♣️ INTO THE WOODS ]           

into the woods




The Charades is the girl who everyone envied. she's beautiful, she's smart, its like she's the definition of perfect. but well, no one is perfect, right?

Just like the the word charade, she's a big trickster. She lies, she fakes. You wouldn't know that you're someone she considers close, or someone she talks about.

She is someone you can only question and adore, not one you can approach so friendly and lightly with.

She possess this mysterious aura around herself. You can never guess her, but at the same time, you can't keep her away, either.

the charades



The Rebel is the girl who dyes her hair almost every weekend, a tattoo somewhere on her pale body. She's the girl that goes out at 12 AM and really, she's not one you should mess with. 

You especially can't take control of this girl. She has her own rules, and she is extremely protective of her friends. Her weak side is only shown to the charades.

She doesn't hate on people that much, she just comes off like that. The strong charisma she possesed makes new people afraid to approach her. its true, yes. but once you get to know her better, she's a good friend to be kept.

The reason she became like this, no one really knows. They were too scared to ask, too. So the girls gets along with her, full of unaswered questions in their heads.

the rebel



Basically, the responsible is the mom of the squad. She's that really mature girl who takes care of her friends all the time. In her bag, there'll always be bandaids and meds to treat wounds and keep up stamina.

The bad side of her? She's too calm and she doesn't like to take risk. Hence, she's the one who freaked out the most when they got lost inside the woods.

Everyone loves her, really. She gives the most mature and right thoughts, the best advice and the warmest hugs. You'll feel safe whenever you're around her.

However, the thing is she's too bottled up to herself. She might listen to other people's problems and give them advices, but what she's feeling is all bottled up to herself. She can't seem to find anyone she can trust to spill her problem to.

the responsible



She's the girl who shows up with her arm linked to a new guy every week, the smile that she possess will always make a guy weak for her. She's the real definition of a boy magnet.

She tend to skip hangouts and lunch to have a date with her recent boyfriend. Well, not that the girls mind so much because she'll be flirting with their boyfriends anyway if they sat together. Hence, her bond with the group is not as strong as people saw or expected.

Being the clingy and whiny type of flirt, that personality delivered even when she's around her friends. She gets really clingy and will whine whenever she wants something. She was like the baby of the group. So, it leads to a natural thing that she's closest to The Responsible. 

Her lips tugged down to a frown is extremely rare. So, whenever The Flirt is sad, everyone would turn their attention to her and make sure that everything was alright.

the flirt



The quiet has been the odd one out of the group. She only listens to the conversation and laughs along. Even her laughs are soft and whisper-like. The girls weren't sure whether its just that she's shy, or she really is like that.

No one knows what's running in her head. They were curious, yes. But whenever they tried to ask her, her answer will always be a soft 'nothing' and a brief shake of her head.

Why did the girls keep up with her? Because she's kind. Despite the lack of words she shared and the amount of curiosity she raised, she's also the girl that'll help you up when you fall.

She might not have the loudest voice, but her actions, it proved loyalty. Besides that, no one is really aware of her family background and history. Really, she's the quiet girl in class who earns good grades.

the quiet



The girl who knows no limit and will always try new things. She's curious about everything she's the girl who knows no fear, and keep going on. Yes, she's always at the lead when they explore the woods.

She gets along with all the girls well, with her bright and positive personality, it really makes the girl feel hyped and fun to be around her. 

Though sometimes, she might come off annoying because of her curious self. She would reach really private questions, and not notice it. So, it's pretty awkward for The Quiet and The Adventurous to be together, since one spills no secret while the other digs all.

She's like an open book. She tells every single detail of what happens to her that day, what breakfast she had and how hot the Starbuck's cashier was yesterday. Her actions and body language itself is enough for the girls to be aware of what she's talking about.

Thing is, she gets curious on so many things she can't focus on one. Making her get bored of a thing very easily. Hence, whenever she's around, topics would jump from one to another. They could even have five topics in the range of an hour, thanks to her.

the adventurous



The girl who knows no limit and will always try new things. She's curious about everything she's the girl who knows no fear, and keep going on. Yes, she's always at the lead when they explore the woods.

Free plot, as in you're free to create any character that you want. On a note though, make sure that the foundation of your character doesn't overlap with any other characters. if you have new types that's extremely new and different, then please go ahead. I know y'all creative people, so I'm actually expecting for those who chose the free plot.

make any relations you have from your character to the girls here. make sure to match their personalities, as stated.
(for example: the quiet is a closed person. dont make your relationship with hers a loud one.)

please name your plot, too! for example you're having a sassy character then name your plot in 'free plot - the sassy' something like that. have fun!

free plotline


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♣️ INTO THE WOODS ] The story is re-established! Apps are now open, and so is Kim Seokjin and Sana as claims. Oh, and The Charades plotline, too!


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iisMoMo #1
Chapter 1: I will be gone for 3 weeks im going on a school trip ish thingy to Singapore! so i dont know if i can get a hold of wifi there!
ahhh i really need to work on my app
it's just in my blogposts, haunting me otl
i promise i will apply soon~ c:
Chapter 3: aw, don't you think you're too nice??? ;u;
thanks a lot for your kind review and for liking saena too! ❤❤

and yes. she didn't show her care by being sweet and such, she shows it with more like with harsh words because she doesn't want people knows she care xD
oh babe ;(( focus on your life first, pls! i would rather that you rest and heal yourself mentally before working on this fic xoxo pls take care of urself <333
Awh, hope you're okay : ( And don't worry about us! Hope you hang in there yourself!
Chapter 2: umm, excuse me but what do i put in my character's love interest's part of trivia? :-)
Chapter 3: omg this is just fuuuuuun ><
i'm so applying this ! wait for me o//
iisMoMo #8
Chapter 3: just a heads up i'm moving to a new place and there is no internet there so i might be here and there once in a while only until i can get internet at my new place
omg you don't know how happy you've made me now that i know this is back wah thank you so so much