
Partners in Crime

The girls were about to question my statement but was thankfully dismissed as our teacher walked in. Upon knowing that, everyone went back to their seats, including me. The teacher had a displeased look on her face and it was probably because we were making lots of noises at the back. Uh oh. 

The class fell silent and everyone had their eyes on Mrs. Kwon who was most likely to ask of our behavior. But before asking that, she massaged her forehead, indicating that she probably had a headache. 

“Now, what was with all the ruckus?” She spoke with sterness.

Without hesitation, I spoke up, “We were just talking about the new student who's going to move into this class,

I bit my lip as the teacher looked unsatisfied with my reply. Maybe I should've lied saying that we were discussing about homework instead. “And why are you making a fuss about that? It's clear that there are extra seats the new student could take—whoever that may be. So, there's really nothing to worry about—”

Mrs. Kwon was interuppted by a knock on the door. Before she turned to look at who it was, she rolled her eyes. One thing that clearly describes Mrs. Kwon is the fact that she hates being interuppted.

“I'm sorry to interuppt but I've got a new student with me,” Mr. Kim said, smiling.

Everyone, to be more specific—every girl turned their heads towards the classroom door to see if the new student really was a 'fine specimen'. The boy was tall and was drop dead gorgeous. He had his hair messed up but that made him even more adorable. Because of the amount of stares he got, he smiled shyly—which made the girls fall for him even more.

Meanwhile, I sat there, jaw dropped over.. whatever the hell he turned into. But still, I wasn't amused. He's still the same boy who I used to get in debates with. I rolled my eyes and played with my pen while I looked at how everyone reacted. The boys seemed a little excited too—they probably want them in their little 'squad' so the whole squad would be popular with the girls, ey?

I laughed at the thought and suddenly attracted the attention of the so called 'hottie' who was now standing in-front of the whole class. He looked at me and I returned the look, my eyes locked with his. I saw his eyes widen a little but he shook it off by starting his little introduction.

“Hi, I'm Oh Se-Hun. I just moved from California and I'm finally back in my hometown. Nice to meet you all,” he did a little bow, politely and looked at Mrs. Kwon, who seemed quite impressed. 

“You may sit down, Se-Hun,” she smiled at him.

“Thank you,” he bowed, and headed towards the seat at the back of the class. I sighed in relief at that. 

“Isn't he such a cutie?” I heard someone say. “Yeah, he is! I should ask him out,

Whispers fogged up the room and even the teacher didn't seem to be fazed by it. I bit my lip; I didn't want to be left out but still, what was the good in talking about it? I shrugged and began playing with my pen again. For some reason, I felt like I should turn back and take one look at him. You know, maybe he ikinda hot. Yeah, he could be. And it wouldn't hurt to just..

I turned my head around a little and saw him lean back against his chair, talking to Woo-Bin, the guy sitting next to him. Then, his head slowly faced my direction and immediately, I look away. Eventually, there was a reason why he faced my direction. It was because there was a girl standing by the classroom door. And the girl was no other than Kim Soo-Bin. Gad. I looked at Se-Hun once again, his eyes seemed to be stuck on Soo-Bin.

I looked at Soo-Bin again. Well, she is really pretty. So Se-Hun's probably looking at her and thinking of a future with her. Something made a sound at the back of the class and my attention shifted towards it: looking at the backdoor, I saw a few boys hiding under our class windows. They should probably learn how to keep their heads down.

I know who it was—they were Kris' 'friends'. They'll probably send 'reports' to him about how she looked like once they get back to class and Kris would be in awe, dreaming about the both of them riding a unicorn in La La Land.

I felt a pang of jealousy as Soo-Bin looked towards their direction and smiled, giving them a simple unnoticable wave. Well, I guess no one but me noticed the specimens hiding under the class window.

Maybe just me and Se-Hun because he was looking at the same direction I was. 


Recess. Goddamn, finally.

I decided to stay in class and skip lunch since I was too lazy to move. With only me in class, I decided to take a short nap. I buried my head in my arms and closed my eyes.

It was all good. At least it was until the sound of a guy singing in such an off-key tune decided it was okay to wake me up. I groaned silently and opened my eyes to see who dared wake me up from a peaceful 5-minute slumber: Se-Hun was listening to songs with his earphones on, closing his eyes and using his pencils and hitting them on the table, pretending he was playing the drums.

I rolled my eyes and glared at him from my seat. “Hey!” I shouted.

He didn't react—the music was far too loud as it was audible even from my seat. I sighed, stood up, went towards his place and yanked his earpiece out.

“Do you mind?” I rolled my eyes before releasing a groan.

“Do you mind, huh?” He asked, mimicking me. I swear his existence was such a disturbance.

“If you didn't notice: I was sleeping there. Until you came in with animal noises,” I scoffed.

“If you didn't notice: I was in a middle of a freakin' Led Zeppelin concert,” he snorted and shook his head.

I stood there in silence, irritated. “Whatever.” I turned my back to him and walked towards my desk—only to be held back with a simple, “Hey,

I turned around to face him. “What?

“Remember me, old pal?” He smirked, taking his other earpiece out and setting them under his desk. “No, I don't,” I stated. I stared at him as he took his headphones off, sliding down his neck. He has a really long neck.

“C'mon, sit with me.” He said, nodding his head at the chair in front of him. I decided to do so because I was bored and I was simply in the mood.I rolled my eyes, heading towards his direction. I turned the chair around so it faced him and suddenly, I noticed how awfully different he looks. He's got a stronger build, broad shoulders, strong features, his skin was flawless and he was kinda hot. 

“Take a picture—it lasts longer,” he laughed, winking at me.

I scoffed in annoyance. I shook my head, “Whatever,

“So, how was life without me? Was it boring? Did you miss getting called into the principal's office?” He asked, mocking me with a smirk.

I decided to play along, “It was soOOo boring! And of course I missed getting called into the principal's office! I mean, I get to see you getting lectured by the principal, oh and by your parents too.

He raised a brow and nodded in amusement. 

“I saw you checking Soo-Bin out earlier,” a mischievous grin grew on my lips.

He raised a brow. “I don't suppose it should bother you, I mean it's none of your business, girlie,” 

I tilted my head to the side and hummed. “So you do like her,” I said.

“Yeah, yeah. It's just a dumb crush anyway. She won't matter to me in a few days. Plus, she's got a boyfriend.

I smirked and nudged his arm, which rested on the table.

“C'mon, it's natural. Don't hold it back,

He rolled his eyes and didn't hold back his smile. “Wow, this is actually the first time we've talked without arguing, don't you think?

“You're kinda right. Oh and by the way, who were you referring to when you said 'boyfriend'?” I asked. The question has been ringing in my head the second he said that.

“Kris Wu.” He stated blankly.

I felt a stab on my chest. “Ah,

He smirked and leaned in. “I know you like him.

I blushed and leaned back. “What do you know?

“I know that you always look at him everytime he passes by.” He grinned.

“Shut up,” I laughed, nudging him slightly.

“Chill, miss, remember what you said about crushes being natural?” He teased. I rolled my eyes and it is through this cheeseball of a conversation was our friendship made.

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Chapter 2: This seems like a good fanfic, I can't wait for their character development later on haha