Chapter 1

Well... This Is Love...

took me long enough to update this story. and I want to say, KEEP YOUR EXPECTATIONS LOW. 

p/s: sorry if this chapter a little bit rushed. I already did my best.






Jihoon glares (secretly) at the sight in front of him. It is Choi Seungcheol, his long-time crush talking (or more like flirting, according to Jihoon) to Yoon Jeonghan, the school’s best singer. Sure, he can’t blame Jeonghan because the long-haired guy is too pretty to be ignored, even by the school’s basketball team captain a.k.a Seungcheol. Jihoon sighs deeply, knowing that his chances to get Seungcheol are TOO impossible. Of course no one would want to date with a freaking nerd like him, who likes to stick his face into a book 24/7 and went to the library as his hangout place. Also, he’s an anti-social guy (according to the students in school) just because he only had ONE friend. He feels grateful to have Boo Seungkwan as his friend, and at the same time he feels regret. That boy could never shut his mouth. Seungkwan is the one who SHOULD be lucky to have Jihoon as his friend because Jihoon never complained about him.

Anyway, back to Jihoon’s one-sided love situation. As he keep staring at the two flirting guys (he hates it), he didn’t realize that he just missed his class. Oh ! I’m 5 minutes late! He hurriedly run towards his class and.............found out that the teacher is absent. He sighs again and reluctantly walked towards his seat at the very back row (blamed his teacher for assigned that seat for him despite of his not-so tall height). As usual, he opened his book and started to read. But suddenly, something caught his ears.

“Do you know that Seungcheol oppa and Jeonghan oppa are dating?”

“OMG! Is that true?!”

“Yes! They announced it yesterday!”

“Kyaa!!! They look so cute together!!”

The female students in his class started to fangirl over THAT couple. No wonder they look so lovey dovey today.




Jihoon could feel his heart shattered into millions of pieces and no one there to fix it back. Sounds cliché, but it’s true. With a gloomy face, he continues reading, even though his mind is somewhere else.


Since Seungkwan is absent today, he had to walk home alone. As he walking mindlessly towards the front gate of the school, a ball hit his head HARD.

“WHAT THE HELL IS THAT??!!” he shouted loudly, gaining attention from other students.

“I’m sorry for my mistake. I accidentally throw at your direction.” It was Seungcheol. It was a freaking Choi Seungcheol. He debated whether he wants to forgive him or not. But his anger and jealousy towards Jeonghan overpowers him. So what came out from his mouth is unexpected.

“Sorry? Is that all you can say?! Listen here, my head is far more precious than your sorry! It contains my valuable knowledge rather than your freaking basketball abilities which I think you at, you freaking loser captain! You know what? You just ruined my day!!!” and with that, Jihoon angrily stomped towards the school’s front gate and headed home.

“Did he just say I’m a loser captain?” Seungcheol said in disbelief. Since he become the captain, his team never loses in any match (sounds bragged, but it is true). So when a certain nerd called him ‘a loser captain’, it hurts his pride. One of his teammate, Mingyu walks to him.

“Just chill man. Maybe that guy is bad mood today. Don’t think too much about it. Let’s just continue playing. Besides, your angel boyfriend is here to watch you.” Seungcheol immediately looked at Jeonghan’s direction, who is waving at him cutely. Seungcheol smiled at his ‘lover’. Oh, how he glad to have Jeonghan as his ‘boyfriend’.



Jihoon rubs at the spot where the ball hits him hard. After he arrived at home, he immediately takes shower and lazily lying in his bed. He remembered what he told to Seungcheol earlier. It was too harsh. He thought. But he deserves it. Then, he slowly drifted to sleep.

The next day, he went to school as usual with Seungkwan tagging along with him. As he and his best friend enter the school compound, he hopes that today will be a better day for him. But, luck is not by his side. He, again being hit at his head HARD by the SAME ball at the SAME spot. Because of that, he fainted.

“Oh my god! Jihoon-ah!”


Jihoon woke up, feeling slightly dizzy in his head. He looked up to see Seungkwan and surprisingly Seungcheol by his side.

“Jihoon-ah, are you okay? You were being hit by a ball at your head. Then you were fainted. Luckily, there was Seungcheol-ssi who helped me to carry you here. Well, he’s the one who carried you, not me. But anyway, you’re okay right?” His best friend, Seungkwan asks with a concern face. Jihoon just nodded, not bothering to open his mouth.

“I’m sorry for my friend’s behalf. He accidentally threw the ball at you. Sorry for ruining your day, again.” Seungcheol says with a guilty expression. Jihoon still didn’t say anything. He glares at Seungcheol, making the latter feels uncomfortable. Seungkwan who notices this says, “Um, Seungcheol-ssi. If you had nothing to do here, you can go. I can take care of Jihoon. “

“Oh, okay. I just go then. Get well soon.” After Seungcheol went out from the infirmary, it’s Seungkwan’s turn to glare at Jihoon.


