❄ Day Nine ❄

Enough Of Xmas


“This has to be the ugliest Christmas sweater in the entire universe.” Tao’s face scrunched up in absolute disgust, pulling the fabric of the away from his body. “So hideous it burns my eyes.”

Her delightful laugh vibrated throughout the room to a point it was near a crackle more than anything. Swatting his hands away from picking at the sweater, she said, “Good. That’s the point.”

Rolling his eyes, a pout slipped onto his lips. “Why am I dressed like this again?”

“Because our dear friends invited us to an ugly Christmas sweater party, that’s why.”

The sweater was a monster; it was an eyesore to look at indeed. It was a musty, forest green with patches of red on the elbows. Gold tinsel lined the collar, while the front was decorated with multicolored lights and bells. Smack dead center on the sweater was a fat fluffy panda with a Santa hat on its head. And each time that he would move too fast, it would activate the annoy sound of Christmas carols from the mouth of the said panda.

Taking a step back, she gave Tao a once over. Hands on her hips, she nodded proudly, “I say we did good.” Rubbing her hands together, she smirked, “We are so going to win this year.”

“But I look ugly.” Tao stated dully, he did not find the same amusement that his girlfriend had with the whole situation. “Completely ridiculous.”

“Oh, relax. It’s only for like,” glancing at her watch, she said, “four hours. You’ll survive.”

“I’m suppose to look cool, chill, suave.” He argued. Looking down at the sweater he was wearing, he sighed drearily. “Not whatever this is…”

Patting him on the chest, she pressed a kiss to his lips. “Here, have a kiss.” Before Tao could return her kiss with his own, she whipped around and rummaged for something in her bag. A moment later, she returned with something in her hands. Handing him a pair of his favorite sunglasses, she added, “And your sunglasses if you’re so desperate to look fashionable.”

Kissing his sunglasses in adoration, he slipped them on in a suave manner. Smiling, he swung an arm around her shoulders, “Ahhh, now this feels better.”

Stifling a laugh, she mumbled, “Sure. You still look ugly AF regardless.”


[A/N]: Hehe figured it was time to pulled out some Christmas sweater themed scenarios since I have to find one for myself this year as well... kkaebsong~ Not to mention, I was about to post a real sad winter themed scenario today since the Sing For You got me up with the feels man... but I hoped you liked this one!

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xoxo, KP

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goldenepicness #1
Read all the chapter so far in one go. These are really cute! Chen & Sehun got me all askjewfgo!! Looking forward to the next ones.