Chapter 14

Style love of Vampire girl

Tiffany slowly open her eye and look around the room she sleeping it smell some medicine around here of cause it's hospital Tiffany feel dizzy maybe she sleep too long she turn left and saw one girl sleeping near her a smile appear on Tiffany's face. Tiffany try to get up but she fail it make the girl that sleeping near her wake up and raise her face.

" taeyeon.." Tiffany said but her sound so weak maybe she sleep too long.

" I told you to wait me in the restaurant why you follow me? " Taeyeon said in angry.

" I..I .."

" You think I leave you? you not trust me? " taeyeon rasie her voice and it easy help Tiffnay let's out the word.

" Because I'm worried about you." Tiffany said and she feel her face got heater.

" Like you worried about me? what is your reason for worried me don't lie me what you thinking of me what is your feeling to me tell me don't lie " Taeyeon said in cold tone and with her cold eye it make Tiffany crying.

" I..I just have good feeling when I stayed with you I...I want to hug you when I'm hurting I don't want you to go anywhere beacuse I'm feel lonely " Tiffany try to hold her tear but the sound of laugh make Tiffany wonder.

" hassahha,, you think I angry you? Pabo " Taeyeon brust her ahjumma laugh and wipe Tiffany's tear with her thumb.

" You trick me... you keep my feeling is a joke..I hate you " Tiffany cry again and turn away from Taeyeon.

" Ehh..You can't hate me " taeyeon said.

" Why I can't hate you? " Tiffany said while close her eyes.

" Because I like you If I'm not trick you how can I know what you thinking to me? Although you ever show you look like you love me but you never said you love me when I ask you you just said maybe I'm scared I think all of side " Taeyeon said.

Tiffany didn't said anything but she feel her heart beat fast.

Taeyeon said she love me she said she love me ahhhh Tiffany scream inside.

" It ok.. You can hate me but I'm already love you so keep this word" taeyeon hold Tiffany's hand.

" If I'm lost..don't go to find me if I'm should stay at your place don't go anywhere because I.. I will come to you by myself " Taeyeon said in serious and her eye not show her word is lie.

" hashahha... You believe I hate you? Pabo Taeyeon..hashah but those word so romantic I like it " Tiffany give her eye smile.

" You trick me? " Taeyeon pout.

" Right ^^ hahshah " Tiffany clap her hand and laugh. Tiffany and Taeyeon still argue with each other.

" Fany behind you " taeyeon said.

" Behind me is wall don't trick me " Tiffany pout.

" If you not turn back is good... so good " Taeyeon said and kiss Tiffany's cheek.

" Today you sick I don't want to do anything but after you better we'll continue it " Taeyeon smirk and it make Tiffany blush so hard.

" yahh byuntae " Tiffany slap taeyeon's shoulder but she forgot her hand is hurt.

"Ouch " Tiffany yell Taeyeon just shake her head and walk to the table and took some snack and water.

" Where is mom? " Tiffany asked.

" Your mom just left this morning you sleeping 3 day while I can't sleep 3 day too you know?" Taeyeon said and open the bottle water.

" Who tell you not to sleep? " Tiffany said and drag the bottle from Taeyeon but Taeyeon pull it back.

" I'm thirsty why you dispute it wanna die? " Tiffany yell.

" I feed you want to eat just tell me " Taeyeon said and feed Tiffany. Taeyeon feed the food to Tiffany but then stop when heard sound in front of the door.

" Oh sorry did I interrupt both of you? " Hyoyeon said and enter the room follow by Yoona and Yuri.

" Tiffany How are you? " Yuri asked.

" I'm ok pretty girl " Tiffany said and give her eye smile it make everyone in the room cheer except Taeyeon.

" eat by yourself " taeyeon put the bowl on the table and pretent to walk away.

" Tae wait " Tiffany got up but it make her fell to the ground.

" Oww " Tiffany yell in pain Taeyeon turn her head and walk to Tiffany quickly she carry Tiffany and put Tiffany on the bed.

" I think want to look after you but see you guy like this.. wish you guy have alot of childs " hyoyeon said without afraid of Taeyeon.

" Yahh watch your mouth Hyoyeon who want to have child with her " Tiffany said and point to Taeyeon.

" So have child with me " Hyoyeon said.


The sound of spoon hit Hyoyeon's head by Taeyeon.

" Oww I'm just kidding you want to kill me Taeyeonie?" Hyoyeon whine.

" If this make you die so how about this " This time Taeyeon throw bottle to Hyoyeon but Hyoyeon escape it and the one that got hit is Yoona.

