Got Milk?

Honey Enjoy

A/N: Sorry guys! Posted the "Sunday Morning" chapter on accident before posting this one hehe. Everything is in order now :)


    In college, parties are around every corner.

    And if it were the old me, I would’ve been thrilled. yeah! Another party?! I’m so down. Hand me a drink.

    But now, I only saw SM University parties as one thing and one thing only: opportunities for sabotage.

    Krystal lived in the f(x) dorms, which had been established for a while but was kinda dying out in terms of its coolness factor. People kept leaving, their system was pretty flakey in general, and a lot of them were just too busy to plan anything exciting or noteworthy.

    But I guess Krystal wanted to amp up f(x)’s reputation this year so she was planning this huge bash titled: MILK. People would wear all white, there will be ice cream and milkshakes galore, and basically it’d be bad for anyone who was remotely sensitive to dairy and the like. Krystal must’ve thought that one out also because according to the invitation, there will also be “vegan options provided”. Proceeds would also go towards cows.

    Or something like that.

    Anyways, my gears were already turning at the mention of an “all white” party. I suddenly couldn’t wait for it.

    I don’t know where my feelings of vengeance suddenly came from. Maybe it’s always been there, hovering about. Once Kim Jongin had wronged me I’d internally sworn to make him and Krystal pay for what they did to me at all costs.

    Or maybe, it was the thrill of what I’d done at the Exo party, and that had been on a whim. I loved the feeling of being victorious in a game where I’d lost once before. It was satisfying, not to mention fun.

    So the following Saturday night, I was all too prepared for the second part of my takedown. The plan was that some time during the party, I’ll head over to the electrical room and turn off the power switch, causing a blackout in the entire building. I was thinking about bringing along my night vision goggles and spray painting various people so that when the lights they would spell out: GOT MILK? But decided against it. My scheme of revenge would be too obvious. For the time being, these things had to be subtle.

    In my white bodycon dress, I entered the party room and once again stood on the sidelines, scanning the room so see what I had to work with. Krystal was by herself in the middle of the room, guiding guests and explaining to people about her, “cow cause”, whatever that was. Jongin was nowhere to be seen. I started wondering where he was but remembered that I had a mission to accomplish, and that I couldn’t let him distract me.

    Towards the middle of the party, I slipped out the doors and snuck down the hall. At the very corner, last door to the left, I could vaguely spot a sign that read: Electric Room.


    I barged in, only to find the power box already open. Someone was just here.

    Suddenly, the entire building went pitch black. I immediately took out my phone and used it as a flashlight, dashing out of the electrical room and forgetting about it entirely. I had other problems on my hands. Who the hell had beat me to the power box? More importantly, what did he want with a blackout in the first place?

    I managed to find my way back to the party room through the dark, and just then the lights turned back on.

    Nothing had happened. Or, at least, nothing noticeable. People started murmuring about, asking each other, “What the heck was that all about?”

    One of the workers from the kitchen then sprints over to Krystal, who looked pretty puzzled about the blackout herself.

    “Ms. Krystal!” the worker said. “There’s a problem with the refrigerator. It’s not working. All of the ice cream and milk have gone bad!”

    “What?!” Krystal shrieks. “So that means--”

    The worker nodded. “There’s nothing to serve the guests.”

    By now people were hearing about the situation, pissed off and throwing their hands up in the air.

    “What’s a MILK party without food?”

    “What’s a party without food in general?”

    “I ing came here for the dessert.”

    “C’mon guys let’s bounce.”

    “Wait, no!” Krystal said frantically, trying to have her guests stay. “No, please!”

    But no one wanted to stay at a party where there was nothing to eat. Not to mention the blackout in general had already spooked everyone to the max. f(x), after all, was not known to have the most efficient facility.

    I had not thought of using an electrical power outage as a way to sabotage the food, which would then sabotage the party, which would then sabotage the reputation of f(x) in general, which in turn would tarnish the image of Krystal Jung. No one would ever trust f(x) again to throw and host a great event, no matter how enticing it would sound. It was near genius.

    My eyes then flickered to a figure standing on the other side of the room, by the second set of double doors. It was Oh Sehun in a crisp white suit, with an ice cream cone in hand. He winked at me before leaving, disappearing entirely.

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esumi_ #1
Chapter 6: This story is gold. What an underrated ship but i can totally see their personalities in there.
setirram08 #2
Chapter 43: it is a great story..interesting that I want to read more..hope you can write more about joyhun
GayNagisa #3
Chapter 43: it had a cliche plot but the way the author interpret the story will matter the most TT, this fic is too good for my heart!
GayNagisa #4
Chapter 43: this is way too goog TT ended sooner than i have expected
Chapter 1: Sm university lol...I loved how you use the name
Just by reading the foreword I'm so excited about the story...
Chapter 43: I’m crying. This is so beautiful, and truly a rollercoaster ride. I can feel the intensity of their feelings <3
I really thought that they wouldn’t end up together, but thank God they did!
Chapter 28: funny cuz when I'm reading this part I'm actually listening to Tiffany's because it's you song so its kind of a heartbreaking moment
Chapter 1: Hey! Can you please make hunjoy fanfic? ..
I enjoyed reading Honey Enjoy a lot..
Chapter 43: Awwww~ so sweet~ thank you author-nim!!