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Song recommendation: Little Mix - Secret Love Song


Chapter 9

Myungeun never imagines herself has a friend that she can fall in love with. But now she's feeling it; she's starting to fall in love with her only friend in college, Jung Yein. The said name has a point charm that nobody Myungeun knows in her contacts have, not even her close fellow housemates Soojung and Jiae have, and that is a caring personality that can make Myungeun falls in love. Yein whom she knows only barely from the only mutual classes they have, Korean and History class, has become her only friend (and that is because Yein was the one who initiated to become her friend first). Myungeun is very thankful to have someone as thougtful as Yein to be her friend and be by her side when she's in her down, falling sick. They both are like a long lost friends who find each othe again and trade many stories from what happened in the past years that they haven't meet.

Myungeun hopes it's not too soon to fall in love with Yein because... is too late for her to fall out of love for the younger girl. 

The two girls meet after morning lesson session ends  Myungeun is overly excited to see Yein again because it has been (only) three days since they last met. But she has to control herself in front of Yein, trying to not be too obvious of her feelings. But if Myungeun is not mistaken, and she hopes she's really not, in her point of view Yein and her have mutual feelings for each other. And Myungeun prays everyday so that her view is not wrong.

Waiting at the cafeteria for Yein while listening to Little Mix's song Secret Love Song in her mp3, someone from behind closes her eyes as to give a surprise. The hand feels so soft that it makes Myungeun's lips creep a smile. "Guess who?" 

But it's a male's voice greeted her ears. Myungeun is suddenly feeling uneasy. 

"I don't know. Who knows." she replied nervously still with her eyes closed. Then the pair of hand that closes her view earlier takes off from her eyes and he reveals himself before her.

"Hi, Myungeun!" greeted the guy from earlier. Myungeun is staring at him in confusion. It feels like she knows this guy but she doesn't know but it's not like she doesn't know either. "I'm Choi Youngjae, in the piano club with you. Do you remember me?" asked the guy. The puzzle in Myungeun's mind is finally figured out when Youngjae introduced himself. Of course she actually knows him, they both are from the same piano club in the college and he happens to be the club's president while she is the assistant. 

"Oh yeah, of course I remember you. What's up?" she asked him. Youngjae grins in response. "I intend to invite you as my partner at our club's carnival party. Are you in?"

Did he just ask me out? "Be your partner? Meaning that I'll be your dance partner?" He nods his head. Myungeun frowns. "Why me? There are so many girls around are dying to be the president's partner but you choose me? Ridiculous."

"No, it's not. Look Myungeun, just think of it becuse you and I are meant to be partners from the start. I'm the president and you're the assistant. Don't we make the perfect couple?" pleaded Youngjae, half serious and half joking. He's serious in wanting Myungeun to be her partner while joking about him and her be the perfect couple. Myungen snorts at Youngjae's remark. But her snort makes Youngjae does a hurt expression. "Are you belittling me?" Myungeun feels a sense of guilt tugs at her heart seeing Youngjae's hurt look. 

"Myungeun-ah, I'm supposed to hold a performance on the night of the festival and I don't want to do it alone, other than with you. You're perfect for the duet that I think of. Can you please accept my request? This will be the last time I ask for your favor, pretty please?" And Youngjae is practically begging to her now and pouting. And he looks so adorable pouting that she can't refuse his favor of her.

"Fine, I agree to be your partner. Deal!" Youngjae screams in happiness when Myungeun accepts his request.

And the pair don't even notice a pair of jealous eyes are staring them with a burning heart.


Yein is contempleting whether she should see Myungeun now or not. Sure she misses the older girl, a lot but Yein's not in her best mood. Something is bothering her mind, too much. 

"Yein, we have a family will guest our house tonight," said her mother on the weekend night. Yein who was smiling so brghtly after texting Myungeun on her phone quickly erased her smile, not wanting the mother to be suspicious and checked on her. "Alright mother," answered Yein without thinking deeply. Whoever will be their guest for the night wouldn't ever bother Yein's mind, at least that's what Yein thought.

The time for the guest to be arrived came, Yein was ready to greet the family's guest with courtesy when Jisoo came up to her. Yein, oblivious about what was actually coming for her had her bright smile plastered on her face for her sister. Jisoo sighed before patting her younger sister's head. "You're still so young, Yein. So young," uttered Jisoo which made Yein confused.

