
Sweet Chocolate (Candy)

2 days before Valentines

I'm going to confess my love, this was what Luhan thought as he woke up to sun's rays, seeping through his baby blue curtains. 
Luhan had been in love with Sehun for what seemed like forever, but he was to shy to confess. This year though, on Valentine's Day - which was in two days mind you - he decided to confess. 
Reason being was that he felt competition, and from his twin sister at that. Absurd right. I mean they were only 17 - the time of puberty (they were late bloomers) - and he felt that his sister had became extremely pretty, unlike his pimple face so he decided on a plan. 
Why not confess and bound Sehun with him when he had the chance. Not even bothering about the other chances that could happen, he called Sehun up and told him to meet him at '6pm at night on Valentine's Day ', near the Han river. 
Getting his mother and father in on the plan, also Sehun's parents (they all secretly shipped hunhan) was like a blessing. They helped him plan it, from the music, to the fireworks, - you could say they were wealthy - to the confession and most importantly, what he should gift.
A day before Valentines
Luhan's p.o.v
"Where are you going?" I heard as I walked down our wooden, carpeted stairs. My sister's velvety voice shouted at me, unlike my already cracked, puberty voice, from the hall above. 
'I'm going to the shops, to buy chocolate for my future boyfriend, Sehun, and no, you cannot come', I wanted to shout back, but a voice from the back of my head told me to act 'innocent' and 'shy'. 
"T-to the shops." My acting voice answered back. Though my voice was very much 'quiet' and 'shy', my house was very much big and echoey. 
"Wait for me, I'm coming!" She shouted back, excitement clearly heard in her voice. 
'I told you already, no, you cannot come with me,' again, I wanted to say, but I must act nice in front of my sister (and yes, my parents did know that in reality I'm a total brat) because she does not know of my true self. 
"O-ok." I agreed. Grumbling a bit, I went into the kitchen and saw my mother setting up our table for breakfast. 
"Aren't you going?" She asked; I told her the moment I woke up that I was going to go buy chocolates for 'Sehunie'.  
I shook my head 'no' and pouted a bit. "Stupid sister of mines!" I groaned out. My mother gave a light chuckle but soon reprimanded me. 
I took some type of sweet bread out of the pantry and my sister soon came out. She was wearing a nice pink sweater, with a grey shirt underneath, her pants were blue, denim jeans and she wore her boots with a dark, grey scarf around her neck. 
'We're so similar, it's disgusting!' I wish I could say this, I mean aren't siblings supposed to fight, but I didn't say anything. 
I was wearing a nice, soft and creamy sweater with a pair of black leggings underneath, I wore my normal sneakers and a deep, red scarf around my neck, contrasting my sweater. 
"You guys are so cute!" My mum squealed. I sent her an 'I thought I was your favourite' look. 
"Well of course I'm cuter!" My sister exclaimed back. I take it back, her voice is so squeaky and high it's annoying. 
"I called Kris to pick us up." My sister announced. Who said anything about Kris. Kris was our other friend and Luna had this little 'crush' on him though I can tell that she liked Sehun more. 'B*tch in disguise of a b*tch'. That's right, I'm swearing. 
"O-ok, cool," I answered back. Cool? This is no where near cool, I never asked you to come with me nor did I tell you to tag Kris along, not that I didn't like him. 
*beep* *beep*
"Let's go!" My sister shouted, connecting our arms as she pulled me outside. We went out and I saw Kris's black car. Dark, as always. Luna went to the back as I sat in the passenger seat. 
"Kris, you have to ask her out already!" I begged. We were currently in an ice cream shop, shopping all done, well except for my sister, who went to go buy some make up and I repeat 'I need more make up, can you see my lips, they aren't even red'. 
Lady, you have like 8 packets of that stuff. 
Anyways, I'm currently trying to get Kris to ask her out. 
"Who?" He questioned. He tilted his face a bit, trying to look confused, but he just looked even more ugly. 
"Luna!" I more than shouted. 
"Umm, Luhan, I have a boyfriend, and if you didn't know, I'm gay." I started to sputter out the pieces of ice cream that I just took in. 
"B-boyfriend, you have no boyfriend?!" I shouted once again. This time people started to look at us weirdly. I ignored them anyways. 
"Well yeah, his name is Tao." He answered back, even showing a picture of his face. Damnit, now how am I supposed to get Sehun, nice and smoothly. 
"Guyssss, look what I got!!" I heard. It was my sister and that squeaky voice of hers. She started shoving pieces of make up materials up our faces as she came closer. 
"Cool, let's go." Kris announced, fearing for his life because of the make up; I can totally see it. But to be totally true, I fear for mine too. 
Valentine's Day
Luhan's p.o.v
"Mum, mum, mum!" I cried out. It's currently 5:50pm and we were in hiding. I was totally scared. The fact that I'm confessing was finally punched into my stupid, small thing of a brain. 
"Breathe in, 1, 2, breath out, 1, 2, now repeat." My mum explained. I was totally not having a heart attack but I followed anyways. 
