Xiao Lu

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Luhan arrived at their apartment complex, soaking wet. He rapped on the door, his mind utterly clouded. He was clearly more worried about Haneul than his current state. The door opened and without thinking, Luhan just came inside the apartment.

“Haneul are you-“ His words were cut off as his eyes fell on an unexpected person inside the apartment.

His jaw dropped as his mouth hung agape. His eyebrows furrowed, immensely confused with the person’s presence.

“Ch-Chanyeol-ssi?” he stuttered, baffled. The giant stared at him as confused. “Luhan-ssi, what are you doing here?” his low voice asked. The Chinese simply gawked at the other, at a loss for words.

“Ahjussi! You’re here!” Haneul then squealed as he ran towards him. “And you’re wet,” the little boy pointed out, scrunching up his face cutely.

Dazing out of his trance, Luhan looked down and stared at his soaked button-down shirt and pants. “Oh f-“ He realized Haneul was there. “Frostbite!” he caught himself.

He turned to Chanyeol and offered him an apologetic smile. “Mind if I borrow some clothes to change into?” he asked.

The other simply nodded his head; turning towards one of the rooms to get what Luhan believed would be dry clothes. He sighed inaudibly.

‘What the heck?’ was all he could think of as he stared at Chanyeol’s back, his head hurting slightly.



In the hour he had spent with Chanyeol and Haneul, he had learned quite a few useful things.

Firstly, Chanyeol was Chorong’s cousin. Their mothers were sisters and Chorong used to live with them whilst she was studying in high school. The belle had moved out after graduation and went to live with their grandparents in the province but she came back after three year

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Don't mind me. I'm just editing the chapters and checking for any errors^^


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lulubis #1
I will miss this fanfic...definitely one of my favorite...thank you...I hope you could continue your other Chohan fanfiction.
Chapter 61: I love how you wrapped this fic up! This is unfair! I was planning to use the name Haru too! Looks like there will be a change in plans I guess.
BTW, correct me if I am wrong but I am pretty sure Haru in Japanese means spring.
Chapter 61: Slow claps for the author and for the wonderful story! I am ecstatic that Luhan and Chorong finally had their happy ever after with their family with the addition of cute baby Haru! I will DEFINITELY miss waiting everyday for new updates of this story. So, I thank you, author-nim! For creating this wonderful story. Hope to read more stories from you!
honeydewfav #4
Chapter 61: *standing ovation* beautiful, heart-warming and mostly cheesy! Hahaha ... Haru? I really really like that name! Seriously, it's already ended. I'll make 're-run' after this!

Penawar #5
Chapter 61: thank youu authornim! for making a great fanfic..i'm so glad that you make a fanfic about luhan and chorong..everytime i read ff about them it felt so real ! hope to read your writing about luhan and chorong again :D
Chapter 61: hiks, it's pretty authornim! what a great fanfiction! great job! i'll wait for the next fanfiction!
Chapter 61: Thank you for this beautiful story.. and your consistent double or ttiple update.. I enjoy reading this story so much..<3
Isabella37 #8
Chapter 61: It's warm and fuzzy!!!
Isabella37 #9
Chapter 61: It's warm and fuzzy!!!
Chapter 61: author nim love your story its very heartwarming.