Title One;

Spare Me A Drop of Happiness

Title One; 
        Who Am I?

(without proofreading)


“Take it easy, Chanyeol,”

Chanyeol gives the doctor brief nods and waits for the cold hand to unravel the neck brace from his neck. They told him whilst ago that his neck should have been able to support the weight of his head. He winces when the stuffy neck brace is been pull away from him, enabling him to move more freely.

The doctor, Minseok, smiles at him but Chanyeol cannot see the need to return the smile. After all, he is still confused and the doctor didn’t help him in solving his conflict. Minseok did mention that he will tell him everything if Chanyeol agreed to let him check his status.

“Your vocal cord is still healing so it’s nothing bizarre if you feel pain when you talk, “Minseok says, never forget to keep his eyes contact with the taller man that lay on the bed.

He puts his patient chart back on the table, “So, what do you want to know?”

Chanyeol pauses. Honestly, he did not know what should he asks without sounding too rude. As far as he knows, he got involved in a very tragic car accident, nothing more and nothing less and he heard the nurses talked behind the door last night that there was someone who can’t survive the accident. He badly wants to know who is it but how?

He knows that he is in the hospital, explained the presence of the oxygen machine and some stuff-flowers and get well soon cards from few friends.

Chanyeol glances at the doctor.

“What is my name?” he crooks out. Chanyeol thinks he hates his voice. His voice sounds like an old man dying and it's hurt so bad to even mutter out few of the syllable but if he didn’t talk now, how he supposed to settles down his curiousness.

Minseok looks flabbergasted at his sudden questions but he was quick to mask the expression off from his face with a calm face and a small smile. He pulls the empty chair closer and sits on it. He looks exhausted with that white lab coat hanging down his body and the eye bags that start to appear below his eyes.

“As expected,” he starts off, sending Chanyeol a reassuring smile when Chanyeol gives him a confused look like how he did that few hours ago when he introduce himself as the younger doctor in charge “you must have lost your memories”

Chanyeol scowls.

Did the doctor want to blame him for losing his memories? It was not his fault, though. He was just so unfortunate to even involve with the car accident. He tilts his head, gesturing the doctor to continue but Minseok looks uncertain to even continue.

“Your name,”

“Wu Chanyeol,”

Chanyeol snaps his attention towards the intruder and stares at the new face that is standing idly beside the ward door. The stranger face looks so drained, like he had spent many nights awake and not to mention about his wrinkled white button up dress shirt. He looks scared, to approach Chanyeol at the bed.



“So you’re my husband?” and Kris nods, for the nth times.

Chanyeol leans onto the headboard of his bed. Too much information for one day and he thinks he might pass out. They keep themselves occupies, mostly with Chanyeol processing the information that he got whilst the stranger who call himself, Kris sit there, stiff in his sea. So, he was married, with a guy especially and the stranger is his husband. Since when did he take the interest in men instead of women?

He brings his hands to massage his aching temple. It could be true, maybe he was married and stuff, sensing the presence of the metal wedding band that wraps around Kris fingers that have his name carved at the back of the ring.

Minseok leave the two of them to talk since the doctor thought that it might help him to gain his memories back when he is surround by the familiar faces but being with Kris did not bring anything but some flinches of pain crept in his chest every time he heard Kris’s voice rings to answer his questions.

He was about to ask about why did he involved inside the car accident whilst Kris did not when the older told him that he’s his husband. Shouldn’t they stay together or Kris was working that time and Chanyeol was heading toward somewhere else alone?

Kris told him that he lost control of his steering wheel because he was drunk and Chanyeol winces at that. How could he be so careless? But nothing more. Not even about the person that was said to be passed away due to the accident so Chanyeol did not want to push far.

“Did you trust me?”

Again, Chanyeol thoughts, the pain comes again. He nods. Plus, he did not have that many choices. He loses his memories and Kris told him that he was an orphan since he was a child when he asked the older about his parent’s absence so that left no one else except for Kris. Chanyeol swirls the wedding band that was supposed to be his and sighs.

Why did he even lost his memories?

