I don't like sports.

Dreams when i'm NOT sleeping

Seo Eun pov.

"Hi students, your principal has decided that all of you will attend different class from now on. I will read your name that is in the same class and what class it would be."

"Lee Seo Eun, you will be in sport class, becuase all of us teacher don't think you need to attend any other classes anymore"

WHAT??????????? huft why is my life becoming very confusing now? never mind, this would be interesting.

Especially i would be in the same class as Jong Hun, Min Hwan, Jae Jin and Seun Hyun. woahhh what a coincidance.

oh yea, the party last night ended very smoothly, i could talk to my parents that i missed so much =3

And about the fiancee fiancee thing, i don't really care that much because it is Jong Hun, a cool boy that i like in my imagination. I think from now on, i don't have to daydream again because my own life has become very interesting, just like a dream.

Oh, besides the four of them, there's also the head prefect in my class, Lee Hong Ki.

"Students, this is your new PE attire." The teacher distributed a very nice pair of attire for us to wear; white in colour.

"Now, all of you can start running around the school for 3 times"

3 times????Running this whole super big school?? is she kidding me?? im gonna faint. Sports have been my worst subject in my whole life. sigh.

"wanna run together??" Jae Jin asked me.

"oh, ah, hmmm, i don't think it would work, your speed and my speed are very very very different..i am a super slow runner" i blushed.

"hahaha, never mind, let me accompany you this time."

ok we run. I feel my heart is going to drop. >< I am so tired. At last, we finished the run and to my surprise, we are not the last one, there are still a few students behind. I breath a sigh of relief. 

I look at Jong Hun, He was looking at me, smiling. I blushed.

"Drink this." Seung Hyun gave me a bottle of water.

"mm, gomawo"

"Seo Eun, do you want to buy some food?" Ma Ri asked me.She is a girl from another class last time. I know her because we participated in the same competition before.

"sure." I walked with her and her friends.

"Do you know what? the four boys are from St. Joseph high school you know, the most famous school and the richest school here." one of the girls said.

"really?? so why did they move here?

"hmmm, i have no idea."

what? St. Joseph?? woahhhhh It is a school for rich people. I was once asked to go to that school but then i refused because i know that some of rich people behave irritatingly. HAHA. I am from middle class anyway, not poor but not that rich. So i don't have the complete confidence to attend that school. But, are they really from that school?? woahhh

"So, Seo Eun, do you like our new class?" Ma Ri asked.

"haha, i laugh, i like being with you all guys, but, but i don;t like sports." 

everyone laughs.

"I guess i have to bear with it." i said.


I walk back to the soccer field when i see many people gather the basketball court.

I quickly joined them and,,, i see there were four on four basketball match. All of them look really into the game. As i expected, Jae Jin, Min Hwan, Seung Hyun and Jong hun won the game quite easily.

"Jong Hun oppa, you are so awesome!" I see Ma Ri talk to Jong Hun.

All of the girls were cheering for them. I guess they are very famous now.

I look down on my feet.

"Let's go" Jong Hun suddenly appeared behind me and said it.

I look and follow him.

My heart starts beating faster. 

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omo, so interesting.. update soon ^^