Heechul's plan

on hold

For the first time ever, no dreams interrupted his sleep. For the first time ever since that incident, he didn't woke up screaming and sweating. For the first time ever, sleep didn't make him more tired than being awake. 

Sunggyu opened his eyes and for a moment wondered where he was. The unfamiliar room was so different from his and he momentarily forgot what happened. Ah. Junhyung. He covered his eyes with his arms, delaying the moment he needs to wake and face the world. 

Junhyung must have slipped out early on for his flight, leaving Sunggyu in his home. For a moment he just laid there, his thoughts chasing one another. Despite Junhyung's assurance, he knew he couldn't stay there forever. But he was also lost on where he should go. 

He couldn't go back to his parents home. No, that was out of the question. His home...well. He just couldn't. Hoya and Dongwoo didn't kick him out but he sure as hell won't be staying with people who betrayed him. And where that left him. Nowhere.

He couldn't work, no one in the entertainment industry would dare to give him a work. For the first time in six years, Kim Sunggyu was lost. Where should he step on next, where would he be safe? 

Annoyed, he rolled off the bed and fell with a huff on the floor. First thing first, let's clean up. He nodded to himself and tried to crawl his way to the toilet, only to give up halfway. He wasn't going out anyway, why should he cleaned. He was already too far from the bed to go back and the plush carpet was actually quite comfortable. Before long, he drifted back to sleep.

And that was how Heechul found him an hour later, snoozing in the middle of the bedroom. Never one for proprietary, he simply kicked the younger's to wake him up.

"Yah! Wake up! What are you doing on the floor?!" Sunggyu groaned as his eyes landed on his friend's flowery shirt.

"Hyung, it's autumn. Your shirt should be wilted by now."

"This brat. Are you still dreaming? Get up now."

"What are you doing here?" Sunggyu sat up lazily, mostly to avoid getting kicked again.

"I'm taking you out to drink, what else." Sunggyu raised his eyebrow as he checked his watch.

"Are you sure you want to be seen drinking with me in the middle of the day?"

"What's wrong with being seen with your? And now is as good as anytime."

"Hyung..." Heechul dropped to his knees and cupped Sunggyu's face to force Sunggyu to look at him.

"Listen to me, Kim Sunggyu. We'll get you back up there. No matter what happened."

"What if I don't want to do that? What if I don't want to sing anymore?"

"Then I'll ing date you!" Sunggyu laughed at the older's words. No matter how hollow the laugh was, Heechul painted a smile on his face to match him.

"Now, up up up. We have more than five pubs to drain."

"You're paying, hyung." 

"Of course, gotta support my boyfriend because he doesn't want to sing anymore." Sunggyu managed another laugh before disappearing into the toilet. After making sure Sunggyu was safely away, he texted on his phone secretly.

'Got him out. Get ready.'

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AllaireK #1
Chapter 5: Please update author nim.... I love you and I'm more than just excited to read more...... Love you
nikhyun #2
Chapter 5: Love your storyyyyy!! Great story!
chocohazelnut #3
Chapter 5: I love it when Sunggyu interact with his celeb friends, even if it's only on fanfic >//<
KiwiPrincess #4
Chapter 5: Welcome to Around Us Ent., Kim sunggyu... :D

Thank you for the update.. ^^
imsmlee86 #5
Chapter 5: Seriously, a welcome picture in BOXER ONLY, yang yoseob take me as your apparentice xD
imsmlee86 #6
Chapter 4: THINGS ESCALATED QUICKLY I THOUGHT I STILL CAN ENJOY A SILENT MOMENT OF CURSING WOOHYUN- but with him being such a sweet puppy who'd dare to ㅠㅠ
Chapter 4: love this update! ^^
sha_alina19 #8
Chapter 4: Huaahhh....its sad...
sha_alina19 #9
Chapter 3: im curious what incident?? urgh...pleaseeee uppdatee next chap...
Chapter 3: Wow I'm looking forward to this story