“You’re such an ungrateful , do you? You should at least thank him. He carried your heavy body all the way here. And you’re so lucky because no one is lucky enough to have their crush carries them bridal style.”

“Why should I? He was the one who made me like this yesterday.”

“That was yesterday. Today it is his friend’s fault. Not his. But he’s taking the responsibility to take you here and not his friend. You should, no, you MUST thank him.”

“Well thanks for advising me. I will do that later on.” Mind you, it’s a sarcasm. Seungkwan rolled his eyes like a diva.

“Yeah, whatever. I know you’re just jealous seeing him with Jeonghan. But please, don’t let out your anger towards him. You should do that to Jeonghan. Let he feels the wrath of Lee Jihoon! Muahahahahahaha!!” Jihoon looked at his friend dumbfounded. But to think again, what Seungkwan said just now is right. He should being angry to Jeonghan instead to Seungcheol. Jihoon then smiles evilly.

“What are you thinking right now, hmm? Is it something evil???” Seungkwan asked with a playful smirk.

“I will make Seungcheol fall in love with me. No matter what. He’s going to leave and forget about Jeonghan. Seungcheol is MINE.”

“Oh yeah, baby! Mama is so proud of you!” Seungkwan wiped his fake tears. As the school bell rang, they hurriedly went to their class and start their lesson.



“Jihoon-ah!!!!” Seungkwan shouted loudly as he ran along the school hallways, gaining some weird stares from other students. Jihoon, who just went out of the library almost slipped hearing his friend’s loud voice. Luckily, he managed to hold himself.

“Yah Lee Jihoon! I’ve got a good news for you!” Seungkwan said with a bright smile.

“What is it? Hansol finally confessed to you?” Jihoon smirks seeing the diva’s reaction.

“No! That’s not the news. The choir club is hiring a new member! And I already registered your name!”

“W-w-what? Why did you do that?!”

“Oh come on! If you want to defeat your enemy, you should be his friend first. You got it? Besides, I’m the member of the club too. Together, we can make the plans.” Seungkwan says while wiggling his eyebrows.

“That’s actually a GREAT idea! Okay, I’m in! Huhuhu...”



“Hi. I’m the new member of the club. My name is Lee Jihoon. Nice to meet all of you.” Jihoon introduces himself in front of the club members. He feels nervous as all eyes are on him. Jeonghan, as the president of the club welcomes him with an open heart.

“Alright Jihoon-ssi. Can you show us your singing skills? Seungkwan said you’re a good singer.” Jeonghan says with his beautiful angelic smile. No wonder Seungcheol is easily fall in love with him.

“Oh yeah, Jihoon! You can do it!” Seungkwan shouted. Jihoon takes a deep breath. He then starts singing some lines of a song.

As he ended his singing, everyone is clapping. Seungkwan claps the loudest while muttering (or more like shouting, again) ‘Jihoon, you’re the best!’

“I’ve never heard the song before. Who’s the singer?” Jeonghan asks.

“It’s the song I made on my own. I...” before Jihoon could continue, Seungkwan (being the busybody he is) interrupted.

“He composes and writes his own songs! All of them are great!”

“Really? Then, can you bring all of them tomorrow? I like to listen to them.”

“Okay, I’ll bring them tomorrow.”



“Jeonghan is not that bad. He’s an angel. I suddenly feel guilty towards him.” Jihoon says as he and Seungkwan are currently eating at the school’s cafeteria.

“I know, but don’t you want Seungcheol?”

“I want him, but I think he’s better with Jeonghan. Both of them look good together. We should cancel our plans. I don’t want to feel guiltier.” Jihoon slumped his head on the table.

“Aww Jihoonie, don’t be sad. Alright then, we cancel our plans if you feel better with it. I will support every decision you make.” Jihoon looked at his friend smiling. Suddenly, someone tap his shoulder.

“Hi, may I have a seat here? The others are full.” Both of them look at the stranger.

“Who are you? A new student?” Seungkwan asked with curiosity.

“Yes. I just moved here from Los Angeles. My name is Joshua Hong. My Korean name is Hong Jisoo.” The Joshua guy smiles at the two best friends.

“Okay, you can seat here. By the way, my name is Boo Seungkwan. This is my friend, Lee Jihoon. Can we call you Jisoo? We prefer the Korean name better.”

“Okay, it’s up to you. I don’t mind.” Jisoo smiles kindly. As they are about to talk more, their attention is caught by the loud noises from the basketball team entered the cafeteria.

“Who are they?” Jisoo asked while pointing at them.

“Those are the school’s basketball team a.k.a a group of popular students.” Seungkwan says, taking a sip from his drink. Jisoo nodded at Seungkwan’s statement while Jihoon didn’t even bother to look at them. Jisoo’s eyes then wandered at a certain long-haired guy.

“Who is the guy with the long hair?” he asks, pointing at the guy.

