Meeting Him for the First Time

A Moment to Remember (One Shot)

Your Pov

"Appa! jaebal! i dont want to go please!"

"Andwae, your already here so might as well just enjoy it!" my father said as he tugged me towards the house.

"But i dont even know half of the people here!"

"Appa pl--"

"Oh annyeonghasaeyo Mr. Park"

"AH!" Appa let go of me making me fall on the floor as he greeted the house owner.

"Nae, annyeonghaseyo!"

"Oh! is this your daughter?? she's so pretty! nomu yebbeo!" Mrs. Choi said

I quickly got up and wiped the dirt off my and bowed

"Nae, Annyeonghasaeyo! your house is beautiful!" and it really was, it was painted in a biege color and really big to...i wonder how it looks like inside.

"Well right this way. My husband has been waiting for you haha! come join the others!" Appa and i looked at each other and he gave me a nod asking me to behave.

"JiYoung ah remember to bow to everyone in there when you get in, i dont want people to see us as a rude family you know."

"Arasso appa, arasso."


"WHOA...." this house is so beautiful!! its huge!! probably some of the people there noticed as they were secretly laughing at me with my mouth wide open.

"Ah! annyeonghasaeyo!" i said to everyone. then i felt a tap on my shoulders

"Hi! my names Chae Won!"

"Oh annyeong! my name is Jiyoung!" i said waving. At least theres some peeps that i can get along to here.

"Do you live here?" i asked her

"Ani, im the niece of the house owner my uncles name is Choi Woo Young, you probably have heard of him."

"Oh nae, my dad works for him."

"Hey, want to go outside in the backyard? my sister and cousin is out there im sure they'd love to meet you!"

"Ok" augh....if only there was some hot guy th-- *gasp*

"Haha, ive seen you met my cousin, His name is KiKwang, and that over there is my sister, her names Ji Eun."


"Jiyoung?? earth to Jiyoung??"


"haha, why dont you sit down here the party is about to start, im gonna go help with the food!" She brought me over to a chair and sat me right in front of....him, oh boy im so glad i came here now.

"Annyeong! what's your name?"  "Jiyoung, Park JiYoung."

"That's a pretty name, my name's KiKwang."

"Yea i know..."


"Oh nothing haha." Wow he's so handsome and i could already tell he's charming too. *.*

Augh geez just then i remember i had made a bet with my Unnie, that i could stop daydreaming over guys for a month...and it's only been a week...well might as well distract myself. I took out my phone and plugged in my ear phones and decided to listen to Beast's song "Fiction" but not to be rude, i put it on low volume just incase anyone calls for me.

It's been 15 minutes now and all ive been doing is sitting down and stealing little glances at him.

"So what are you listening to?" he asked me.

"Huh? oh...i dont think you would be interested...."

"Is it Kpop?"

"Oh! howd you know??"

"Haha because i listen to it alot too."

"Really?? which idol group do you like?"

"I like 2NE1, SNSD, 2pm... well i pretty much like the old groups i dont really like the groups that are debuting now."

"Yea i know what you mean, sometimes it just seems like people become idols way to easily these days."

"Yea, so..."

"Hhaha yea so....i havent seen you around here before."

"Ah, i just came back from Europe for an overseas study."

"Whoa!! really?? thats so cool." wow he's so unique, me likey! ;)

"Haha yea, i thought it would be fun plus my parents were really strict about it."

"I know what you mean, my parents wont even let me date."

"Haha mine to, sometimes i joke around with my mom and ask her if she wants me to be gay or something."

"Hahahahah! thats funny!" he's humorous to, how cute!


"Hey, guys its time to eat!" Chae Won said running towards the table full with different type of dishes

"Want to go?" he asked standing up

"Yea sure."

After taking our food we ate and talked about ourselves for i dont know how long, but it was fun...he's so different from every guy ive ever met. My father and some of his friends stood up and started playing the guitar and singing having fun as the other men joined in and the kids started running around and playing. We heard some music play out in the garage to.

"Seems like it coming from there come on!" he stood up and gently grasped onto my hands and we both speed walked towards the garage. We opened the door to find out that it was a dance room with mirrors surrounding the whole area.

"Whoa~" we both said in sync.

He turned to me and smiled. Can you dance??"

"Eh? no hhaha no way." geez i couldnt let him know i dance, it would be to embarassing i never dance in front of people unless it's with my friends, but it'd be to embarassing to dance in front of him.

"Want me to teach you some moves??" he smirked as he removed his plaid shirt to reveal black wife beaters. He some music and started popping and breakdancing. It was awesome, this just made me more interested in him now he can dance? what more???

He did a freeze and revealed a part of his boxer making me flush into a red tomato.

"I lost my touch..." he said standing up

"Ani! you were great!"

He lit up and gave me his smashing eye smile


"Really! oppa Jjang!" i smiled back raising up two thumbs.

"Come on, you have to have some moves." he said smirking

So i decided to just show some footwork, oh geez i bet i look like a total Babo.

"Whoa, you see you got some!"



We went back to the backyard after a while and we saw that alot of people were lining up to take pictures together with the photo booth Mr. Choi had rented.

"Hey, want to take a picture together!?" Kikwang said pointing towards it

aw geez should i say no or yes?? my dads right there what if he see's?? he's gonna kill me if he finds out.

"Ah um...the lines really long now why dont we do it later when its not."

"Um..ok sure."

Before i knew it, it was time to go home....AUGH NO!! I WANT TO STAY NOW! I looked over at Kikwang who was playing with a little boy. What exactly were they talking about? then the little boy pointed at me and Kikwang looked over at me and winked.....W-WINKED??? HE WINKED AT ME! my heart suddenly skipped a beat and i quickly put my hands over my chest and turned around...M-mwohya....

"Jiyoung it's time for us to go now, come on!" my dad said near the door.

"Nae...." i put on my shoes ready to go, before i stepped out the door i turned around to look at him one last time. Our eyes met, he gave me his signature smile and waved at me.


KiKwang's Pov


Whoa this girl is so pretty, i wonder...does she feel the same way to. She sat down on a bench waiting for me as i went to go get some soda for us. As i was looking through and little boy came and tugged on my shirt.


"Annyeong! what's this?"

"Oh this?" the little boy held a box tied with a lacy ribbon, this is for the noona over there. Then he pointed towards Jiyoung who was also looking.


"Isnt she pretty!"

"*chuckles* haha yea she certainly is."

"Oh..hyung is she your girlfriend?"

*chuckles* i leaned forward and whispered in his ears, i couldnt let Jiyoung hear by accident. I looked over at her and gave her a wink.

He looked at me shocked and just walked away..haha what a strange kid.



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Sammii #1
what did he whisper ??<br />
PandaBo09 #2
Please, oh please oh please do a sequel!! :DD
please! i need a sequel! this is just too cute. >_<
I love yout story ! MORE MORE MORE !
@jessiecho haha the next chapter will be final haha sorry.
more more more MORE!!!!!! ME WANT MORE!!!!
Interesting... haha ^^ I thought this was a one shot well I guess it would be better if it has many chapters :))