“Why did I fall in love with you?” As if there’s no control of what he’s about to ask, Chanyeol blurts that question out of curiosity. Kris didn’t seem like he’s bother by that, instead, he end up smiling, that familiar gummy smile. Chanyeol watches as Kris went to scoot the chair closer to the bed and down to the hands that hold his gently. He is fascinated how his hands seem to be fit around Kris’s big one when the older intertwine their fingers together.

It did feel weird, having an older man holding your hands and gives your fingers a slow kiss to each of them but Chanyeol shrugs that feeling away because Kris make him feel comfortable.

“We,” he ushers out, “fall in love during the second winter we spend together.”

“What do you mean?”

Kris smiles again, “We have been friend since high school, you know. I grew up familiar with that moped black hair of yours and you grew up to be such a beautiful person,”

“But I was a boy that-“

Kris cuts him off by his sudden loud laugh. That time, Chanyeol feels like he can stay with that man if he can hear that melodious melody every day. The way Kris’s head arch backward when he laughs and the way his hands never left him makes Chanyeol flutters. He feels the sense of belonging when Kris was near.

“You’re beautiful, Canlie. Way beautiful than the other girls that I had ever dated before. So don’t say that you’re not. I saw you growing up in front of me and here, you’re still glowing.”

Chanyeol bits his lips, unsure what to say when the older keep on spitting compliments about him when he don’t even have anything in mind to return the favor. Maybe he can compliment the older stylish hair but he don’t want to make a fool of himself so he just stay quiet, ecstatic to wait for the older to continue their journey.

“We went to the same college and we lived together since then because you already legal to be fetching food by your own so you had to get out from the orphan house. I take you in and well, we lived together,” Kris chuckles, “but you still visit the orphan house sometimes, even until now. You’re closed with the kids and the staff there,”

“That mean I never saw my parents then?”

“I don’t know, honestly. You never told me about it but that doesn’t matter. We spend two winters together, and that second time, you confessed your feeling for me,”

“I confessed first?”

Kris nods, patting the back of his hand gently before leaving another kiss on them. “It had become a serious habit, you know, kissing you. It never feels too old or too lame to even kiss you every day.”

Chanyeol can’t bring himself to smile. He can’t blame himself for that and Kris seem to don't bother about it as well. It’s like there is something that forbids him from stretching his mouth to even muster up a smile. Kris is about to continue his talk when there’s a knock from the door and a few rustling sounds of someone whispering something to the others outside.

“I’ll be back,”


Kris sends Chanyeol a reassuring smile before he brings his body to walk toward the door. The whispering sounds clear by now that he’s standing right in front of the door. The pitched voice must be belong to the petite that had been hating his gut for long and Kris know, Kai must have been there too since they have gotten back together last summer. Inhaling a deep amount of breath, Kris holds the door knob.

He knows that Chanyeol is watching him from the bed so he just settles in for the bad.

Closing his eyes, Kris twist the door open. Revealing a very shock Joonmyeon and a furious looking Baekhyun.

Before he even can explain himself, Baekhyun charges forward, grabbing a hold of his collar, “What’re you doing here?”




Little Chanyeol silently puts his shoes back under his bed.

Today was not his lucky day.

He woke up late and missed the breakfast. His Taeyeon no one had tried to save him a plate of his favorite vanilla pancakes but the other kid managed to finish the whole plate. He wants to scold the kid but it looked like an effortless thing to do when someone told him that the one who ate his pancakes was Kyuhyun. At the end, Chanyeol left the kitchen, so blue.

Then, someone stole his favorite pencil from the basket. He cannot draw without his favorite pencil so he cried but Tiffany noona scolded him, saying that he can use another pencil.

The lists went on and Chanyeol wants to go home, back to his parents embrace so bad but his parents were gone. There was no one that want to take care of him and he was just a child.

Climbing up to his bed, Chanyeol pulled the both of his legs and let the tears that had threatened to fall before roll down, choking up his own sobs. He buried his head between his legs, wishing that God could have just taken his lived away like how God took his parents away from him and throw him into this hell place.