10 minutes later
"Sehunie is here, confess baby!" My mum nearly shouted but luckily I covered a bit. Before I could retort anything back though, I was pushed towards the clear clearing (that's why it's called a clearing, because it's clear).
My plan was officially starting, we talked for an hour or two until music started to blast throughout the wintery, night sky. (Yep, it's Valentine's during winter). 
I can see people turning to see where the music was coming from and windows opening from the apartments not far from here. Suddenly there were lights underneath our feet - this was totally not part of the plan, but who cares -, and I mentally thanked my mum, or whoever did this. 
Sehun turned towards me, a questioning look on his face as he looked at the lights underneath our feet. I looked at it more too, and soon realised that it was shaped as a heart. 
"Umm, w-we've been friends for like the rest of our lives so far, and today I'd like to confess something. I've liked you, Sehun, since like forever!!" I shouted out, shoving the box of chocolate candy that I totally did not just get out from over the bush as I faced down, feeling shy. 
"Oh, well your sister confessed too." He announced. And that totally crushed my heart; he said 'yes' didn't he. I know I wasn't the brightest one of the bunch but how come I didn't think of that. 
Straight away thinking that he said yes, I felt dejected. I know I should've asked instead of just starting to walk away, but I was stupid, so no need to add more salt to the wounds. 
"Hey, where are you going!?" He shouted in question. Where would you go when someone just broke your heart? 
"Home!" I shouted back. I know I was acting stupid, but I just wanted to go home and cry till my heart desires myself to stop. 
Suddenly I felt myself being pulled back, and thin but muscular arms wrapped themselves around me as my back hit his chest. His manly cologne wafted through my nose. 
"What are you doing, walking away when you just confessed?" Sehun whispered, right into my ears should I say, his warm breath hitting that ear as I blush. 
"Y-you said yes didn't you?" I answered back quietly. I was never like this, acting all shy like some girl talking to her crush. 
"Why would I say yes when I have someone more pretty right in front of me." It wasn't a question but a statement, and it made butterflies  burst throughout my stomach. 
"S-so you like me?" I asked back. Then there was a piece of chocolate bar, right in front of my face. I snatched it out of his hands and started to run around him in circles, muttering 'chocolate' as much as I could. 
Chuckling noises were then heard, and I lifted my head, and saw other people and couples around. I blushed a deep red and walked back to Sehun. 
"S-so we're a couple now r-right?" I asked quietly as I stood in front of him. I heard a couple of 'yes' around me and blushed for like the hundredth time today. 
"Yeah, would you like that?" Sehun whispered back, voice calm and soothing. I nodded my head and was soon buried in a chamber of darkness; it was just his coat. 
*boom* *boom* *boom*
We separated a bit and looked up at the sky. There were fireworks, slowly spelling out hunhan. Then it came back to just the normal, casual fireworks. 
"I love you." I confessed more quietly as I stare at him. We were just starting out, but I truly did love him. Knowing that I probably wouldn't get a reply back though, I just buried my face into his coat and looked up at the sky again. 
"I know, and I love you too, so very much," he whispered back, with much love, adoration and care. I looked back in surprised but hid it with a smile. 
We stared at each other for what seemed like eternity, and so we soon started to lean in. Inch by inch, eyelids closing slowly. 
Our lips touch, and it tasted sweet, like chocolate, like his favourite chocolates, the ones that I also like. We coated each others mouth, mixing our tastes. 
We finally separated, sounds of the fireworks slowly fading in the background. It was just me and him in this universe as we stare at each other. His lips were pink and looked a bit rough, but he looked more than hot. 
(Dirty mind coming in)
"I'll take you home." He said, starting to pull me towards his car. My mind was still in a daze as I sat in the passenger seat. 
Suddenly there was a *ding* coming from my phone. 
To: Luhan
You forgot all about me didn't you?! But it was cute so I forgive you.
xx for my baby
From: Mum
I giggled a bit - totally not me - and showed it to Sehun. 
To: Mum
Sorry mummy. And I'm going to Sehun's apartment. 
xx too
From: Luhan
Straight after I sent it, many *dings* followed but I ignored them. 
"Sehunie. Let's go to your apartment." I asked as I looked at him. 
"Already there." He smirked. 
(Stop thinking dirty, there only 17)
"So, what happened when she confessed?" I asked, purely curious.  We were currently laying down in Sehun's bed, just talking about things. (They did nothing dirty)
"Oh, well she gave me candy but I don't like candy and plus I liked you already so I denied." Sehun answered back nonchalantly. 
"Oh, ok." I said. "You like chocolate don't you." I said, and that was a fact, and I should've thought about it. I mean why would you chose someone who liked candy over chocolate when you clearly liked chocolate as well. 
"Yep." He replied back, looking down at me while his hand my hair. And we kissed. And he tasted like sweet chocolate. And we both made a mutual agreement. 
That we both liked sweet things. 
Especially chocolate. 
And also kisses. 
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lol chocolate candy