3: Getting To Know Hyeri

Labeled; A Baekhyun Fanfiction

"Miss.Kyo, please wake up." A cold hand touched Hyeri's arm. Hyeri rubbed her eyes open and before her was a new face. He was tall, his light brown hair was pushed up and he had a warm smile. He wore a white lab coat, identical to the previous doctor. "Ah! Good Morning." 

"Who are you?" Hyeri groaned and sat up. The sunlight from the window shined in her face - almost blinding her. She squinted and tried to use her arm to block it off.

"Here, I got that for you." Reaching over, the new doctor closed the curtains for her. "I'm Dr.Lee but you can call me Dr.Taemin. I bet the last doctor didn't even introduce his name." Hyeri shook her head. 

Taemin smiled and sat down on her bed. "Don't worry, I won't hold the thing with your grandfather against you." 

"T-Thank you." Hyeri stuttered. She stared at him, taking in his simple features.

"Is there something on my face?" He joked and his hands touched around his face, making Hyeri chuckled. 

"No.. you just look really young.... like Baekhyun. I bet all the nurses are all over you." Hyeri didn't mean to flirt, she was only telling the truth. Taemin laughed and his cheeks turned pink. "Speaking of nurses, where's your's? Shouldn't there be a snobby nurse by your side?"

"I didn't call for one. I think we'll be fine with a one-on-one talk, don't you think?" Taemin smoothed out the wrinkles in the bed sheets. Hyeri nodded.

"Okay so, I just need to ask you some quick questions." Taemin looked through the file.

"I know." 

"But think of it as a normal conversation, like I'm a friend of your's." 

Hyeri folded her hands in her lap, "too bad my friends don't talk about things like this."

"What do you talk about then?" Taemin looked up from his papers. They shared intense eye contact. Hyeri felt as if she was mesmerized by him.

Hyeri turned as red as a tomato as she thought about her 'friends.' "Um.. we talk about the latest trends and who has the most money." She felt embarrassed for telling Taemin. He only smiled and ruffled his papers.

"Well, think of me as a different type of friend. A friend who you tell your problems to." Hyeri nodded. "How are you lately? Enjoying life?" 

"Not really, to be honest. I'm suppose to be living a normal teenage life, but I'm not. After my grandpa left, all his money, business, everything was passed onto my step mom. She's suddenly went on vacation, so everything is now passed onto me." Hyeri looked at the curtains as Taemin scribbled down something quickly.

"Are you happy?" The question stuck to Hyeri. She fiddled with her fingers.

"No... not really." Taemin sighed and placed his pencil and papers on the bed. Grabbing Hyeri's hand, he rubbed his thumb over her backhand.

"Have you ever fainted before?" Hyeri thought long and hard. 

"Only recently." Taemin nodded and patted her head. "Dr.Taemin... what's wrong with me?" Hyeri's voice cracked.

"You have depression, Miss. Kyo." Hyeri's mouth gaped open. How could she have depression?

"It can't be. I've never noticed." 

Taemin gathered his things and got up. "You've never noticed because you were too busy to pay attention to your health. I'm guess you thought you were healthy?" 

"Am I not..?" Tears formed in Hyeri's eyes.

"Hyeri, your eating habits have changed, you faint from being underweight, you sleep more than a normal person really should, you have rebellious behavior. You're pretty far from being healthy."

"So what now?" Hyeri hugged her skinny arms. She was scared at the news.

Taemin gripped the files, "you'll have to stay under hospital care until you're better. You have not developed any suicidal thoughts yet, which is good. I'll prescribe you some anti-depression medicine."

"Dr.Taemin... can you change my room back? I don't like it here. I miss Darcy." Hyeri pouted her lips and Taemin sighed. 

"Oh alright. I'll get right on it." Hyeri jumped and held Taemin's hand.

"Thank you so much!"

"Hyeri Unnie! You're back." Darcy cheered from her bed. Baekhyun slowly helped Hyeri back into her own. 

"How have you been doing, Darcy?" Hyeri asked as Baekhyun tucked her in.

