
A Vampire's Love

Zora sat on the chair, a serious look on her face as she held a pen in her hands.

          “A vampire’s senses are much more heightened compared to humans.”

          She nodded solemnly, scribbling down the information on a paper, on her dining table.

          “A vampire doesn’t live here, they live in another world.” Sehun said, raising two of his fingers up in the air.

          Her face brightened up in amazement and she nodded, scribbling what he said on her note hurriedly.

          “A vampire’s source of food is drinking blood from another living being.” Sehun said, raising three fingers in the air now. When he noticed the look of horror on Zora’s face, he slapped his hand over his mouth.

          “I…have to drink bl-blood…?” Zora muttered out weakly, a fearful smile on her face.

          “No, Zora. It-“

          “Drink blood?” She repeated again, squeaking out the words as she began to feel dizzy at her imagination.

          “Wait, Zora-“


          Zora’s vision became blurry and her eyes fluttered close, her body falling from her chair. Sehun panicked, speeding to her side and holding her in his arms.

          “This is bad.” Sehun sighed, carrying her to her bedroom.






          Five days later.

          These past five days, Zora couldn’t go to work.

          How could she?

          If she reported for work now, she would be deemed as an insecure person who went through plastic surgery. The paparazzi will say that she’s fake, and her reputation would decrease drastically.

          Hence, she lied to her manager about finding something horrific about her mother, and she needed a break from work, at least a month.

          Therefore, she went to a private resort that she purchased for herself, using her private jet and of course, Sehun followed her. Despite her being silent towards him, after he mentioned about drinking blood, she didn’t want to be left alone.

          Day by day, Zora became more and more tired. She felt like an old woman, and she started becoming weaker and thirstier as hours and hours pass by.

          “Zora, please. You have to drink, if not, you’ll go crazy.” Sehun implored her, his eyebrows furrowing in concern.

          “No.” She uttered out weakly.

          She was lying down on a chair, next to the poolside and the umbrella placed over the chair provided her some shade. However, she was frighteningly pale and her lips were almost void of any colour.

          “But if you don’t drink, you’ll-“

          “I can’t drink blood, Sehun! It’s…disgusting!” She exclaimed, but her voice lacked strength, since she was awfully weak.

          Hurt flashed through his eyes and he let out a sigh, hanging his head down. “I’ll leave you alone for a while.” He said, trudging away slowly.

          Zora looked guiltily at his back but no matter what, she can’t bring herself to drink blood, the thought of it makes her shiver in disgust.

          An hour later, she was too weak to even move and she has remained in the same spot, not moving at inch. She heard footsteps, knowing it was Sehun, since she could smell him, even if it was faint. For the past few days, he taught her about her heightened senses, teaching her how to control it and she learned it easily.

          “Why must I be a vampire out of all things?” Zora whispered out, barely having enough strength to talk properly.

          “Drink this.” Sehun said, ignoring her depressing question. He just couldn’t answer her, because he had no answer to provide.

          “Why, Sehun?”

          He remained silent, nudging her with the drink and she took it from his hands, looking at the description.

          It was her favourite drink, green tea.

          A small smile appeared on her face and she thanked him, gulping it down.

          “I just wanted you to remain alive, that’s all.” Sehun finally answered her and a frown appeared on her face as she drank her drink down.

          “Tricky fellow.” She said after drinking it down, narrowing her eyes at him.

          “This is blood, isn’t it?” She questioned him, glaring at him as she tasted a metallic taste in , knowing that it definitely wasn’t her favourite drink.

          “I’m sorry, Zora. I didn’t want to see you go crazy from not drinking blood.” Sehun apologized, however, he apologised for his lying, not for making her drink the blood.

          She let out a tired sigh, not wanting to argue back since she was fatigued.

          “Whatever.” She mumbled out, closing her eyes as she felt drowsy, falling asleep in seconds.

          Sehun waited for her to fall into a deep sleep and he carried her into his arms, his hands trembling as he hugged her tightly for a few seconds, before carrying her to her bedroom.

          I was afraid of you becoming like those bloodthirsty vampires, losing any sense of humanity in them.






