Title two;

Spare Me A Drop of Happiness

Sincere warning; no proof-reading



Minseok put down his pen on top of the stack of papers. He gave his best friend a sorry smile. The man really needs it, especially after what happened.

He knows that Yifan still blaming himself for what happened but things had already happened. He is not a person that know how to console a friend especially Yifan since the tall guy is known to be the stiff one among their group of friends. The only thing that he could do for now was to make sure that Chanyeol was fine and getting the treatment right.

Leading his best friend to the wardroom, he was contemplating whether he should tell the truth or just let Yifan finds out- neither two are best options. Yifan knows how to handle situations.

He left Yifan with the other younger male, hoping that perhaps, bringing in a familiar face will make the memories submerges from his mind. A little piece of memory will do great but Chanyeol did not seem to remember anything but keep flinching every time Yifan talked. He keep his monitoring outside the ward window and walked away from the room when he saw Baekhyun running down the hallway wearing a devastated look with Joonmyeon trailing from behind.

“Did he wake up yet?” that was the first questions that popped out from the petite mouth before Minseok even managed to inform those two anythings. Nodding his head, Minseok smiles. “Seem like so. His vocal chords are still healing so he can’t really talk,”

Minseok watched as Baekhyun expression turned into crestfallen after hearing the news. Jongin, at the other side, looked calmed. He rubs his hands soothingly up and down Baekhyun arms so his partner can adjust everything peacefully.

Baekhyun shakes his head, “at least, he was alive. I can’t take it if-if-“

Seeing that his boyfriend was about to break down once again, Joonmyeon engulf the male into his embrace, patting the back of his head, “Chanyeol is alive, okay.”

“This is all his fault! If it was not because of him, Chanyeol wouldn’t get himself drunk-“

“Baekkie, slow down your voice,” Joonmyeon hushed, sending Minseok an apologetic smile but the other mouthed that it was okay.

“Sehun was dead because of him-“

“You know it was not entirely Yifan fault, right? Chanyeol was drunk and-“

“You cannot blame Chanyeol on this!” Baekhyun hissed, hands busy knocking the door.



“He can’t remember anything?”

Yifan winced at the loud shriek coming out from Baekhyun.

They are inside of Minseok’s office now. It was such a turning table event inside of Chanyeol’s wardroom minutes ago. Yifan was nearing to faint when Chanyeol called out to Baekhyun- head filled with so many negative thoughts about how unimportant his roles in his own husband life- and there was a glint of hopes from his husband eyes when he uttered Baekhyun’s name.

Baekhyun lunged forward to his best friends, not suspecting anything but froze when Chanyeol did not respond to his hugs.

After such a hectic arguments about what happened, Minseok decided to barge in and pull them out from the wardroom- sending apologetic stares at the confused Chanyeol- and straight to his office.

For then nth times, Minseok sighs. He had been explaining about Chanyeol condition to everyone but looks like, the only person who couldn’t understand his simple concept of unable to recall any past memories is repel to Baekhyun.

“As I said, Baekhyun, traumatic amnesia is often transient, but may be permanent-“

“What does transient even meant? No, no, I can’t accept this. I get it that he lost his memories but why all of us? In the movie, they only forget the person who is important to them,”

Minseok frowns, “Transient is temporary, Baekhyun and aren’t you an important person to patient Park Chanyeol?”

“Well, yeah?”

“So what’s the problem now?”

Baekhyun shrugs, “maybe I just hate Yifan face that I’m starting to feel dumb,”


Pushing off all of his nerves away, Chanyeol drags his feet toward the kitchen where Yifan was busy searching for his can of beer. It was Christmas Eve after all and Yifan needed everything to be in place by midnight but Chanyeol had another plan.

The younger between the two nervously tapped the back of older, wearing a weak smile on his face when Yifan turned around.


Signaling to the living room with the tail of his eyes, Chanyeol bitten his lower lips. His legs were already shaking and Chanyeol doesn't want to ruin his plan so he tried to use his limited body languages to make Yifan understood what he was trying to say in the next few minutes.

“You’re not going to be mad at me because I forgot to buy you a present, do you?”

Shaking his head, Chanyeol plopped himself onto the beige couch. He breathed out few couple times before he cleared his throat.

“Don’t tell me you going to move out-“


Yifan looked perplexed at the sudden outburst and Chanyeol was quick to realize that so he pulled the older man to sit beside him. Holding the both of Yifan’s bigger hand in his slight small one, Chanyeol rubs the back of the soft skin of his favorite hyung palm with his thumbs.

It was quite soothing- to be sitting leisurely on their couch without having to worry about their unfinished assignments or anything. It was always an amazing feeling when Yifan didn’t bother with his silent. Sometimes, the older will hummed few of his favorite Chinese songs to fill up the silent and Chanyeol didn’t mind that. In fact, he was enjoying it even though he a lot about his hoarse voice that didn’t fit to sing ballad song.

