Same Old Love
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Attention ! This is a really, really short chapter (I wrote it that way so it will look longer but it's a really short chapter) It's more like an epilogue since this is the last chapter. I wanted this story to be short so yeah. It's a little lame and not that great but this is the first story that I wrote after a hiatus of 8 months or more idk, so this is pretty awesome for me because the reason I went on hiatus was that I couldn't write anymore... I had ideas but I just couldn't write them.

Anyway, I hope you like the epilogue.

Song for this chapter: Jesse McCartney 'Tell Her'

They say you never forget your first love.

In my case it's true.

I never forgot my first love.

His face, his smile, his eyes, they way he looked at you, your first date, your first kiss.

All of these are here, in my heart since the moment I fell in love with him.

The moment I started to have feelings for him I took notice of his looks, every little thing he does, what he likes and dislikes and I found myself falling more and more just notice these things.

I felt important that I was the only one to know a side of him that he never showed to anyone.

I felt important, loved and happy to find out that he had the same feelings for me.

Soon after we started to date.

Days, weeks, months, years passed and we were still together.

Yeah, it was hard.

We used to fight so much because we both are stubborn but we were strong and faced it all without problems.

We stayed together through everything.

We gave up lots of things for each other's sake.

Maybe we had some regrets but nothing so bad that would make up break up.

Until one day...

The day that I had enough of fights, of giving up things for his sake.

I still loved him, yes.

But... I was tired.

I couldn't break up with him.

I tried... but he didn't let me.

He didn't let me go

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Chapter 7: I thought his parents are dead? you mentioned it on the 1st chapter, but here you wrote that he lived with his parents again? I'm pretty confused actually hehe
wuyifanisme #2
Chapter 8: Waaaa nice story: ))
Dunno why but I really ship ilhoon and irene together after watching wgm, their cold images match well kkkk~~
Chapter 7: omg i loved it!
Bluecold10 #4
Chapter 7: Loving how minhyuk is so caring towards Irene and so concerning about Irene! Somehow I'm shipping them already!
iceflakes #5
Chapter 6: Why did I begin to start shipping Irene and Minhyuk after read this chapter :'')
Chapter 6: Omfg the gif
Changrongie #7
Chapter 5: every scoff made this sound wonderful
Chapter 5: Ikennot ;___;
NCT_MarkLee #9
Chapter 5: Ilhoon,,oh my,,
Nishat175 #10
Chapter 4: HOLY . this is great!!