungsoo's waist, pulling him closer. 
"Merry Christmas." Kyungsoo whispered softly into Kai's ears. 
"Hmm, Merry Christmas." Kai answered back. 
They were now cuddling; Kyungsoo's  head tucked into Kai's neck, his arms around Kai's upper body and Jongin's arms around Kyungsoo's waist. 
They stayed like that for another 10 minutes, pure love radiating off of there bodies until Kyungsoo smacked Jongin's shoulders as he looked at the time. 
"It's 9:40 you bastard!" Kyungsoo shouted, a scowl on his - beautiful -face. He escaped from Jongin's embrace, with much difficulty, and stood up like a mad wife, ready to beat there husband up because he forgot to do the laundry. 
"Y-your such a s-s-seducer!" Kyungsoo accused, stuttering, especially when he had to say such word, as he put his arms onto his waist, showing Kai one of his grumpy expressions. 
"Seducer?" Kai asked, an amused expression on his face as he gave a light smirk to Kyungsoo, making his expression lightly falter and a blush, appearing, on his cheeks. 
"Y-yeah, what else would you be?" Kyungsoo asked back, turning around so that his back faces Kai, hiding his growing pout. 
"Don't forget who's the real seducer here." Jongin said. 
"Waking me up with those plump, tasty lips of yours." And he gives a smirk of victory to himself as Kyungsoo stomps of, the pout still on his face, with a new delicate blush, now painting his cheeks. 
Jongin comes out of there shared room, walking to there kitchen as he smells the sweet delicacy that is food. He sees his beloved Kyungsoo standing behind the stove as he moves his arms around, making breakfast. 
Coming up from behind, Jongin gives a light back-hug - as not to disturb Kyungsoo as much. But Kyungsoo just ignores him; payback. 
"Baby." Jongin whispers, tucking his head into Kyungsoo's neck, smelling him (as if that isn't weird). He can see the light pink on his cheeks and on the tip of his ears. 
"I love you." He whispers lightly, yet it holds so much meaning. 
"I love you too." Kyungsoo answers out of reflex. Then he remembers what he was supposed to be and starts cooking again. 
"Get the dishes out." Kyungsoo says in his commanding tone, acting angry. Jongin mentally whimpers, immediately leaving Kyungsoo's side as he goes to set the table up. 
They then start eating Kyungsoo's masterpiece; a tower of pancakes topped with an array of berries and drizzled on it is one of his best homemade syrups. 
It was so true that you would call Kyungsoo's cooking a masterpiece. It simple tasted like heaven. The way in which everything would fit together perfectly as you take a bite. As the delicacy melts in there mouths; the sweet, rich taste of Kyungsoo's food. 
For the first couple of minutes as they ate the pleasure everyone should get on a Christmas Day, it was dead silence; just the sounds of cutlery hitting the plates and food being chewed; crickets chirping from the silence as well. 
Kai couldn't take it anymore, so taking the problems into his own hands, he started his plan; annoying the heck out of Kyungsoo. By this, it meant whining and pleading, guilting Kyungsoo by saying 'it's Christmas' until Kyungsoo gave in and stopped his act, sitting next to him instead of in front of him
It was now 8pm. 
They went through the day, slowly but blissfully; just being with each other is enough. And now they were getting ready for a date, a stay-in date; where they stay inside and do inside stuff together; in this case, they were gonna do a movie marathon. 
"Jongin, can you get the movie ready?!" Kyungsoo shouted from the kitchen. He was currently making hot chocolate and microwaving popcorn for there date; perfect for a cheap Christmas date. 
As he was stirring the drink, he can hear there TV turning on; a cheap one, in fact, the whole apartment was quite cheap when Kyungsoo was suddenly asked by Kai to move into his apartment, on the floor above his, 3 years ago. 
"I'll grant you one wish." Kyungsoo agrees as he lifts a finger up in front of Jongin's face. 
He has long gone with the shy stutters and blushes every time Jongin says something or when they stare at each other for too long. Instead, he now became more confident and comfortable with interacting with Jongin; letting out his 'for close people only' side. 
They were currently in Jongin's kitchen, Kyungsoo's handmade birthday cake long forgotten as they find warmth in there embrace, separating a bit when Jongin asked for Kyungsoo to give him a wish. 
"Promise me that you must do it." Kai says to him. And Kyungsoo nods. 
"I'll do what you want; as long as it's appropriate anyways." He says. 
"Ok," Kai starts of as he takes hold of Kyungsoo's hands. 
"Then move in with me." 
Kyungsoo can hear that line echoing in his head, like one of those big city bells going of. 'Move in with me, move in with me', and all he does is stands still, surprise written on his face. 
