5: Changing Him

Labeled; A Baekhyun Fanfiction

"Dr.Taemin?" Hyeri placed her mug on the little table that hovered over her legs. "I thought you worked on the third floor." 

"Yes, but I'm still assigned as your doctor, miss me?" Taemin smirked and took a bite of Hyeri's untouched toast. 

"Hey! I was going to eat that." Hyeri chuckled and sipped her warm milk.

"Have you even been eating?" 

"Yes. I finished most of my breakfast today, be proud." Hyeri grinned.

Taemin smiled back and opened her file. "I have your progress right here."

"How am I doing?" Hyeri sat up, eager for the news.

"Great. You're improving really well, faster than expect. If this continues, you'll be out of this hospital by next month." Taemin flipped through many papers until finally looking up at Hyeri. 

"That's wonderful news!" Hyeri's eyes gleamed with happiness. 

"Would you like a reward for being such a good patient?" Taemin asked.

Hyeri tapped her chin. "Anything?" Taemin nodded.

"I want to go out and get a hair cut, my hair has been bothering me lately. I want Baekhyun to accompany me too." Hyeri ran her skinny fingers through her brown hair.

"Sounds simple. I'll let you go. You leave at two and get back by three, an hour is all you get." Taemin closed his folder.


"Darcy, do you think you're going to be okay here by yourself?" Hyeri shuffled toward the little girl. Darcy nodded against her pillow, her eyes barely open. 

"Yea.. I'll be fine." Her voice was hoarse and scratchy. 

"Hey, are you alright?" Hyeri's hand touched Darcy's face and it was hot. Her hand traveled toward Darcy's forehead and it was burning. "Darce, you have a fever. You need a nurse, now." 

"Hyeri... don't worry about me. I'm just tired. I can sleep it off." Darcy's weak arm tried to shoo Hyeri away, but it fell back down to her side.

"No Darcy. You need a nurse." Hyeri leaned over and pressed the red button as hard as she can. A low buzz erupted and a lady nurse came running in.

"Darcy, you buzzed?" The nurse looked past Hyeri and directly at Darcy's back.

"No, I did. Darcy has a fever and she's feeling more tired than she usually does." Hyeri held Darcy's hand.

"Move over, let me check." The nurse forcely pushed Hyeri out of the way and placed a gentle hand on Darcy's forehead. "Oh My.. Darcy, you're flaming. Why didn't you say anything? Doctor!" The nurse ran out of the room, calling for a doctor. Hyeri glanced at Darcy's painful face.

"Darce, I have to go before they yank me from you themselves. I'll be back soon." Hyeri kissed Darcy's tiny fingers and glided back to her own bed. A doctor came sprinting back with the same nurse.

"Hello Darcy. How are you feeling today?" He had a warm smile. Hyeri took one last peek at Darcy before the nurse closed the curtain over them.

Baekhyun strolled in. "Ready to go - what's wrong with Darcy?" His eyes trailed over to the blue curtain that separated the room in half.

Hyeri could only shrug. "I don't know, but I do hope it's nothing bad." 

"Well we should go, give her some privacy." Hyeri finally found a pair of slippers and slipped them on. She dragged her feet on the white tiled ground. Her hospital gown kept falling off one shoulder. Reaching over, Baekhyun helped her fix it. 

Hyeri tensed up, but quickly relax. "Thank you."

"Why do you freeze up like that whenever someone touches you?" Baekhyun lead the way toward the elevator.

"I'd rather not explain here. It's just something that happened to me a long time ago." 

"Then you can explain in the lift, come in." The metal doors opened before them and they both stepped in.

"I was kidnapped for ransom when I was fifteen. I flinch or tense up because I'm traumatized by that event. Now that I think about it, I think that may be the cause to my depression and also stress." Hyeri held her hands together and the exit appear just down the lobby.

"You were kidnapped? That's unexpected."

"How? I thought you would've thought it was bound to happen to someone like me." 

Opening the front door, Baekhyun waited for Hyeri to step through. "What do you mean?"

"I'm labeled as a rich girl, remember? Obviously I'm going to get kidnapped for money." Baekhyun wasn't sure if Hyeri was being sarcastic or not.

"That's tough. You're such an easy target for kidnappers."

"I know. Everyone thinks just because I'm wealthy, I live an easy life. They think I live in luxury. But it's not all like that." Hyeri duck her head low, like she regretted being who she was.