          One month later.

          Returning to work, Zora’s wasn’t surprised when she received the weird and shocked looks from everyone. She looked different than what she was, a month ago, since she did turn into a vampire after all.


          Her manager turned around, expecting to see a beautiful and chubby woman, only to meet eyes with an extremely beautiful woman, who looked similar to Zora.

          “Zo-zora?” Her manager stuttered out.

          “Yup.” She nodded her head, grinning at her.


          Zora just continued grinning at her.

          “Are you really okay now?”

          She nodded at her manager’s question, hugging her.

          “Yeah, I am. Thanks for your concern.”

          That day, Zora worked as per normal, going to photoshoots, autograph sessions, appearing on variety shows and so on. However, she noticed a subtle difference in everyone, instead of them concentrating on their work, they concentrated more on her.

          Thus, everything in she was in was poorly executed or planned, due to them being distracted at her. At first, Zora felt embarrassed at it but now, she was just irked.

          What’s wrong with everyone?

          Returning home early today, due everyone’s clumsy mistakes, a permanent frown was on her face for the whole day.

          She opened her house door, greeted by Sehun’s scent and a smile drifted across her lips. He explained to her about vampires having a destined one in this whole entire world and of course, he also told her that she was his destined one.

          At first, Zora thought it was ridiculous, how could someone in this world have someone as their destined one?

          However, after what she has experienced herself, she understood. No one in this world made her feel like this before. Whenever he was near her, she felt completely safe and just his scent and his appearance made her feel so blissful.

          Never in her life, has she felt about anyone like this in such a short time. Almost knowing him for only a year, something inside her was telling her to hold onto this man, and never ever let him go.


          She was definitely frightened of herself at first, appalled at how she could feel like this about someone, in such a short time.


          It just feels so…right…

          It’s like in my whole life, I was fated to meet him.

          I can imagine myself and him in the future, and just being with him for years and years doesn’t seem to make me feel strange.

          It makes me feel…happy.

          “Welcome back.” Sehun appeared in front of her, greeting her warmly. She was used to his sudden appearances now, since she knew he could teleport anywhere and how he could conceal himself from everyone, except her.

          “I’m back.” She answered, a soft smile on her face and he just extended his arms out, beckoning her to hug him.

          She did just that, hugging him and wrapping her arms around him, just like he did.

          It feels so natural, like there isn’t anything wrong to be with him at all.

          It’s like I’ve been with him, my whole life.

          She hugged him even tighter, burrowing her head into his chest and inhaling his scent, a comfortable warmth enveloping her.

          Just like that, he makes me feel at ease, like nothing is ever going to hurt me or make me feel sad.

          “What’s wrong? I sense your annoyance.” Sehun questioned.

          “Everyone is acting funny at my workplace, they can’t do anything properly.” She loosened her arms around him, pulling herself away a little to look up into his eyes, pouting.


          “Yeah, they seem so distracted in their work, making mistakes all over! God, this is so vexing!”


          “Probably because of me, since I kept feeling stares behind my back whenever I’m working.” Zora huffed, an unsatisfied expression on her face.

          “Stares? From who?” Sehun’s grip tightened a little, and his voice grew darker.

          “Just…everyone. Do you have any idea why?”

          “…oh, now that I think about it. Vampires gives out what humans call ‘pheromone’, and they give out twice the amount. That’s why, humans get so attracted to us.” Sehun explained, before his grip tightened again.

          “But if it’s a man staring at you in a dirty way, I swear-“

          A giggle erupted from Zora’s chest at Sehun’s protectiveness.

          “It’s fine, Sehun.”

          “How is it fine?”

          “It is!”

          “It isn’t!”

          “Yes, it is!”

          “No, it isn’t!”




          Sehun stopped her from speaking the full word by kissing her on the lips, taking her off guard as she blinked in surprise, before her she blushed.

          “Did you just-“

          “I win!” He grinned victoriously, his arms around her waist and hers around his back.

          She let out a resigned sigh, a bright smile appearing on her face.

          “You are so childish.”

          “No, I’m not.”