" Yahh stop arguing eh Tae what make you hurry get out from restaurant and make Tiffany finf you? " Yoona asked.

" Three of you get out from this room first  " taeyeon said.

" No way we stay here " Hyoyeon said.

" just go "

" It ok Tae let's them stay here " Tiffany said .

" Tiffany is right beside beautiful Tiffany have a kind heart too I'm regret that can't make you become my wife " Hyoyeon said but Taeyeon slap Hyoyeon's back head .

" ok you can stay here but don't talk too much " Taeyeon said and sit beside Tiffany .

" I forgot bring it "

" where? " taeyeon continue to find it and still talking.

" Tiffany.. if I'm married with you by other reason and it not love but I want to tell you I never regret married with you so I give you- " Taeyeon took one necklace and show it to Tiffany

" If you don't like it- " TIffany hurry grab the necklace and saw it was padlock infront the padlock have word V.Taeyeon .

" why it so simple I thought you give me some weapon or spaceship " Tiffany said in joke but inside she was screaming happy.

" Turn it to the back " Taeyeon said Tiffany turn the padlock and saw word Forever if you combine the word together it mean V ( shortcut from Vampire ) Taeyeon forever.

" Still look simple " Tiffany said.

Taeyeon didn't say anything but took another necklace and give it to Tiffany. Those necklace have Key and have word forever too. Tiffany took the key and put it in to the padlock it open and inside the padlock have and T&T forever.

" It still look so simple? " taeyeon tease.

" I love you very much " Tiffany hug taeyeon tightly but she just notice that she said she love Taeyeon it make her blush very much.

" say what? " Taeyeon's face also  blush too.

" Err..I said I love this necklace very much " Tiffany said.

" ahh.. I thought you said You love me " taeyeon said.

" hashahah.. you so funny anyway thank you this two necklace I love very much " After said Tiffany pretent to wear the necklace.

" Yah Pabo I only give you one necklace " Taeyeon said.

" why you not say quickly hey why you took back two necklace " Tiffany yell.

" I wear one for you " Taeyeon said and wear the padlock necklace to Tiffany.

" You also wear for me too " taeyeon give the key necklace to Tiffany. Tiffany wear it for taeyeon with a pout but she still happy.

" hey why we stay here look at lovely dovey couple let's get out " Hyoyeon said and call Yuri and Yoona but when Yuri and Yoona arrive at the door Hyoyeon enter the room with the rose in her hand.

" Nurse told has someone give it to Tiffany " Hyoyeon said and wave good bye to TaeNy .

" Have a safe trip all of you " Tiffany said and look at the rose YoonYul and hyo smile and close the door.

"  who give it?" taeyeon asked.

" Better soon.. I'm sorry.. Siwon " Tiffany read the card.

" What you think of it? " Taeyeon asked.

" I still can't believe he sorry me " Tiffany said.

" Don't think too much now everything is better " Taeyeon give a warm smile.

" er,, Tae I have something to tell "

" Tell you love me? " Taeyeon wink.

" I...the lollipop ..that you give me... it.."

" It look so lovely like the person give you?"

" Those day I lost it and siwon throw it to fire " Tiffany said and close her eye waiting taeyeon blame her.

" So? only this? " taeyeon asked.

" You not mad? " Tiffant open one eye and look at taeyeon.

" just make you hurt like this I angry myself till die those lollipop can find new but your life can't find-" Tiffany will happy till raise her body up if don't have last sentence

" because no soul that crazy and stupid like you " Taeyeon smile.

" And when I can get out from this place? "

" Till you get better "

" And I will have mark or not? "

" NO 100% "

" Why you so sure? "

" I say no is no don't ask alot "

" because I wonder "

" I already said you don't have "

" I just want to know why I don't have "

" You said Like you want to mark"

" I don't want I just want to know "

Tiffany and Taeyeon still argue with each other.



UPDATE  I think you guy want to kill me now right >_o

^^ sorry for long late update forgive me

now enjoy the update Annyeong ^^


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Tae143tiff #1
Chapter 16: Update plesase
embongtaar #2
Angelrepgirl #3
Chapter 16: Hope you update soon author
mioaio #4
Chapter 16: Been a year . _ .
SoaeadDicT #5
Chapter 16: Still hoping for updating..:(
SunnySunshinee #6
I love vampire stories!! and your fic sounds awesome!!! :3
sone1259 #7
Chapter 16: please update soon, great story! Is Sica a vampire too? but Tae said she a human. I really wanna know about her & yul =P cyte TaeNy
abibi33 #8
Chapter 16: update soon i want to know what will they do
Sica also a vampire?? O.O
anyway update soon *-*