"Baby?" Kai asks, concerned and a bit sad. 
"We can talk about it another time." He says, while taking Kyungsoo into his arms, biting his lips 
Kyungsoo shakes his head in Kai's chest, lifting it up and looks at Kai with a big smile; his eyes shining. 
"No, no, I promise didn't I?" Kyungsoo exclaims, giving a light peck to Jongin's lips. And all he does is nods. 
"Y-your sure r-right?" Kai stutters, more nervous now. 
"Mmm, I wouldn't mind living with my boyfriend." He replies back. And suddenly, he's in the air; his world is spinning around. Kyungsoo quickly puts his hands onto Kai's shoulders, steadying himself as he slowly puts him down. 
"You know, I love you so much!" Kai all but shouts, giving a chaste kiss to him. 
"I know, and I love you too." He answers back. 
"But, you know, I think we might need to renovate this place a bit." He adds as he looks around the apartment. 
"Baby, are you done?!" Kai shouts from there living room. Kyungsoo shakes out of his little daydreaming moment and takes the popcorn. 
He skilfully makes his way to the living room with 2 cups of hot chocolate and a bowl of popcorn, setting them down onto there coffee table. 
He turns to Jongin and sees him wearing one of there Christmas couple shirts; he was wearing the same thing. It was a green shirt with there names on the front; written in gold, and there were little silver hearts around it; his one was red though. 
Kyungsoo takes a seat and Kai soon follows after pressing the play button. They get comfy; with Kai putting his arms around Kyungsoo's shoulders, pulling him closer, while Kyungsoo buries most of his upper body onto Kai's chest, taking his other hand to play with it. 
Not even 5 minutes in and Kai suddenly moves the popcorn onto his lap, giving the cups of hot chocolate to Kyungsoo while he puts his feet onto the coffee table, resting it there. 
"Put you feet there, Soo." He says, and Kyungsoo follows, putting his feet onto Kai's legs as he gives one of the cups to Jongin. 
They take sips of the drink, remembering that day from years ago; there first encounter. 
The hot chocolate tasted just like it, if not, even better. It tasted sweet and rich. The pleasuring liquid falling through there throats a as they swallow the yummy drink. 
They both remember the day like the back of there heads. The first time meeting each other. The blushes and gazes. The mesmerising stares and shy stutters. There simple, but also quite stupid, questions. The way they smile at each other as if that's the only thing that they could do. 
Kai takes a handful of popcorn into his mouth, sharing a bit with his lover. 
The popcorn tasted sweet and salty. It tasted buttery, and just the smallest bit of bitter. 
They continue watching the movie in silence; there affection shown by little acts, like kisses here and there. 
"Kyungsoo." Jongin says seriously. Kyungsoo turns to look at him, a face full of curiosity. 
"Grant me a Christmas wish." He finishes. 
"Ok." He answers. 
"Promise you'll do it, ok?" Kai asks back. 
"This reminds me of your birthday, 3 years ago." Kyungsoo exclaims, laughing a bit. 
"But, I promise." He says, answering Kai's question. 
Jongin slowly lets out a breath of air, shakily, and gives a quick peck to Kyungsoo's lips. The movie noise now just the background to them. 
Kai looks into Kyungsoo's eyes with so much hope and love, adoration and bliss, and blurts out the 7 letters and 2 simple words that he had long wanted to say. 
"Marry Me." He says. 7 letters. 2 simple words. Yet a billion feels. 
And Kyungsoo can feel the tears building up, his heartbeat beating even faster as he lets the words comprehend into his head. 
He shakily lets out a nod, then he starts nodding again and again, his tears now falling as he sobs and buries his face into Kai's shirt, arms wounding around Kai's waist. 
Jongin lets out the breath of air that he held. Feeling much bliss and happiness; joy. He wounds his arms around his boyfriend - now fiancé - and kisses the crown of his head, over and over again. 
Slowly separating from his lover, he kisses the salty tears away, and pulls out a box. Opening it, Kyungsoo finds 2 simple silver bands, a gold heart engraved in the middle with there initials on each side of it. 
So slowly, they exchange rings while sharing a gaze full of love. And they share a kiss. And it tasted sweet and nice. There emotions pouring out. Bliss. Hope. Happiness. Joy. Adoration. Everything good. And love. Sweet, pleasuring love. 
Author's Note-
I hope anyone who read this, enjoyed it. 
And Merry Christmas. 
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Have a very Merry Christmas!!


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Chapter 3: So sweet and beautifully written! Im squealing ohmygod. *hoping for a scene aka their first time* lol THANK YOU!
Chapter 1: I loved it~
It was so cute and fluffy^^ hwaiting author nim!