
All That Was Lost



“Did Minho hit his head on the way here or what?”  Seunghoon bursts into the studio, a suspicious scowl on his face. “Something’s not right.”

“He’s got his head somewhere else since he got back last night.” Jinwoo joins in, leaning against the wall. Seunghoon had managed to grab their attention, because as a matter of fact, it was something they noticed as well.

“Last night? More like this morning.” Seungyoon snorts as he lets out a laugh, “He was sneaking in like he was going to rob the place.”

“He’s been smiling a bit too much as well.” Seunghoon rests his chin onto his palm as he took his seat, still trying to put the pieces together. “I mean who goes out of CEO Yang’s office looking like you just won the lottery?”

“Could it be-” Jinwoo was halfway to suggesting whatever it was, his voice trailing as he realizes something.

“Tae- you look like you’ve got something to spill.” Seungyoon squints at the youngest who had been unusually quiet since Seunghoon came in.

“Come on, anyone with common sense would know what this is about.” Taehyun scoffs, looking nothing but amused.

“About what?”

Minho’s interruption halted their conversation to a sudden pause. He could feel their eyes prying his way, leaving the rapper flustered.

“We need to meet the girl, Minho-ah.”


“Don’t even try. We know.”




Minho found it hard to believe that you had to work on weekends as well, to which you retort back with It’s not like you don’t. Only to have him laugh at your response, because no one would go to our shows during week days, you nerd. You were pretty convinced, that there are some really dedicated fans out there, they’d do anything, believe me.

It put the biggest smile on your face whenever you see his name flash across your phone. And when he called that afternoon, he was surprised that you were at work. Something important came up and out of anyone else, they just had to call you. He’d asked if you wanted to see them perform, and you felt like banging your head onto the wall next you when you recall how you squealed out loud, in the middle of your office. Your excitement pierced through the line, and Minho couldn’t contain his either as he smiled like a fool.

“It’s in four hours, an open event. Can you make it?”

“What- it’s today?”

“Sure it is. Say you’ll be there.”


He could already tell what your answer was through the tone of your voice. To be quite frank, the constant whining of the rest of the boys was why he had called in the first place. Minho wanted to introduce them to you, but he didn’t expect it to be this quick, and definitely not this way. So when he hears you dejectedly say that weren’t able to make it, he suggested that you come see them after the show.

Which was you were here, outside of the crowded venue, straight from work, completely and utterly clueless. It was way past the time the show was scheduled to end, but people were everywhere. How on earth were you supposed to get through this? It wasn’t until Minho texted you to wait by the back entrance, where you saw him waiting for you just behind a couple of SUVs.

Minho didn’t think he could get used to seeing you just yet. And secretly, he hopes, he never will. Bliss floods through him, seeing you smile as you spot him and he knew right then it was a feeling he wanted to feel for a very long, long time. You were still the same girl he knew, the one with the same contagious smile. He sees how you’re still in your work attire, still in awe how manage with those heels you have on. Not that he’s complaining or anything.

“You came.” You see him grin as you approach him, opening the door for you.

“Was this the only way I could get in?” You say, breathless because the walk around felt endless. He ignores your question as he scurries off looking for something, coming back with a bottle of water in hand.

“Here, I’m sorry for the fuss.” He bit his lips, and you hear that crackle as he twists the lid of the bottle for you.

“Not at all, is it over though? There’s still quite a crowd outside.”

“Yeah… That tends to happen.” Minho laughs sheepishly, scanning your flushed face. “Come here, I want you to meet someone.” He takes one arm out behind you, but you refuse to budge as he pulls you forward. He fights a laugh, seeing the worried look creeping across your face. What a cutie.

“What’s wrong?”

“By someone- do you mean, like, Winner?”

“Did you forget I’m a member?” He gapes, seeing how comfortable you are with him.

“You’re different- but aren’t they busy?”

Different. The word pings through his ears, he didn’t know if he should be flattered or offended. Yet it gave him a slight thrill, knowing that he was of a significance to you.

“I’m a little offended you know that.” He an eyebrow, crossing his arms across his chest.

“I’m sorry! It’s just…” You laugh silently, seeing him act up this way. Sneaking up to him, as you bat your eyes apologetically.

Minho couldn’t help but give in to you. “They were the ones that wanted to meet you.” 

The colour drained from your face and you see his shoulders shaking as he bites down an amused laugh.

What exactly did he tell them?




Minho looks to his side only to find out that you’ve snuck behind him, taking advantage of his height.

“What are you doing?” He didn’t know why he was whispering, but the situation seemed fitting.

“Do I really have to?” You cry out a whisper, as you scrunched your face, seemingly agitated.

“They’ll love you, I’m not sure if you’ll feel the same way but we won’t stay for long if it gets too creepy for you.” He breathes out a chuckle, and all you could pick up from what he just said was ‘we won’t stay for long’.

Which did nothing to calm your nerves.

You barely nodded when you hear him turn down the lock. And before he could shuffle to one side to let you in first, you grabbed him by the waist almost toppling him over as you pushed him with all your strength. To which you didn’t know existed, until this very moment. 