"Better now that you're back. I was really worried for you when you were being carried into your new room." Baekhyun smiled and eyed Hyeri, making her to do the same.  

"Buzz if you need me." Baekhyun said cooly and walked out of the room. An idea erupted in Hyeri's head and she pressed the red button. The familiar buzz went off and Baekhyun came waltzing back in. "Hm, that took longer than expected. What's up?" A gummy boy smile appeared on the nurse's face.

"Can you help me over to Darcy? I want to be closer to her." Baekhyun nodded at her request and carefully brought Hyeri over to Darcy, who sat excitingly in her blankets. Hyeri finally saw Darcy face to face. Darcy's skin looked smooth and her green eyes were breath taking up close. "Since I will be staying here for a while, why don't we all get to know each other more? This includes you too, Baekhyun."

Laughing, Baekhyun pulled up a chair next to the bed. "I'm all ears." Darcy giggled and clapped her hands.

"You haven't answer my question from last night, Baekhyun." Hyeri touched Darcy's hand. Carefully lifting it up, Hyeri compared how tiny Darcy's hand was.

"What question?" Baekhyun watched Hyeri.

Hyeri placed Darcy's hand back on her lap. "What did my grandpa do?" 

"Why do the nurses talk about your grandpa so much?" Darcy asked with a tiny voice. Hyeri shrugged and looked over at Baekhyun. "Baekhyun Oppa, do you know?"

"Yeah, Baekhyun Oppa, why don't you tell us about my grandpa?" Hyeri teased and Baekhyun's cheeks were tinted pink. 

"I only heard stories. I didn't take care of him, he wasn't on my floor. Not to disrespect your grandfather or anything, but the nurses and doctors didn't like him." Baekhyun waited for a reaction from any of the girls. "He was rude, he worked the nurses and doctors to death. He thought he was a king because he was rich and above all of us. He couldn't stop complaining and he threaten to take jobs away. He played around with the doctors, causing chaos to break out."

"Is that why everyone hates me so much?" Hyeri choked. 

"They only hate you because you're a Kyo and they thought that since you're his granddaughter, you were going to be stuck up. They thought since you were a teenager, you were going to be much worse." 

"But I'm not. Baekhyun, I'm nothing like him, at least I don't try to be. Do you think I'm like that, Darcy?" Darcy immediately shook her head. She shook it so hard, Baekhyun and Hyeri were afraid her tiny neck would snap and her head would fall off. Baekhyun placed a hand on Darcy's shoulder to calm her down. "No one understands me."

"Well here's your chance to clear up your name to two people." Baekhyun smirked and Hyeri grinned.

"Everyone thinks they know me. They see me as a spoiled rich girl. The only reason I act like I do is because it's what they want right? They think of me like that so I'm giving them what they want, but they're never pleased. I have personality. I have feelings. My grandpa didn't make our family seem any better. Everyone labels me as a rich girl with no heart. It stresses me out because I have to listen to them talk about me behind my back. I work behind the scenes, I get tired too. I get tired of living this life. I'm nothing like what people assume I'm like, I swear. I know people who are actually mean and rude. They think I'm stuck up? They should meet my friends." Hyeri put quotation marks over the word friends.

"Are you saying your friends, aren't your real friends?" Baekhyun leaned back in his chair. Darcy sat quietly, taking in all the information.

Hyeri hesitated to answer him. "I've never had a real friend, Baekhyun. I've never had a friend who I can share secrets with, a friend to talk about life, my problems with. I never had a friend who made me laugh by a funny joke and not by a disgusting outfit someone was wearing. All my so called friends are snobs. They're like the nurses. They're two faced and they're the real brats - not me. I use to be like that though. My grandma straighten me out. She told me that being rich isn't everything. She told me that there are much more in life than wealth and popularity. She told me not to be the typical rich girl everyone will think that I am, will label me as."

Darcy touched Hyeri's hand with her index finger, "where is she now?"

Hyeri gave her a small smile, "she's in a better place." 

"You miss her?" Baekhyun asked.