          “Yes, you are.”



          Again, he did the same thing and she blushed even more.

          “You’ve got to stop doing that!”

          He laughed, shielding himself from her playful hitting and he ran away. She chased him around the whole house, forgetting how dreadful her work was today.






          Sitting on the couch, Sehun’s arms wrapped around Zora’s body as she sat in front of him, watching the television.



          “You said how vampires have their own world right?”

          “Yeah, I did, why?”

          “Then why haven’t you returned there yet? Isn’t it sad? To not return back to your own world for hundreds and hundreds of years?”

          This was the question Sehun didn’t want to answer the most, the question he knew that would make Zora troubled.

          “Sehun?” Zora probed when Sehun was silent, not responding to her question.

          “…I can’t return.” He finally answered her and she gasped.

          “Why? That’s so horrible!”

          “Because, I can only return when you are beside me, in that world.” He said without hesitation, his arms tightening around her as he rested his chin on her shoulder.

          Zora was tongue-tied at his answer, only bringing a hand to cover , utterly shocked.

          He’s been in this world for hundreds and hundreds of years alone? Just to find me?

          But that’s…!

          “That’s too cruel…” She whispered out.

          Just to search for me…

          He’s been walking alone, for hundreds and hundreds of years…

          Zora’s eyes welled up with tears, imagining it in her mind, how desperate he was to find her.

          “Who makes those kind of terrible rules?” She uttered out but Sehun just hugged her tighter, resting his chin on her head.

          “It’s okay.”

          He said and she heard him smile.

          “It’s okay, Zora. Because I learnt many things, and I met many different types of humans.”

          “I learnt how humans live, how fragile they are on the outside and how strong they are on the inside. I learnt how stupidly stubborn they are and how precious they are to one another. I learnt how they behave, I learnt so many interesting things from them that I could never learn from my own world.” He told her, the smile still on his face as he turned her face around, seeing the tears flowing down her face.

          “But most of all, I learnt how to love them.” He whispered fervently to her, kissing her on the forehead.

          “So, don’t cry for me, Zora. Don’t cry for my loneliness, instead, smile for my happiness. Because, through all these years, I finally managed to meet you and I…” He said and she cried even more, drying her tears away.

          “…I wouldn’t have it any other way, since I love you and I’ll continue to do so, forever.” He pressed his forehead against hers, grinning at her.


          She sobbed.

          “How can you be so…!” She wailed into his arms, hugging him, not able to finish her sentence.

          “I just told you to smile…”

          “I can’t smile in this situation, idiot!”

          Sehun let out a chuckle, hugging her back and patting her head.






          One and a half year later.

          Zora bit on her lip, holding a letter in her hands. Her hair was longer now, reaching her waist and she still looked the same, since she would never age at all.

          This is it!

          I’ve been thinking of this for a long, long, looong time now!

          The elevator made a sound, signaling to Zora that it was the floor she wanted to go to. She stepped out of the elevator, walking straight ahead and ignoring the curious stares of the staffs as she walked to the president’s office.

          She inhaled in a deep breath, before breathing it out, knocking on the door.

          “Come in.”

          Zora entered the room and the president of the company was surprised to see one of his top celebrity strolling into the office.

          “Zora! How can I help you?”

          She just stood in front of the desk, sliding the letter on the table timidly towards him and there were some words on the letter.

          Resignation letter.

          The president immediately stood up in shock, quickly asking her what she is unsatisfied about and rambling on in a panicking mess.

          “President.” She interrupted him, a smile on her face.

          “I’m not angry or unsatisfied, it’s just…” She trailed off, letting out a small sigh.

          “This is something I’ve thought of, since a year and a half ago.”

          “We-well, can I at least meet you in the future sometime, maybe?” The president said, hoping to bring her back into the company.

          “Sorry, you can’t. I’ll be going to somewhere very far away.”

          Very, very far away.

          She turned around, walking out of the office, halting in her steps for a moment as she spun back, bowing down.

          “Thank you for taking care of me these past few years, president! I’ll never forget you!”






          Zora walked out of the building, turning around to stare at it one last time, the gentle smile still on her face.