"Well after you get a fresh new hair cut, think of it as a new you." Baekhyun smiled and walked down to Gangnam district. The hospital stood at the edge of the district, making it convenient for visitors to buy gifts for the patients. "Do you know any hair salons around here?"

Hyeri laughed at his silly question. "Of course, I come to Gangnam for my haircuts. There is one around here that I only go to, best hair stylist ever."

"This is only my third time wandering around Gangnam. I don't come often."

"Why not? Gangnam is the city right next door to your apartment complex."

"Every thing is too..." Baekhyun scrunched his face, "..pricey."

"You just need to risk somethings. Come, its this way." Hyeri skipped to a local hair parlor that stood at the corner of the street.

Ring Ring. The bell chimed. "Ah! Kyo Hyeri! My dear, I heard you were rushed into the emergency room the night of the welcoming party. How are you?" A man with a retro hairstyle walked up to them.

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm doing well. I'm only here for a quick cut."

"Your usual?" He pulled out his materials from the cabinet.

"Yeah, but no hair dying and a bit shorter. Just a bob is fine." Hyeri grinned awkwardly at him.

"Oh, who is this fine gentleman?" The man wiggled his eyebriws and gestured to Baekhyun.

"He's my nurse..." Hyeri peered over at Baekhyun, who sat on the black leather couch. "..Friend."

"Oh, a friend? Do you mean boyfriend?" The man gave her a suggestive look as Hyeri slid into her seat.

"No.. my nurse friend. Are you busy? I can come back another time." Hyeri peeked around the hectic hair salon. Each seat was filled and everyone was running around, trying to please their clients.

"You're my favorite client, of course I'll take care of you first. Oh, so well mannered you are. Don't fret my young one. You're not bothering us at all. Now, just relax and enjoy the cut!" He smiled brightly.

"Baekhyun...." Hyeri had held her hands behind her back and waltz toward him. Baekhyun slowly gazed up at the sight of a new Hyeri. Her brown hair fell just under her jawline. Personally, Baekhyun liked it. "How is it? Is it worse?" 

Baekhyun barely choked out a simple no. Hyeri with short hair got Baekhyun falling head-over-heels for her. "Y-You look-look great." He gulped. 

"You don't seem sure." 

"I'm positive." Collecting himself, Baekhyun got up and paid. The bell chimed as Hyeri exited the hair parlor. 

"See you soon, Hyeri." The stylist waved and Hyeri nodded back. 

"What time is it?" Hyeri trotted down the street.

"It's 2:15 P.M." Baekhyun checked his phone. His bare IPhone5 sat in his hand with no case.

Hyeri leaned over and examined the device. "Where's your case?"

Baekhyun slipped his phone back into his pocket. "I don't have one. They're expensive." Hyeri's lips were zipped into a thin line. 

"We need to go somewhere, it'll be quick." Hyeri dragged Baekhyun by his wrist. 

"We need to get back to the hospital." Baekhyun whined.

"It's going to be fast." Hyeri darted for a clothing shop a block away. Opening the door, Hyeri pulled Baekhyun to a glass box. "Choose one."

"What?" Baekhyun asked. Peering in, Baekhyun saw a variety of phone cases. There were plain neon colored ones, bejeweled ones, but the one Baekhyun laid eyes on was a piano key one. Hyeri noticed his stare. Following his eyes, Hyeri spotted the case.

"You play piano?" Her voice broke Baekhyun's thoughts.

"Yeah...wait.." He was so ready to march out of that shop, "why are we here?"

"We're here to buy you a phone case. It's so bare." Hyeri signaled over the worker. 

"How may I help you?" She greeted brightly.

Hyeri held onto Baekhyun's wrist to keep him from walking out. "How much is that case?"

"It's... 50,000 won." Baekhyun's eyes were the size of beach balls. 

"No, we're leaving."

"Baekhyun, wait-"

Baekhyun stopped in his tracks, "For what? We don't even have any money with us."

"I'm buying it for you." 

"No, you are not."

"Yes I am. That case please." Hyeri pointed at the piano case and the worker walked over to the cash register. 

"Hyeri, why are you buying it for me?" 

"Baekhyun, sometimes you need to risk things for your happiness. I saw the spark in your eyes, you fell in love with it the moment you saw it. You need to learn to let go sometimes." Hyeri punched in her credit card number.