Hyeri watched Darcy's finger glide across her back hand, she nodded. "...Yea. A lot, actually. After she left, that's when everything went down hill. My grandpa was emitted into the hospital and the family business had a hectic time. I had to stop my life and take care of the business. I became an adult at age 16." 

"I was probably drinking soda, soaking in the country sun, enjoying the slow day when you were probably running around in a office with tinted windows." Baekhyun chuckled. 

"You probably were." Hyeri smiled.

"I better get back to work. I'll come see you soon." Baekhyun pushed his chair back under the table, leaving Darcy and Hyeri alone.

"Are you getting better, Darcy?" Hyeri gently touched Darcy's face. A wide smile appeared on the innocent ten-year-old's face.

"I think so. My doctor hasn't told me. I have a question though, Unnie." 

"What's on your mind?" Hyeri leaned against the wall.

Darcy giggled to herself, "do you like Baekhyun Oppa?" Hyeri laughed loudly, even slapping her knee to emphasis how funny the question was. "Unnie, I'm serious."

"No. Baekhyun Oppa is our nurse. It is his job to take care of us. I don't like him like that. Even if I did, he wouldn't feel the same."

"Why not?"

"I think he completely patient-zoned me. We're also nothing alike." 

"Opposites attract." Darcy smirked proudly.

Hyeri tapped Darcy's nose, "where are you learning such silly things?"

"I learned it when I went to school." Darcy's smile dropped and she played with her fingers. Her head hung low and she mumbled, "I miss school and my old friends." Hyeri could tell how sad she was by the tone of her voice.

"Hey hey, It's okay." Hyeri lifted Darcy's chin and softly pinched her cheek. "You have me now. I'm your friend, remember." Darcy nodded and leaned in to hug Hyeri. Hyeri rubbed her back to reassure her that everything was all right.

"Darcy?" A lady's voice called. Letting go, Hyeri turned around to see a woman around her late twenties and a male in his early thirties. The man was European with rough features and shaggy, blonde hair. The woman was a Korean goddess with thin pink lips, milky white skin and long brown hair. Hyeri imagined Darcy's hair would be a mixture of a lighter brown. 

"Umma! Appa!" Darcy perked up and eagerly pulled her mom by her coat. "This is Kyo Hyeri, my new friend." 

"You're a Kyo?" The woman's eyebrows knitted together. "Darcy, you can't talk to her." 

"Why not? Just because she's a Kyo doesn't mean she's mean and selfish. In fact, Hyeri's so nice. Umma, you have to believe me, trust me on this." Darcy pleaded. Her mom huffed and looked at Hyeri in disgust.

"Honey, let it go. I don't think anyone can rub off of our sweet Darcy. She knows better, just let her be." Darcy's dad held her mom and carefully caressed Darcy's face.

"See... appa understands!" Darcy cheered. 

"You better not influence her one bit, you hear Kyo?" Darcy's mom threaten Hyeri. Throughout the whole time, Hyeri hadn't peeped a word. 

"I won't." Those were the only words Hyeri could utter out. If she had spoken more, Darcy's mom would've slapped her.


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sharonkokobean #1
Chapter 10: I miss baekhyun so much you know. I almost cried. It’s just so sad. Fortunately hyeri has sehun. My heart is broken into so many pieces.
Naya1024 #2
Chapter 10: My heart just broke in two with that ending
Chapter 10: you deserve more subscribers really-
Chapter 8: ;___; Darcy no
This was so bittersweet I'm so emotional ahhhh. I looooovee the ending, it was so perfect and cute and lovely q__q I love how Darcy helped Baek and Hyeri come together and I can totally picture them building their lives together and everything
Chapter 8: Omg I was crying the whole time reading this T-T
I can't pinpoint exactly what it is, but something about your writing is just oddly soothing and imo fits the tone of the story in a sweet kind of way.
I really like how lovely the connections between baek, hyeri and darcy are, it's just so cute and nice ;___; I really hope darcy ends up being okay
Super looking forward to the next chapters ♡