This time, Yifan didn’t hum or anything, instead, he leaned his weight onto the couch and stared at Chanyeol’s face. “What is it?”

“Why did you assume that I did something wrong?”

Yifan chuckles, “I didn’t say it. You make the conclusion that I assumed you did something wrong,”

“You making this thing hard, you know,”


Chanyeol scoot closer, closing the both of his eyes, smiling, “This,”

“What this?”

“All of this,”

“Okay, I know that but what is it?”

Chanyeol hums, “Merry Christmas, hyung,”

“Alright, love, merry-“ and Chanyeol leaned forward, erasing the gap between his lips and Yifan’s lips. He could hear fireworks outside but that was not important. He was way interested in waiting for his hyung reaction.

Yifan froze on his spot when Chanyeol cut his words by leaning into for a kiss.

He didn’t participate in hoping that he will get a kiss on Christmas day, especially from Chanyeol. The younger didn’t show any interest in him from the very beginning. Sure there were little flinches and blushes from the younger but Yifan couldn’t read it as something that could be a signal that Chanyeol was developing the same feeling as him.

He pulled the back of the younger head closer, leaning in for more when Chanyeol decided to pull out, seeing his lack of reaction. It was just hard to believe.

Smiling in between the kisses, Chanyeol softly whispers, “I love you” to him and that was the best present he ever received from his whole life.



Yifan pushes the café door, shoulder slumping when he send the woman his tired smile.


He nods.

“How’s it going? What did Minseok Oppa say?”

“Post-traumatic amnesia, Ni. He forgot me,”

The woman pushes the white mug across the table bar. Judging from the man appearance, he must be spending another sleepless night at the hospital. It had been a week ever since the depressing funeral of the man’s son and he had been nothing but a total wrecked plus with his husband condition that remain in a coma state.

“Hey, at least, he woke up,”

She pats the man hands before pulling out a plate and filling it up with cookies. “He’ll be fine. It will be for temporary. There’s no way he will entirely forget you, Oppa. You’re his husband,”


“Love is a powerful spell, Oppa. Make him fall in love again with you. You can start from the ashes,”



Entirely, I'm not satisfied with this chapter but I'm not sure where is the problem for that. So, chapter two is up & it already the 6th of January. Look how fast time flies, guys. So how the chapter? Tell me about your thought about it. 

And yes, Sehun was dead here. I'm sorry I had to take away his character but that's how this story work. I will put in flashbacks of the Wu family bit by bit until the day of the accident in the future chapter to reveal what really happening and it was also fragments of what Chanyeol remembers. I'm not entirely sure how post-traumatic amnesia works- I did some reading about it- but let just bear with my nonsense, okay.

Once again, thank you to those who subscribed to this story! Welcome to my world where I take time updating, lmao. And to @Aisyahsamuri,@
htuthtethtetlin , @chubbymorie, @holikaholika , thank you for the support words! and honestly, I'm fine so don't worry!







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I hope you gonna update this fic soon
Chapter 4: Wow. The sneak peak look amazing. Update soon authornim ! But don't push yourself too much. We can wait.
Chapter 4: its okay..take your time author-nim ^^
Chapter 2: I'd would like that Kris had a second chance but first I think that he really have to show how much he is sorry for everything that happened. Not only about the incident thing but about his life with Chanyeol. And of course in the end would be lovely see Chanyeol pregnant again :) I'm really enjoying your history and I'm so happy to still able to find KrisYeol in theses days.

Thank you :)
Chapter 2: I don't know why. I really love this story. Angst will always have a special spot in my heart and I can feel this story will be so angsty. I can feel that Kris is not a very good guy but he regreted it after all this thing happen. I know he loves Chanyeol a lot. It was really sad that Sehun died but I know Sehun death is very important for the plot of this story. I hope you will update soon. It's ok if you are busy. Just take as much time as you want. Don't rush yourself. Good luck authornim ❤️
Chapter 2: I just found this story and I found it very interesting, I really like the way you write. I'm still curious about Kris' character tbh, he seems like a nice person but not? anyway, I hope you will find time to update this, whenever you're ready, okay? find your peace first, that's more important.

Also, happy new year! I hope in 2016 you will find your happiness and find someone who will love you unconditionally! Just keep in mind that you will be okay, everything that happened in your life is there to make you stronger, take that as a lesson. If he broke up with you with no logical reason then there is no point in being with him, he is also not logical. You are beautiful and you are worth it, you will be happy with someone who is much much much better than him. Chin up OuO
chubbymorie #7
Chapter 2: Happy new year author-nim.
I hope your feelin o.k now.
Your still young, maybe you 2 are just not fated with each other.
Love will find its way to you, just enjoy being single for now.
htuthtethtetlin #8
Chapter 2: author nim fighting .New year is comming soon . New Year will bring best of the best things for you .
Chapter 2: It's okay, author-nim.
Take your time..
Lady_21 #10
Chapter 1: Omg sehun die !!! Whyyyy... why chenyeol drunk ? Aww to many question ~~ update soon..