“That’s Yoon Jeonghan. The president of the choir club. Already taken by the basketball team captain, Choi Seungcheol. The one who hugs him.” Seungkwan replied boringly. The rest of their recess time spent with Seungkwan bombarded Jisoo with questions about L.A, which Jisoo kindly answers them. It made Jihoon wondered how Jisoo can put up with Seungkwan’s annoying mouth.

“So, what are your specialties?” Jihoon suddenly ask, making Jisoo surprised a little since the short guy was silent all the time (Jihoon actually wants to shut Seungkwan’s mouth).

“I can play an acoustic guitar and sings a bit.”

Seungkwan suddenly has an idea. He immediately pulls Jihoon towards him.

“Jihoon-ah. I have an idea. Why don’t we put him in the choir club?”

“But I think our club is already full. Jeonghan would not accept him. Unless...”

“Unless he’s a good singer. We could convince Jeonghan about this. Like I convinces him to accept you. How about it?”

“Alright then. It’s up to you.” Seungkwan then turned to Jisoo. “So, Jisoo-ah. Would you like to join our choir club?”

“Choir club? I would love to! When I was in L.A, I’m one of the members of the church choir group.” Jisoo says with sparkling eyes. He looks happy with it.

“Okay then, Jihoon and I will bring you to our president.......right now!”

“Wait? Right now?” Jihoon snapped. He looks over the said president and his boyfriend who are currently laughing together.

“Of course! We should tell him now! I’m afraid Jeonghan will change his mind.” Without wasting any time, Seungkwan pull Jisoo with him and walked towards the ‘popular table’.

“Hey! Wait for me!” Jihoon shouted and hurriedly run to them with his short legs.


“Um... Jeonghan-ah? Sorry for bothering you. I just wanted to ask something. Would you still want to take a new member for our club? My friend here would like to join us.” Seungkwan said as he stood in front of Jeonghan, together with the awkward-looking Jisoo. Suddenly, Jisoo feels nervous seeing Jeonghan up close. Why I feel nervous of all sudden? But man, he looks beautiful like an angel fall from heaven. Jisoo thought. Seungkwan who notices Jisoo sudden-nervous nudged him.

“Hey, Jeonghan asks you to introduce yourself.”

“Err...oh....yeah....sorry...umm.... Hi, my name is Joshua Hong Jisoo. Nice to meet you.” Jisoo accidentally says in English.

“Woah bro. You can speak English? Where are you from?” one of the basketball player, Hansol (a.k.a Seungkwan’s crush) suddenly asks in English too.

“I’m from L.A but just moved to Seoul a week ago.” Jisoo replies, still in English. Just before Hansol gets to speak, Seungkwan then cuts him off.

“Well, I’m sorry. I don’t want to interrupt your conversations but please speak in Korean. We’re in South Korea, not U.S.”

“What a diva...” Jihoon mumbled behind Jisoo but still, the others can hear it.

“Okay, I’ll introduce myself properly now. My name is Joshua Hong Jisoo. Nice to meet you.”

“I’m Jeonghan. Do you really want to join our club?”

“Yeah. I like to sing. I can play guitar too.” Jisoo says as his nervousness starts to fade away.

“Okay. I’ll see you during the club meeting tomorrow.” Jeonghan smiles his angelic smile, which make Jisoo’s (and Seungcheol’s) heart fluttered. Meanwhile, Jihoon is currently glaring at Seungcheol (jealous~~~)

“Oh my gosh! Thanks Jeonghan-ah! Come one, Jisoo! Now, we’re going to bring you to tour around the school.” Seungkwan exclaimed happily, and then leaving the popular table.

“He’s really a hyperactive guy.” Hansol said as he looked over Seungkwan.













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reiyohiru #1
Chapter 8: So fun!! Love it ><
whitestormsky #2
Chapter 8: This was so fun and sweet! The grammar wasn't the best but the meaning came across. Thanks for sharing, author-nim.
Wooji21 #3
The angel effects:s
JulyChans #4
Chapter 8: The special chapter was fun xD VerkWan are something crazy and cute, thank you :3
Chapter 8: Verkwan is life.Love it <3
JulyChans #7
Chapter 7: Is a very cute story, i love it, i hope that you continue writing more about 17, thank you for sharing :3
Chapter 7: “Wait for the next chapter.”
Eyyyy mwoya hahahah
All the love confession here make my heart flutter >< I was actually hope for more detail abt jihan muehehehehehe but whoah this simple jihan already make my heart flutter kkkkkkkkkkkkk
I enjoy reading this ♡♡♡♡ thank you >< already ended~~~~ ahhhhh beautiful ♡
LetsFlyExoNuEst #9
Chapter 7: What the... hahaha.. XD!
Love it!!!
b2tyowl1311 #10
Chapter 7: dang cliffhanger~ hahaha,, poor diva boo,, i completely understand how it feel to be outsider(but good to know u gonna score hansol)^^ great story author-nim^^