"Would you like a bag, Miss Kyo?" The worker picked up the case. Hyeri wasn't surprised the worker caught on to who she was. Hyeri shook her head and hauled Baekhyun over.

"Can I see your phone?" Hyeri beamed sweetly. Baekhyun groaned and placed it in her hand. The phone was now covered with a brand new case. "Oh smile will you? It's not that bad. You have it now, turn that frown upside down." 

"Okay okay. Thank you, Hyeri." Baekhyun gave in and a small grin appeared on his face. 

Hyeri shuffled to her room. As she entered, she saw Darcy and her mom crying, her dad at her mom's shoulders and a doctor. "Hyeri!" Darcy sobbed.

"Darce, what's wrong?" Hyeri kneeled down and hugged the crying child.

"Miss Kyo, this doesn't involve you. Please, go back to your room." The doctor asked. Hyeri shot a glare at him.

"This is my room, doctor. If Darcy says she doesn't want me to know then you don't have to tell me but right now, I think you need to spill something." Hyeri rubbed Darcy's back.

"Darcy needs surgery, open surgery." His dad looked stress and her mom sobbed harder. "And it's more pricey than we expected it. We used all our money already, we have nothing left and that means no surgery. " 

Hyeri was ready to breakdown into tears too. Hyeri couldn't stand losing Darcy, she was Hyeri's first true friend. "Money? That's all you need?" Hyeri got up.

"Yes. *315,225,000 won." Hyeri was shocked at the number, but without any hesitation, she pushed the doctor outside.

"What is it, Miss Kyo?" He huffed.

"I'll pay the cost for Darcy's surgery." The doctor looked as if he didn't hear her correctly. "If 315,225,000 won is what you need, you'll get it, anything to help Darcy." 

"Are you absolutely sure about this? You do realize this is your money." 

"Yes, I do realize, but Darcy means a lot to me and she deserves a life to live. When is the surgery?"

"Two weeks from now, she needs it soon or it will be too late. She's already having signs of an infection." The doctor seemed flustered by Hyeri's sudden generosity. 

"Okay, whatever you do, don't tell Darcy or her parents about me doing this for them. I don't want them to feel as if they owe me something." Hyeri peered inside the room at the distress family. Something about the sight made Hyeri's heart break. She knew this was the right decision. 

"Of course, Miss. Kyo. You're doing a really good thing for them. I'm very sorry that the hospital staff has been treating you very badly. You're really not who we thought you were." The doctor gave Hyeri a warm smile and patted her shoulder.

"Not all of the staff treats me badly. Baekhyun has been nice to me ever since I got here, you should give him a raise or something." Hyeri rolled her eyes and slid back into the room. Slipping off her slippers, Hyeri climbed into bed and shut her eyes. The doctor marched back in.

"The money has been covered, Darcy's surgery will be two weeks from now. Good luck and prepare well." Hyeri tried to shut them out. She didn't want to hear them talk about it. She didn't want them to know it was her.

"The cost has been lifted? By who?"

"Darcy's guardian angel." A burning sensation spreaded across Hyeri's chest. She heard Darcy's mom gasp and Darcy stop crying.

"This is great, Darcy! You're going to be okay." Her mom cheered and Hyeri faded off into Dreamland. She had enough of today.


*315,225,000 WON is 272,218.85 USD

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sharonkokobean #1
Chapter 10: I miss baekhyun so much you know. I almost cried. It’s just so sad. Fortunately hyeri has sehun. My heart is broken into so many pieces.
Naya1024 #2
Chapter 10: My heart just broke in two with that ending
Chapter 10: you deserve more subscribers really-
Chapter 8: ;___; Darcy no
This was so bittersweet I'm so emotional ahhhh. I looooovee the ending, it was so perfect and cute and lovely q__q I love how Darcy helped Baek and Hyeri come together and I can totally picture them building their lives together and everything
Chapter 8: Omg I was crying the whole time reading this T-T
I can't pinpoint exactly what it is, but something about your writing is just oddly soothing and imo fits the tone of the story in a sweet kind of way.
I really like how lovely the connections between baek, hyeri and darcy are, it's just so cute and nice ;___; I really hope darcy ends up being okay
Super looking forward to the next chapters ♡