“Why are you crying?”

Chanyeol sobs, shaking his head as to tell the other boy that he don’t want to talk but the other gripped his head and pulled his head upward so he face him.

“Don’t cry. I’ll be your friend if you are lonely. I don’t like to see you crying. Don’t show yourself weak,” the other boy hissed before he pouted.

“I’m Baekhyun and I’m new like you,”

Chanyeol chokes up a relieve whimpers sounds, making Baekhyun cringes in disgust but they laughed.


“Best friend then,”



“I won’t say anything,” Baekhyun crosses his arms, clearly looking so pissed off at the sudden news that Chanyeol brought.

Chanyeol, at the other side of the table, sighed. He bits his lips, a habit that he always does when he was nervous and grips onto the straps of his camera. He did not know how to console Baekhyun anymore. Actually, he didn’t mean to make Baekhyun as the last one to know the about the wedding.


“Chanyeol, am I your friend?”

“You are,” he whispered, afraid about Baekhyun remarks after this that the petite proved him wrong when he reached out for his hands and sighed, dramatically. “Doesn’t matter. I know I had been not paying attention to you, so that was why you keep hanging out with that bad man. But Chanyeol, I’ll be there for you. I’m happy if you are happy so my advice, go for it,”

“Thank you,”

“That’s what friends are for.”


"Baekhyun, is that you?"



Joking! I cannot make this story into one-shot because a) I'm not meant to be writing one-shot and b) I think it is better this way (chaptered) but anyway, I really had put a lot of thought whether to keep updating this story or not.  This story will be contain five parts so there are still four-part left. I'll be updating the next chapter anytime soon. I'm so tired! my mom make me cleaned the refrigerator right after I woke up. Sobs. 

By the way, thank you for those who subscribe to this story, I don't if this story will come up to your expectation but please give it some love hehe. 

I might add a few scene after I post all of the five chapters; maybe hehehehe.

Comment down what you're thinking about this first chapter! 

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I hope you gonna update this fic soon
Chapter 4: Wow. The sneak peak look amazing. Update soon authornim ! But don't push yourself too much. We can wait.
Chapter 4: its okay..take your time author-nim ^^
Chapter 2: I'd would like that Kris had a second chance but first I think that he really have to show how much he is sorry for everything that happened. Not only about the incident thing but about his life with Chanyeol. And of course in the end would be lovely see Chanyeol pregnant again :) I'm really enjoying your history and I'm so happy to still able to find KrisYeol in theses days.

Thank you :)
Chapter 2: I don't know why. I really love this story. Angst will always have a special spot in my heart and I can feel this story will be so angsty. I can feel that Kris is not a very good guy but he regreted it after all this thing happen. I know he loves Chanyeol a lot. It was really sad that Sehun died but I know Sehun death is very important for the plot of this story. I hope you will update soon. It's ok if you are busy. Just take as much time as you want. Don't rush yourself. Good luck authornim ❤️
Chapter 2: I just found this story and I found it very interesting, I really like the way you write. I'm still curious about Kris' character tbh, he seems like a nice person but not? anyway, I hope you will find time to update this, whenever you're ready, okay? find your peace first, that's more important.

Also, happy new year! I hope in 2016 you will find your happiness and find someone who will love you unconditionally! Just keep in mind that you will be okay, everything that happened in your life is there to make you stronger, take that as a lesson. If he broke up with you with no logical reason then there is no point in being with him, he is also not logical. You are beautiful and you are worth it, you will be happy with someone who is much much much better than him. Chin up OuO
chubbymorie #7
Chapter 2: Happy new year author-nim.
I hope your feelin o.k now.
Your still young, maybe you 2 are just not fated with each other.
Love will find its way to you, just enjoy being single for now.
htuthtethtetlin #8
Chapter 2: author nim fighting .New year is comming soon . New Year will bring best of the best things for you .
Chapter 2: It's okay, author-nim.
Take your time..
Lady_21 #10
Chapter 1: Omg sehun die !!! Whyyyy... why chenyeol drunk ? Aww to many question ~~ update soon..