the end; 1

Esprit de Corps

The rain is pouring and the isolated alley by the edge of Seoul is slippery at its worst form.

Two people.

One damned alley.

Two guns pointed towards the other.

One goddamned weather.

Two men fighting the urge to scream, to let the tears pour along the acid rain the sky is spewing out.

One night to end all the pain, all the hurt, all the lies they've kept for 4 years.

Two hearts pounding against their chest.

One heart bound to get broken now.

"I'm so sorry Yeol, I loved you, I really did -"

" you, Byun."

Baekhyun smiles, even if the venom in Chanyeol's voice makes him flinch .

Even if it makes his heart contract in a way that screams anything but joy and excitement. 

"And I always will. Bye Yeol."

And as Baekhyun steadies his hold on the gun, Chanyeol shakingly does the same.

By now, Chanyeol's eyes are bloodshot, his whole body fidgeting from whether pain or rage, no one has a clue of. 

Baekhyun's lips are trembling and no fool would be able to pass that this, this is a form of tragedy.

And that's the thing about tragedies, it's just that no one gets to live long enough to give way to a new beginning.

"Goodbye, Byun."

It was barely above a whisper, and if Baekhyun was not innately attentive he wouldn't have heard.

He lets out a satisfied sob, knowing that even if he lived a life of pure destruction, he is forgiven.

Shots were fired as two clashing, melting identities shut their minds to block the inevitable farewell.



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