How I Met Him, The Love of My Life


This is a story about a girl named

She finds true love when a stranger helps her in the streets of did they meet?


The begining might be a little awkward cuz its a bunch of short stories i write in LA class  and the teacher gives us weird starting sentences...hope you like it!


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... I feel like I copied other people's user names than o_o
I didn't think I used the same one as you guys..
simple and nice ^^
jjongiebbyluv #3
aish it didnt work. okay imma space it out. < y o u > y o u < / y o u > put it together. if this doesnt work (it better work) heres the place wehre it shows you. fourth to last question.
jjongiebbyluv #4
theres this link you put it. um its <you>you</you>
Wait is there a thing to make the usernames the same as the reader cause everyone below says that they have their username and so do I but my username doesn't match their username. :/ VERY CONFUSING!<br />
HAHA wat a coincidence! I came upon your fanfic and I was wondering if there was a typo since my username is Filipino_Korean_Love! BTW good job on the fanfic!
Wow~ I was so shock when I saw my username which I have always used appeared in your description. Cool~<br />
lol.. thats my username!! :D
i was surprised,my username is in your story ~ :))!