❄ Day Seventeen ❄

Enough Of Xmas

* Multiple Updates in One Day! Please read previous chapters if you haven't done so~ *


Pelting snowballs at her laying form on the ground, Chanyeol laughed heartily as he ran to hide behind a tree; his giant form clearly showing from behind the tree. Yelling obnoxiously loud from his hiding spot, he asked, “Do you want to build a snowman?!”

He had purposely made his voice as off-key has the talented musician in him could, causing her to fall into fits of laughs and giggles. Stomach in pain from all the laughing he had caused her to do, she fell into defeat and laid there in the snow, letting him throw snowballs at her body. Glee warming up her entire body, she began to move her arms that were at her side up and down, making snow angels in the fresh fallen snow.

From his hiding spot, Chanyeol’s loud off key voice reached her ears, “DO YOU WANT TO BUILD A SNOWMAN?! IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE A SNOWMAN~”

Body shaking from all of her laughs, she clutched her stomach, tears beginning to form in her eyes. “I hate you so much Park Chanyeol!”

Peeking his head out from behind the tree, he retorted, “No you don’t, Jagiya! Because love is an open door~~~~”

Gosh, he was adorable.

Watched Frozen again today with my little sisters, and those two songs reminded me so much of Chanyeol man~ And his IG updates, he’s so cute that it hurts.

xoxo, KP

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goldenepicness #1
Read all the chapter so far in one go. These are really cute! Chen & Sehun got me all askjewfgo!! Looking forward to the next ones.