

Where in Hyejeong doesn't know what osculation means. So Seolhyun showed her what it truly is. 


2nd one-shot for Seoljeong. I'll keep it at it. Comments and votes are appreciated.


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cupcaketree123 #1
Chapter 1: That was short. But it made me yearn for more~
RazerBlade #2
Chapter 1: It's a nice fanfic but noooo, osculation is a nounnnn
shotonthechest #3
Chapter 1: I don't usually read one-shots 'cause I can never get enough of a good fanfic, and that's how I feel right now. This fanfic was amazing! Make more please^^
aicatibog #4
Chapter 1: Wow I don't know it was so short but I really enjoyed it. Great job! P.s. I learned a new word today!!!!
Chapter 1: Wahh. Never thought Hyejeong-unnie would be the shy type or that Seolhyunnie would be the bold type. XD
Chapter 1: I did not like it. I FEAKING LOVED IT !!
Chapter 1: So straightforward!
lol XD
YonggieBu #8
Chapter 1: I like it although it was quite short ^^ cutie hyejeong ~ ♥ author when are u going to update babysitting her for a week kekeke..