“Ya, what took you so-”

He stopped mid-sentence as you came into view. You knew exactly who this charming human being was, you didn’t think his eyes could get any wider but it did.

“This is-”

“Jinwoo oppa.” You finished Minho’s sentence for you, and you can almost read his mind, looking smug because he just knew that you’ve been looking them up online.

Just then you hear a delightfully synchronized welcome from the rest, they bowed so low, they could kiss the floor. Flustered you did just the same, baffled by the sudden greeting.

You ended up introducing themselves on your own as the tall one with the mile long legs, challenged you. And when you got them all right, he didn’t hesitate to-

“You’ve officially passed the girlfriend approval test.” Seunghoon cheers gleefully, walking up to you for a handshake.


“Oh no, I’m not- we’re not, no.” You hitched a nervous laugh, feeling the heat rising in your face. Minho couldn’t have told them anything of the same sort, right?


His tan turned a shade of crimson, which probably matched yours right then. Minho was just as fazed at Seunghoon’s choice of words, he barely had the ability to connect his own sentences to counteract the situation.

“Wait, so- you two…” Seungyoon looked left and right at the both of you, clueless like everyone else in that room.

“No, nothing like that.” You pressed, shaking your hands subtly in a protest. Minho looks away as you caught him staring, you couldn’t truly pick out the expression on his face, it looked as if he was almost disappointed? 

“Well with the way he’s been, it seems like it was otherwise.” The leader continues, and as he picks out the look of utter confusion on your face, “Lately he’s been-”

“H-Hey, that’s enough now.” Minho cuts in, smiling half heartedly as he walks up to Seungyoon with a glare.




The boys mercilessly ratted out on Minho as they surrounded you whilst he sat by the edge looking like he’s going through the greatest betrayal of his life. You were sneaking a glance or two his way, to find his eyes were already on you. An apologetic smile escaped your lips, assuring him that it was nothing to worry about.

But it was.

The information that were spilled out in to the open, made your heart flutter in ways you thought it never could. You failed to hide a flattered smile as you learned that he’s been bumping into things with a stupid smile on his face. The same one he would have when he’s on his phone, which the boys insisted he might as well tape to his face because he’s on it relentlessly.

The two of you sat in loud silence, as Minho drove you back to your place. There were so many things, so many words that ran through your head but your tongue felt heavy. The feeling must have been mutual as he suddenly swerved to the side, parking the car. You slowly turned your head to see him, hands clenched on the stirring wheel, biting his lips, focused on something.


“Take your time, you don’t need to give me an answer right away.”

You looked at him, obviously not on the same page as you furrowed your eyebrows, not knowing what he’s on about.

“Earlier with the boys, that was basically a confession.” His voice was deep, strained at the back of his throat. “Wasn’t it?”

He realizes your answer in your hesitation, as you continued to stare at him, not saying a thing.

“I just…” He pauses as he gather the right words, “It took me an entire decade to realize all of this. I don’t think I can wait for another one to say how I feel about you.”

“I understand if it scares you, because my life terrifies me most days. It’s selfish of me to ask you to be with me when I could hurt you with who I am, what I do.” His voice cracked as he spoke, his jaw clenched.

“I’ve been waiting my entire life for you, you’re it.”

Time stood still as his eyes met yours, and you see that ache through his gaze. He made it sound so sad, and it hits you how hard his must have had it. It breaks your heart to know that he thinks he doesn’t deserve this- someone.

“It’s not that, Minho-ah. I don’t mind whatever it is that you do, if anything I don’t think I can be anymore proud of you.” You feel your lower lip quiver as you try to smile. “It’s just that, I won’t be here for long.”

“What do you mean?” He was more alert then, his eyes searching your face.

“This job, I’m only here temporarily.” It hurts to look at him, just as that lump in your throat. You held your breath,

“I’ll be leaving soon.”



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porkadobo #1
__jhnbtrsy #2
Chapter 8: amazing story!! its fun to have your bestfriend as your boyfriend as your husband as the father of ur child omg, life goals ♡❤ im so inlove with this story even its pretty short but its wonderful! great job authornim ❤
Chapter 8: such beautiful story and it's so well written, thank you so much <33
nceee91 #4
Chapter 8: This was short but it was well written. TBH I subscribed to this story a while back, but I've gotten busy with some things and now I regret not reading this right after subscribing. Thank you so much for such a wonderful story, I enjoyed it so so much! Sighs, Song Mino
Chapter 8: This is a perfection! The way you describe Mino is so realistic and the lead female character is so charming! The story line and the structure of a "best-friend separated for a long time then reunited" is so classic yet you brings the most out of it and the feel of the story is just right, very relatable and simple and that's the charm.(This is my favorite kind of story so I have read a lot and with honesty, you're one of the best.)
Hope to see more of your story because you've done a fantastic job for this one. You have just gained another follower! Well done
Chapter 8: Such a cute story!! I totally loved it <33 thanks authornim
Anchamino #7
Chapter 8: Hey there.
I stopped by to give out my thoughts and wow.. You really nailed it! How you described their feelings really got to me. Like seriously?
Maybe it's just me but I'd love it if you make another story like this. Thank you for busting up my mood xD
ely_yeobos #8
Chapter 8: this story is so beautiful