
Partners in Crime

Oh, joy.

Judging by the commotion the birds are making, it's officially morning. Which means I have to wake up and face a bunch of annoying people in school. 

I sighed at the thought that come after and rubbed my tired eyes, already sitting up. I leaned against the headboard and searched for my phone that was probably hiding under the piles of things on my bed. Once I found it, I unlocked the screen and checked for new messages from a group chat that my best-friends created. 

“Wow, you guys.” I scoffed, pushing my hair back. “More than 1000 messages. Without me. Nice.

I didn't even bother checking the messages as I was too lazy to read. The only thing I found useful about the whole conversation they made while I was sleeping is the part where Eun-Mi brought up some info concerning a new student or something. But whatever, right? Last time we had a new student, things didn't really go well. And by 'new student', I mean that girl Kim Soo-Bin who seems to have taken an interest on Kris.

But still, I can't blame her for falling in love with him. He's basically every girl's dream. And I can't hate her—she's a nice girl and she's the daughter every parent would like to have. Good grades, good at sports, active in clubs, pretty, well-behaved but most importantly, pretty. I'm suppose to admire her and be proud of her but I can't help but feel as if there's something wrong with her. 

I hopped off my bed, messing up my hair while yawning and proceeded into the shower.


Upon reaching the gates of school, I pushed my shoulders back and rolled up the sleeves of my white button up shirt. The school jacket was hanging on my forearm as I was too lazy to wear it. Besides, it made me look fat. 

As I walked down the school parking lot that was swarming with a bunch of students, I received a few greetings from a few people. I greeted them back with a smile and tried my best to keep up with my confidence. Somehow, I've grown to hate that word and at the same time want to be that word.

Last year was pretty tough for me as I was extremely shy. I was even afraid to order food from the cafeteria and every time someone approaches me, I tense up and only manage to murmur a few things to them before running away. Funny how things could change in a few months. I've learned to cope with my shyness and by that I mean pretending to be confident. It usually works for me. I guess.

Before setting foot in my classroom, I eyed the class next to it. The class Kris was in. Usually, he and his friends would hangout outside of class. And there he was: laughing with his friends as they made weird faces. I held back a laugh and instead, smiled. Their faces were quite funny. I guess they noticed because immediately, they stopped making those faces. Instead, they nudged Kris on the shoulder and gave me looks. From the way Kris looked, I bet he knew what they meant.

He looked at me, attempting to smile even though it was quite obvious that he'd rather not. We locked eyes for a moment before I made a turn to get into my classroom.

Oh, right. I forgot to mention:

Kris and I dated for a month. And he left me for Soo-Bin. And I'm supposed to hate him but I know I was at fault, too. Maybe I should stop trying to get my hopes up and plant the idea that he moved on long ago and he doesn't want me anymore.

If only it was easy.

Eun-Mi stood up immediately when she saw me and gestured me over to her table—which was surrounded by every girl in class. I simply smiled and went over to her table, quite confused over why they've gathered around. 

“Hey, Eun-Mi,” I waved at her and turned the chair in front of her desk to sit on. It's a good thing they left a seat.

“Did you read the messages I sent to the group chat last night?” She asked with a really dreamy voice. Her eyes grew wide with anticipation.

“Oh, that,” I laughed bitterly, rubbing the back of my neck. I tried remembering at least one topic that they're discussing and so I came up with, “New student?

She started squealing and a few girls who were at the table began squealing too. Confused, I furrowed my eyebrows and laughed a little. “Yeah, but so what?” I shook my head and smiled.

Almost immediately, they stopped squealing and the whole room filled with silence.

“This new student we're talking about is Oh freakin' Se-Hun!” Ha-Ni, the girl who was sitting next to me, said in an irritated tone.

It took a moment for me to register her words. “Who's that?” 

All the girls moaned in frustration meanwhile I laughed. “Seriously? You don't remember? Oh my God, Mi-Ra you are one grade A , do you know that?” Another girl said.

I wasn't taken aback. Not at all. But I was curious as to who the hell this guy is.

“Don't you remember at all? He's that hottie you kept picking fights with in middle school!” Eun-Mi said, pouting and folding her arms. “That makes you more of a grade A . Also, you're lucky enough to have actually gotten to know him!

I pondered for a while.

Middle school. Yikes, it wasn't much of a happy place.

Then, I stumbled upon a memory of being in an argument with a guy, who supposedly seems to be this Oh Se-Hun. Oh right, the argument mainly started because that stated that girls aren't allowed to play with the boys as he thinks girls would be 'too dumb to function' and it would take a million years for girls to actually understand how the game works. 

So, as a normal, respecting little girl, I stood up, slammed his table and protested against that, making sure every word I say hits him hard. He talked back and I had to come up with so much words to prove that he was wrong and that I was right. I remembered jumping on him and hitting him and getting called over to the principal's office. We started getting into more and more fights afterwards. But it was quite childish this time: the food I eat is way better than yours, the music I listen to is better than yours, the shows I watch is better than yours and to sum it up, it was probably an argument over 'the air I breathe is better than yours' until he moved to another school since his parents had a job promotion another country. Thank God for that. 

After he moved, I had the time of my life. No more calls from the principals, no more lectures from my parents, no more of his friends bad mouthing me; it was all good.

Though now that I realize it, was the one picking fights. Yikes. I shouldn't have done that.

I laughed at the memory and said, “Oh, right. Him,” 

They sighed in relief before I suddenly had a sudden realization.

“Oh, .” I cussed and buried my head in my hands. “That means I'll be seeing him again.” 

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Chapter 2: This seems like a good fanfic, I can't wait for their character development later on haha