When the guest had arrived and Yein was actually surprised to find her senior in college Kim Donghyuk and his family were her guests, the two families ate dinner together with meals that were prepared specially by Yein's mother.

"So, about our agreement..." said the head family of Kim. Yein's mother coughed before saying anything further. "Can we talk about this after eating? I don't think it's proper to talk about business when eating." Yein saw Kim Donghyuk's father nodded in agreement which made Yein confused but shrugged it off just as quickly. She then looked over at her sister and saw Jisoo was giving her an unreadable stare. It was like...Jisoo had something to say to Yein but held it back. Yein began to feel uneasy about this meeting between two families.

After dinner, still at the dining table, Mr. Kim resumed what he had to say earlier. "So...have you discussed this matter with your daughter?" Mr. Kim looked over at Yein (which she thought was odd because why the old man was not referring to her elder sister who's the eldest of the two siblings). Yein tilted her head to her mother and saw the mother plastered a sly smile. Yein fidgeted on her seat. She held Jisoo's hand who was beside her and tightened the hold even more. "How about you? Did your son know?" 

"Of course he does. And he gladly accepts it. It's such a coincidence that they attend the same college. Or maybe it's actually a fate. Destiny!" 

'What is this all about? Why am I feeling so uneasy about this?' Yein monologued. She then looked up to see Donghyuk who was staring at her so...deeply. So....lovingly. But Yein felt nothing about him than just a senior. 

"Yein, you know Donghyuk don't you?" Her step father finally spoke up after a while. Yein nodded her head. She couldn't say anything further. She didn't want to. "We have something to tell you," said her father. Donghyuk's mother who stayed silent throughout the folks' conversation suddenly held her hand. "We would like to make you our daughter in-law. We'd like you marry our son Donghyuk."

"W-what? But I'm still young. We both are and still studying. Don't you see this is a bit...ridiculous?" retorted Yein. The mother glared at Yein. "Ridiculous? Oh honey, you don't know how conglomerate lives. Besides, we'd only set up the engagement for now since both are you are still studying. Marriage, we'll discuss about that after Donghyuk graduates. It's his last year anyway."

"B-but mother... what about Jisoo unnie? She's the eldest and why should I be the one to marry first?"

"Honey, why suddenly include Jisoo in this matter?" Mrs. Jung eyed her daughter. "She's my sister and your daughter as well!" 

Thud! Mrs. Jung slammed the table which startled Yein the most while the rest of the people in the house seemed so calm, including Jisoo and Donghyuk. "Who says she's my daughter? I mean of course she's also my family but YOU are my daughter, my priority." Yein looked at her mother in disbelief. That mother of her didn't even pretend that Jisoo was her daughter. Jisoo who was beside Yein held her younger sister's hand and clenched ti

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Listen to Little Mix's Secret Love. My muse to write next YeJin's centered chapter, will be a little bit angsty. Go and listen to the song now! Hurry!


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Sica-chuluver919 #1
Chapter 17: Aaaa this finally ended.... I'll miss this fic ㅠㅠ
Wow you really wrote the wedding! Thank you <33 And it's fine the idea could be applied for any couple haha ^^
Chapter 17: OMG that was amazing.wooo mijoo haha 2ji hitting it. Tysm for writing such a great story ♥♡♡♥
Chapter 17: I'm to happy to finally read another 2ji chapter xD haha that Mijoo! She has the most brilliant gift for Jisoo (-^〇^-)
Chapter 16: rgifkjgk noooo pls dont end thisZ!!!! i look forward it each time TT^TT they're too cuteee <3 fluff balls!! mijoo is such a pabo XD glad jisoo told her off haha tysm for updating ~~~ <333
Chapter 16: Thanks for this update, authooooor ^_^ Souljoo is ❤ Good luck with your college :D
Chapter 16: I can't wipe silly grin off my face while reading this chapter aww mushy Souljoo :))
Too bad this is going to end soon >_< But I'll look forward to your new stories! Fighting authornim!
Chapter 15: ahhhhhhhh this chapter <3 even tho jisoo's bday is over i still want to wish her a happy birthday esp that she can spend with her members and lovelinus <333 the video of her celebration was <3 too cute~ tysm for updating such a sweet chapter!! jisoo deserved all the love in the world~
YoojungPenguin #10
Chapter 15: Happy Birthday, Jisoo! I'm glad to hear you're feeling better as well, author-nim!