Barf Bag

Honey Enjoy

I'm a flame
You're a fire
I'm the dark in need of light

-- Kygo, "Firestone"

 Only the second week and I had already overslept.

            “,” I cursed as I got out of bed and changed into some suitable sweats. Sprinting to class while chewing on a granola bar, as well as tying my hair up in a ponytail, I hoped to dear God that I would make it to class on time.

            Miraculously, I slipped into the classroom just as the professor was getting the class to settle down. However, not before running into someone a second time.

            “Sorry,” I muttered once again. Looking up, I found the guy to be none other than Oh Sehun.

            Geez. This guy is everywhere. I had no idea he and I even had a class together.

            After making some awkward eye contact, I headed off to my seat. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Sehun walk past me to sit down as well. His seat was right behind mine.

He and I only so much glanced at each other, as I bet neither of us wanted to bring up the events of last weekend. He probably didn’t want to explain why he’d been so drunk, and I sure didn’t want to talk about my history with Kim Jongin. It was painful enough the first time. I didn’t need a second round.

            The week passed by without anything of interest. I got used to my classes, worked on assignments, and tried to avoid the freshman 15 by cooking my own meals to the best of my ability. Soon, it was another Friday night, almost a week since the MAMA Party. I got back to the dorm in the evening to find several of the girls getting dressed up.

            “Where are you guys all going?” I asked, putting my backpack down.

            “Didn’t you hear?” one of my roommates Seulgi asked me. “There’s a party in the Exo building tonight! Everyone’s invited. The theme is ‘Golden Hollywood’ so we’re all getting dressed up in pearls and red lipstick. Are you coming?”

            “The party’s at the Exo building?” I asked, remembering how the last party I’d gone to just a week ago hadn’t ended too well.

            “Yup! The Exo boys are all pretty cute. Maybe you’ll find one to your liking?” Seulgi said with a wink, nudging my arm.

            “I think I’ll pass,” I said bitterly.

            “Well okay suit yourself,” Seulgi said. “We’ll be over there if you decide to change your mind.”


            And with that, Seulgi and and another roommate named Irene left for the party.

            I sighed and lied on my bed, wondering how I could possibly be so damn lonely on a Friday night in college. More specifically, one of the greatest colleges in the entire country. There’s got to be more to do than just that one stupid Exo party.

            I tried distracting myself from the idea of making an appearance. I finished up some studying, did my laundry, even changed my bed sheets.

            Even so, when I was done and finished with everything, it was only 10:05 PM and for any college student, it was way too early to go to sleep.

            I let out a breath. I really hoped I wasn’t going to regret this.


            It was a stark contrast from the MAMA Party. Instead of flashing lights, dubstep, and people grinding the heck out of each other, the Exo party consisted of some nice champagne and classy mingling. The guys wore suits and ties, the girls wore sparkly dresses and pearls. SM had a lot of good looking people on campus. It was Golden Hollywood indeed.

            I was dressed decently, in my black dress and pearl necklace. I sported curls and red lip tint again just for the heck of it.

            I looked nice. I looked pretty. But your self esteem can only be so high when your ex-boyfriend is with his new girlfriend smack at the center of the party. I stood on the outside steps of the room, not wanting to make an entrance yet. I was still too busy contemplating on whether or not I actually wanted to step inside, despite already being all dressed up. So I leaned against the wall, thinking of my next move.

            “Emotionally stable?”

            I looked over next to me. It was Oh Sehun, carrying a glass of champagne. Huh. So he does remember me.

            “Need a barf bag?” I asked in response.

            Sehun smirked, taking a sip of his champagne. “Nice one.”

            “Whatever,” I muttered, suddenly feeling thirsty. “Can you get me a drink?”

            He gives me a look. “Um, no.”

            “Need I remind you,” I said, putting a hand on my hip. “that you'd barfed on me, oh, about a week ago and humiliated me in front of everyone. It's the least you can do.

            “Correction,” Sehun said. “I didn’t humiliate you in front of everyone. I just humiliated you in front of Jongin.”

            The guy was good. "Shut up," I lamely said.

            “That breakdown in the car was interesting. Too bad I had a back seat."

            “You’re ridiculous,” I spat.

            “But good looking,” he said.

            I snorted. “Are you kidding me? You’re ugly as hell.”


            “That’s what you get. Now go get me a drink.”

