Welcome to JYP Entertainment.

He's a Monster.

Mark follows Jinyoung into the kitchen and stood awkwardly near Jinyoung as he pulls out a pot and begins filling it up with water. “Go sit” Jinyoung commands without looking at Mark and places the pot on the stove and covers it with a lid. 

“ah it’s ok, do you need help?” Mark ask as he moves closer to Jinyoung, “its fine” Jinyoung smiled and pats Mark’s back and proceeds to push Mark out of the kitchen.

The L.A native did as he was told and began watching Jinyoung struggling to open two packets of ramen, Jinyoung furrow his brows and began pouting as he continues his struggle with the ramen packets. Mark laugh silently to himself and got up to where Jinyoung is and grabbed one of the packets from Jinyoungs hand and effortlessly opens it.

Jinyoung made an impressed sound and Mark giggled shyly and looks up at Jinyoung, Marks heart skipped a beat again as the boys made eye connect staring into each other’s eye.

Mark felt hypnotized staring into Jinyoungs eyes, Mark began to notice how long Jinyoungs eyelashes were and how plump his lips were as well. Mark unknowingly it lips. Jinyoung began to feel flustered since he never felt someone stare at him as hard as Mark was at that moment and awkwardly broke eye connect and began dumping the noodles into the boiling water.

Jinyoungs movement snapped Mark out of his trance and he opened the second packet and hurries back to his seat, feeling hot he lifted his shirt collar fanning himself and looking everywhere but at Jinyoung. Suddenly the front door swings open, 

“Honey! I’m Hoooooooooooome!” a loud somewhat husky voice ranged throughout the silent apartment. Mark turns around and finds a muscular boy in a snapback that reads “swag” dressed almost entirely in black.

“Woahh you must be the new trainee!” the snapback boy spoke in perfect English. Mark nodded and got up “Yeah, whats up? I’m Mark”. Mark intended to go for a handshake but the snapback boy went for a hugged instead. “Yoo man! I’m Jackson!” Mark was taken back by his sudden display of affection, "is this how everyone greet each other..?" 

“For the last time Jackson, keep it down!” Jinyoung yelled from the kitchen, “You’re gonna get us in trouble again for disrupting the neighbors”

“YAHH! WANG JACKSON! KEEP IT DOWN GOD DAMNIT” JB shouts as he walks out of his room. “Ahh hyuuung you’re also shouting” a soft yet high pitched voice spoke from behind Jackson. Jackson laughs “Yeah hyung I’m not as loud of you!” Jackson teased and put his arms around a petit boy that looks around 12 years old.

JB let out a sign trying to control his anger and walks over to Jackson with a forced smile, Jackson lets out a hyena laugh and hides behind the 12 year old boy. “Ahh no Jackson hyung you are on you own” the boy laughs and scurries over to Jinyoung who is struggling not to laugh at the comedic scene before him.

Jackson is running and trying to use whatever he finds to hid or block him from JB, but his effort was pointless since JB effortlessly grabbed onto Jacksons collar and held him in a chokehold. “I won’t have to yell if it wasn’t you Wang Jackson” JB said in a warm voice with a fake smile.

“Ah, hyunng you know I’m joking, Saranghae! Saranghae YO hyung!” Jackson laughs and wiggles out of Jb’s choke hold.  Jackson bounced over to Jinyoung making hearts at Jb in the process.

JB’s fake smile eventually broke out into a genuine one and shouts “You’re lucky we are so close”. Jackson laughs his hyena laugh and sat across from Mark who was in a state of confusion and debating whether he should laugh or be concern. It doesn’t help that Mark couldn’t understand what any of the members said.

All Mark saw was JB and Jackson chasing each other and shouting at the top of their lungs. “ahaha it’s always to loud whenever Jackson hyung gets back” a tall boy walks out from a room near the front door rubbing his eyes. “Gyeomie!” Jackson cooes. The tired boy walks over and sat on Jacksons lap, the sleepy boy saw Mark and bowed “hello I’m Yugyeom”. “Ahh hey” Mark awkwardly copied what Yugyeom did and bowed as well.

