FT Island!!!

Love In High School

Seunghyun's POV

"Hyungs, Minhwan. Since we do not have schedule tomorrow. Shall we go KTV for some fun? At the same time, let Tiffany and Krystie meet you all. I can ensure that they are not crazy fan girls." I suggested and hoping that they would agree.

"Seunghyun-ah" Hongki Hyung put his hand over my shoulder. "Why do you want us to meet them? Is there another reason." He looked at me with a cheeky smile.

"No.. No.. other reasons. It's just that since they like us and hoping to see us. So why don't we appear infront of them together." I told everyone.

"Alright, I would want to see how Tiffany look like, why is she so blur that, she don't even know she's in the same class as FT Island members." Jonghun Hyung said.

"Since Jonghun Hyung alright with it. We are alright with it too." Both Hongki and JaeJin Hyung smile.

After everyone agree, I went back into my room wanted to call Tiffany, but I realise that I don't have a phone number. So I scroll down my phone list and saw Krystie number and I decided to give her a call.

Krystie's POV

I was watching FT Island performance happily and I received a phone call from Song Seunghyun.

"Why is he calling me at this time?" I answer his call. "Yes Seunghyun? It's so rare for you to call me." I told him this.

"Erm, Krystie. Do you have...erm...have...Tiffany's number."

"Seunghyun, why do you want her number for? and why are you stummering?" I laughed at his words.

"I just want to erm, ask the both of you out, to the KTV."

"KTV!!! Hmmm, it's been a long time since I went there. Alright no problem. I shall let Tiffany know." After I finish saying this sentence, I heard a sigh from the other line.

"Hmmm, better not. I'm feeling tired. Seunghyun, this is Tiffany's number, you let her know alright." I gave him Tiffany's number, as I can sense that he really want to call her personally.

We hang the call after that.

Tiffany's POV

I was eating dinner with my brother happily and I heard my handphone ringing

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I quickly went into my room to answer it. It was a unfamiliar number. Who will it be?

"Hello." I answered.

"Hello, Tiffany, this is Seunghyun." The other party spoke.

"Seung...Seung...Seunghyun." I was really shocked to receive his call.

"I took you number from Krysite. I want to ask the both of you out for KTV, Krystie had agree, how bout you?" said Seunghyun

"Ask us out? No problem." I smile happily.

"That's great, we shall meet there at 3pm."

We hang down after that. I ran out of the room happily and gave my brother a hug.

"brother, you know what. Seunghyun is asking me out. Although it's not only me and him. But I actually can go out with my bias!!! I'm going crazy soon." I exclaimed with full of excitment.

"Alright, cool down cool down. I don't want the neighbours to complain." Kevin joked.

After dinner, I gave Krystie a call and told her everything. I'm just too excited.

Seunghyun's POV

"YES!!! Tiffany agree." I gave a punch to the air and smile to myself.

I went to told hyung the time to meet them and headed of to bed.

The Next Day

Tiffany's POV

I got up early to prepare myself, and Krystie came over to my house. We headed out together, Seunghyun called to say that he would be late so asked the both of us to start singing first. We sang as we wait for him to arrive.

"This is my first outing with Seunghyun, I'm really excited." I laughed to myself.

"Alright Tiffany, you had been saying this sentence since yesterday night. Stop ready ok. We shall sing Love Love Love." Krystie passed me the microphone and we started singing.

Krystie was really funny to imitate Hongki handsign at the chrous part. I can't help but to laugh, the way she imitated it was really funny.

"Hello girls" Someone spoke, the both of us turn our head, and we were shocked.

"Hello, we are FT Island." The 5 of them introduce themselves. I can sense that the both of our jaws are dropping.

Krystie's POV

Tiffany had been repeating the same sentence, don't she feel tired of it? Only going out with Seunghyun and she's so happy about it, what if they get together? My ear drums sure suffer. This girl really fan girl of Seunghyun. To stop her from repeating, I passed her the microphone and we started singing Love Love Love.

Tiffany was laughing out loud when she saw me imitating Hongki's handsign at the chrous part. I can't help but to laugh too.