          Goodbye, everyone.

          Zora walked down the streets, before going to the carpark, taking one last look at everything in this world. Even after she drove home, she didn’t regret her decision at all.

          Instead, it felt like she wanted this her whole life and she wouldn’t have it any other way.






          Sehun was fidgeting everywhere.

          His fingers, his legs and even his arms.

          He just couldn’t sit still and the moment the door of Zora’s house opened, he jumped to his feet, zooming to the door. Not even turning around yet, he appeared behind Zora, giving her a shock.

          “Oh god, Sehun. You startled me.” She muttered, placing a hand to her heart.

          “…did you…” He asked hesitantly, wringing his fingers.

          She looked at his nervous state, giggling to herself.

          “Yes, I did, Sehun. I won’t go back on my words, you know. I’m not that type of person.” She said, taking his hand, entwining their hands together.

          “Are you sure?” He asked again.

          “Yes, Sehun. How many times have you asked me that?” Zora said, rolling her eyes.

          “But, you might not be able to come back here.”

          “Yes, I know! You’ve told me that a million times too!”


          “I know.” She cut him off, a huge smile on her face as she shook her head. He frowned, closing his mouth as she laughed, dragging him along to her living room.

          “Now, let’s go.”

          “For the very, very, very, verrrrry last time, are you sure?”

          “Oh, for god’s sake! Yes!”

          Sehun flinched back at her barking at him and he let out a sheepish grin, before nodding his head at her.

          She looked at him as he closed his eyes, muttering something gibberish and a thought occurred in her mind. The moment she thought of it, she felt a huge breeze blowing past her, nonstop as she stared in front.

          She couldn’t see anything, only the vision in front of her twirling around and Sehun’s grip tightened around her hands.

          “Let’s go, Zora.”


          Sehun halted abruptly in his steps, a fearful look on his face.

          “I haven’t told you this, Sehun.”

          Sehun just continued staring at her, afraid that she has changed her mind.

          “I love you.”

          Immediately, his expression changed to an amazed one and he was so overjoyed to hear that, a tear slipped out of his eyes and he blinked, looking away.

          “Why are you crying?” She let out a laugh, placing both of her hands on his cheeks and turning his face to hers, meeting his eyes.

          “I-I…” He stuttered out, not knowing what to say.

          “Smile for me, Sehun. Just like I would do for you, since I’m madly in love with you.”

          “I can’t—smile, not now.” He said, choking on his tears as another tear slipped out of his eye.

          She just laughed, the similar situation reminding her of what happened one year ago.

          “Let’s go, Sehun. I’ll go anywhere with you.” She smiled at him, pulling him into the portal and just like that, the both of them disappeared.

          Love is painful but yet, it’s one of the most beautiful things the world has created.

          THE END


It's truly the end guys! Thank you for sticking with me through this whole short (or long) journey! I hope you liked the epilogue! I feel so satisfied now :D! If you're interested, you can check out my other stories too! I'm starting on a new fic, woo hoo! I'm so excited! Love you guys, like many many many <3~ Hope you have a great day, like I did!

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Chapter 12: this is so cute and funny!!!
i like it soo MUCH!!! <3
halfprince #2
Chapter 13: Yehet!!!!! Another happy ending with happy family!!! \(^O^)/
mrspiee #3
Chapter 11: I loveee this. This soo amazing. Thank you..
Chapter 13: OMG..!!
this is soo cute..I love this story..,well done Author-nim..!!
I really enjoyed it.. ^_^
Chapter 13: SWEEET
HellenWu #6
Chapter 3: this is funny
spaghetti_soda #7
Chapter 13: I enjoyed it. It's a great story ^.^
Chapter 13: This is really sweet!! I enjoyed it!^_^
Chapter 13: Omgosh his was bomb! Thank you for dropping it so unexpectedly ;v; but unexpected is good xD

Thank you for this gift and merry belated christmas to you too x3 hoping you to find joy in this last day of the year~~ cheerss~~~
luvitmea #10
Chapter 12: Sweeetnesssss at this peak.