“Ahh so you’re Mark” the 12 year old boy asked staring at Mark. “ahh yeah and you are..?”

“Kunpimook Bhuwakul” the petit boy responds back with a poker face. Mark stared at the boy trying to grasp whatever the tiny boy said. Kunpimook Bhuwakul broke out in a fit of laughter along with Jackson who witness the event that just unfolded.

“Oh gosh good one Bambam” Jackson high-fives the tiny child. Jinyoung slaps both boys on the head “Kunpimook Bhuwakul is his full name but we all just call him Bambam, right?” Jinyoung said and stares at the tiny boy pouting and rubbing his head cuddling with Jackson.

Mark laughs thankful for the arrival of Bambam and Jackson since Mark had no idea what he would have done to fix the awkward situation Mark accidently created while he was alone with Jinyoung.

Eventually where one settled down and started eating ramen from the same pot. Mark watched at the scene of everyone huddling close to each other sharing food and laughing. Mark began to smile at the sight Jackson wrapping his arm around Bambam shoving pocky up Bambam’s nose. “So this is what Korean culture is like huh?” Mark thought laughing and joins in eating ramen with everyone.

-----------------------TIME SKIP------------------------------

It’s already been 5 months since Marks arrival in Korea and since then Mark has learned a lot about Korean culture such as aegyo, which Mark realized he is quite good at. Mark also started to learn Korean and can hold basic conversations with the trainee at JYPE.

Mark has especially gotten close to Jackson and Bambam since both knew English and are both foreigners. Mark also discovered Bambam is actually 14 the same age as Yugyeom. Everything is going well, Mark has opened up to everyone at their dorm and gotten used to skinships displayed by many of the members except for Jinyoungs.

Every time Jinyoung puts his arms around Mark or even hugs him Mark feels warm and his heart begins to race and feel uncomfortable. But Mark doesn’t hate Jinyoungs touched either, in fact Mark looks forward to Jinyoungs skinship and that thought confuses and scares Mark.  

“Heeeeelllloo, earth to Mark”, Jackson waves his hand in front of Marks face.

“Huh, what?” Mark blinks staring dumbfounded at Jackson.

“Dude, what do you want to eat? The ajjuma is waiting”. Jackson stares cautiously at the annoyed ajjuma clicking her pen and tapping her foot.

Mark apologizes to the women and ordered his meal, Mark hands the menu back to the ajjuma and smile warmly at her with as much aegyo he can muster, somehow that eased the women as she began to laugh and cooing, complimenting Mark on his looks.

Jackson squints his eyes, eyeing Mark “What have the girls sumbaemin at practice greated? Teaching you aegyo, they created a monster!”

Mark laughs waving his hand as to discard Jackson’s comment, “I don’t know about you, but I would rather not risk her spitting in my food”. Jackson nods in agreement. “But seriously you have been doing that a lot lately.”


Ahh sorry for not updating until now, I've been busy with finals. But I'm finally done! Hip Hip HOORAY! 

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I will add more next time. I gotta get to work ahaha. And BIG BIG BIG thanks to people who subscribed, it makes me happy that you guys enjoyed this fanfic. Anyhooo I gotta bounce, PEACE! 


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Ewcwhydromarine #1
Chapter 4: Ok, may you burst with ideas soon. you can do it! (ง •̀_•́)ง
Chapter 4: Well, it can't be help then... Until your inspiration return, I would wait for it >.<
anny212 #3
Chapter 3: Thank you for making a Jinmark story authornim, although there is so much Jinson there's still minor Jinmark, its so real :)
jaehyojyj #4
yes there's too much jinson lately
Spidergirl89 #5
Chapter 2: Man if someone came up to me and did what bambam did I would walk away so confused. Anyways, can't wait for next update :)
Spidergirl89 #6
Chapter 1: This is awesome, can't wait for next update