            “Nah.” Sehun taunts me with one last sip of his glass before heading towards the party. “I only get drinks for pretty girls.”


            Some party. I shouldn’t have even come.

            After snotty Sehun leaves, I make an attempt to go back to the dorm when Seulgi and Irene spot me and yell out my name, “JOY! WE’RE OVER HERE!”

            . People begin turning their heads, including Jongin and Krystal.

            Couldn’t escape it now.

            Putting on a smile, I make my way down to Seulgi and Irene, who’d been talking to a couple of guys.

            “This is Joy!” Irene introduced enthusiastically. “Joy, this is Suho, head of the Exo dorm.” Suho was on the shorter side. I was almost taller than him. Even so, he seemed like a smart, classy guy.

            “Hi,” I said, shaking his hand.

            He nodded at me. “Hey. I saw you talking to Sehun over there a while ago. You guys know each other?”

            “Briefly,” I replied. I actually didn’t remember how I met Sehun, but it probably had something to do with Jongin.

            Which reminded me. I was in desperate need of a drink. Excusing myself from the trio, I went over to the bar on the other side of the room.

            “How’s your night been?” the bartender asked me as I sat down on a stool. He was pretty cute, with clean hair and a nice face.

            “ty,” I replied. “Can I get a shot?”

            “Are you sure?” the bartender asks warily. Since when did bartenders get wary?

            I was hardly paying attention to the bartender’s words of caution though, as I observed Jongin and Krystal from across the room. A plan began to formulate in my mind.

            “Hey,” I said to the bartender, “how many drinks has that girl gotten so far?”

            “Who?” the bartender asked. “The girl with the long black hair?”


            “You mean Krystal Jung?”

            “You know her?”

            The bartender chuckles. “Everyone knows Krystal Jung. She gets around.”

            “Ah. I see.”

            “But yeah she’s gotten a couple of drinks tonight. Why?”

            I decided to use my skills of persuasion to use. Leaning across the counter a little, I made sure to put on my best smile. I batted my lashes a bit as I said, “Hey, uh…” I looked at his nametag, which read: Sungjae. “...Sungjae!”

            His eyes practically lit up. “Yeah?”

            “Do you mind if you, you know, give Krystal a special type of drink the next time she comes over to get one? It’s on me.” I smiled again. No guy can ever say no to my eye smile.


            I stood on the side, drinking my own glass of champagne, as I watched Krystal head over to the bar. Jongin was in tow of course, like a puppy. It was disgusting.

            Sungjae briefly glanced over at me, before handing Krystal the drink that I’d requested. It wasn’t anything bad at all. If anything, it was actually really healthy. Gets the digestive tract flowing.

            Drink in hand, Krystal heads back to the party. She finds it tasty, I figure. The drink should’ve tasted slightly fruity.

            Then she clutches her stomach and her face begins to turn sour. “!” she curses as she drops the drink entirely and rushes to the nearest restroom. But she hardly even makes it out halfway before she falls smack onto the floor and hurls out whatever she had in that tiny little body of hers. .

            “Oh .”

            “Another puking incident?!”

            “Someone take pictures!”

            My work here was done. I went over to Krystal, who was still on the floor, and said, “Need a barf bag?” With one last glare, I left the room.

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esumi_ #1
Chapter 6: This story is gold. What an underrated ship but i can totally see their personalities in there.
setirram08 #2
Chapter 43: it is a great story..interesting that I want to read more..hope you can write more about joyhun
GayNagisa #3
Chapter 43: it had a cliche plot but the way the author interpret the story will matter the most TT, this fic is too good for my heart!
GayNagisa #4
Chapter 43: this is way too goog TT ended sooner than i have expected
Chapter 1: Sm university lol...I loved how you use the name
Just by reading the foreword I'm so excited about the story...
Chapter 43: I’m crying. This is so beautiful, and truly a rollercoaster ride. I can feel the intensity of their feelings <3
I really thought that they wouldn’t end up together, but thank God they did!
Chapter 28: funny cuz when I'm reading this part I'm actually listening to Tiffany's because it's you song so its kind of a heartbreaking moment
Chapter 1: Hey! Can you please make hunjoy fanfic? ..
I enjoyed reading Honey Enjoy a lot..
Chapter 43: Awwww~ so sweet~ thank you author-nim!!