"Hello girls" Someone spoke, the both of us turn our head, and we were shocked.

"Hello, we are FT Island." The 5 of them introduce themselves.

"HONGKI??? I SAW HONGKI!!!!" I seriously can't belive it.

Hongki's POV

This is the first time Seunghyun asked us to meet his friend and is a girl. So we went to KTV, and I heard 2 girls singing and laughing at the same time. This girl who was imiating me is really funny and cute. I can't help but to smile.

"So who's Tiffany and who's Krystie?" They must be shocked seeing us thus forgetting to introduce themselves.

"I'm Tiffany, I'm Krystie." They started introducing themselves.

"So Krysite is the one who imitating me, such a cute girl." I smile.

JaeJin's POV

This 2 girls was shocked to see us. Are we really that shocking? But like what Seunghyun said, they are not those crazy fan girls kind. All they do was just stand there, looking at us with a shock.

"So Tiffany, you're the girl who does not know Seunghyun and Minhwan were from FT Island?" I gave her a smile.

Everyone laughed upon hearing her explanation. It's really funny.

Seunghyun's POV

We arrived at the KTV room, and saw Tiffany there. She has a nice voice. I passed her the album that she wanted us to sign.

"Tiffany, here's your album." I smile.

"Thank You very much." She gave a wide smile.

The 7 of us sat in the sofa and had a small chat. Follow by a series of games and a live performance from us. I can see that Tiffany's really happy. Her smile is shown all over her face.

Hongki's POV

We were palying games, and Krystie had to sing Love Love Love with me. She was shy at fist, but after that she's not. She did the handsign and laughed to herself. She is really cute. Why Seunghyun had such a cute classmate? He should introduce her to me earlier.

"Alright, Krystie, Tiffany do you want to have a photo with us? I asked them.

"OF COS!!!!" The both girls exclaimed.

Krystie's POV

Hongki is really handsome, his vocal is so, oh my gosh awesome can. We were palying games and I need to sing Love Love Love with him. This made me super shy, but I still did his handsign eventhough he's beside me, I tried to control not to laugh, but failed to do so. Hongki is really handsome.

We took individual and group photos with them. this is so cool.

Happy moments always ended very fast. It's late and we need to go home. I was suprised that Hongki offered to send me home while Seunghyun offered to send Tiffany home.

"After seeing this, My assumption is right. Seunghyun like Tiffany." I talk to myself.

Tiffany's POV

"Seugnhyun, thanks for sending me home. I'm really happy to see the 5 of you together, is like my dream came true. I actually saw you all in real life and play games. I enjoyed myself" I smile

"I'm glad that you enjoyed yourself. Had a nice day with you too. Sleep early alright." He gave me his memerising smile.

The both of us parted. My brother was still not home at that time, I got no one to talk about this happy event. So I sat on my bed, and told everything to my pulshie Melody. Jump on the bed like a crazy girl.

Krystie's POV

"Hongki, Thanks for sending me home. I enjoyed myself" I smile.

"haha, this is nothing. Glad that you enjoyed youself." He scratch his head while talking to me, so cute.

"So have a good rest. bye," Hongki left after seeing me walk towards my door.

I can't belive that I saw Hongki with my own eyes. I'm really happy as if I won 100000000 million. This is the best dream I ever had.



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ShineeRocksForever #1
its good! seriously :D Don't keep saying it isnt, eevry of it is good! :D
ShineeRocksForever #2
oh my gosh!! so sweet !!!! now seunghyun & tiffany ppali ppali!!!!
IHeartYoga #3
glai143hk: Glad that you love my story :) Thank you :)
IHeartYoga #4
ShineeRocksForver: Thank you for your constant support :)
ShineeRocksForever #5
AH!!! what's inside the remaining boxes!? hahahah ppali ppali update. This chapter is super nice :))
IHeartYoga #6
ShineeRocksForever: Thanks for you support. Glad that you like it...
IHeartYoga #7
ShineeRocksForever: I also feel like going Everland Theme Park. Lets go together.
ShineeRocksForever #8
wow! this is awesome, really really awesome.